Only idiots will own businesses now, clever ones begin to close and to sell them. Postapocalypse beginns now


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just spoke with some good acquaintances who ( still ) own business, but they are going to close them and to lay off employees. They do not believe politicians and are sure after some time lock-downs can be repeated for no reason. Today due to Corona virus, tomorrow due the new flu, later because of big wasps etc.
Business people understand well, politicians can simple ruin their lifeworks and use as toilet paper all existing laws and constitutions. Even if all authors of lock-downs and lying presstitutes go to prisons nothing will be changed.
The first time in the history societies were practically rapped by governments.No equal happened even in the Middle Ages or earlier.
Never churches were closed and governments prohibited relatives to say farewell their passed away loved ones
Also, grab popcorn, watch the show and relax.
Our countries are going to die.

First of all our economies will perish because no one will invest even one cent in businesses.
Than lay offs, bankruptcies without end, closing of groceries, supermarkets, shops etc.
Thereafter a war against 'vaccine' , havoc, criminals get the power
What going next read Post-apocalypse books and say 'thank' to dirty trash like Putin, Merkel, Macron, Erdogan & Co

Not sure why. Now is a good time for capitalists to upgrade their infrastructure for bottom line purposes. Supply side economics means we should have no supply problems.

How your 'capitalists' can be sure MS politicians & presstututes don't invent the Corona Hoax 2.0 and rob businesses on second time?

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