Only 19 days til Festivus!!!

How dare anyone celebrate anything other than the baby Jesus
ha ha, guno, you're a moron. So are you rightwinger. Nobody gives a damn about Festivus.
Never much got the war on Christmas myself...I don't see can't swing a dead cat by the tail between November 25th and January 1st without knocking over someone's Christmas decorations
ha ha, guno, you're a moron. So are you rightwinger. Nobody gives a damn about Festivus.

Festivus is the fastest rising Holiday of the season

Yea....Christmas has a 2 thousand year head start, but is already looking over its shoulder

Christmases days are numbered
Does anyone care if you or guno celebrate this made up holiday?
ha ha, guno, you're a moron. So are you rightwinger. Nobody gives a damn about Festivus.

Festivus is the fastest rising Holiday of the season

Yea....Christmas has a 2 thousand year head start, but is already looking over its shoulder

Christmases days are numbered
Wow, what a deluded idiot you are. Festivus was created as a joke by the comedy writers on the Seinfeld TV show. If you are taking this holiday as some serious threat to Christmas, then you have really drunk the atheist Kool-Aid. Get help.
ha ha, guno, you're a moron. So are you rightwinger. Nobody gives a damn about Festivus.

Festivus is the fastest rising Holiday of the season

Yea....Christmas has a 2 thousand year head start, but is already looking over its shoulder

Christmases days are numbered
Wow, what a deluded idiot you are. Festivus was created as a joke by the comedy writers on the Seinfeld TV show. If you are taking this holiday as some serious threat to Christmas, then you have really drunk the atheist Kool-Aid. Get help.

The airing of grievances has already begun by the Christmas crowd
I hear tell that Jesus was black.
He was as white as alabaster, you racist pig! And he spoke American Republican.


Oh, please. Waterboarding is not torture. Try being nailed to a cross. THAT is torture!
I would actually celebrate that as I don't observe the pagan-based holiday that the christians appropriated for themselves

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