Only In Liberal-land Does 2+2=46!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Once again I keep asking liberals to explain:
Should 10 million people that are NOT citizens be counted as "uninsured" Americans?
Should 14 million people that all ...YES they need do is register with Medicaid...that's it... should the be counted as part of the "uninsured"? I mean they are already eligible so why are they counted as uninsured when it is the government's failure to register them?
Should 18 million people who CHOOSE NOT to be insured because they don't need it (under 34) but can afford it (make over $50k) but CHOOSE NOT to enroll in employers' health plans. They choose NOT to.

So WHY was the math so complicated to figure out there NEVER were 46 million uninsured?
Because Obamacare would have NEVER BEEN PASSED!
If just 7 of the YES votes realized ..."WAIT... there are NOT 46 million uninsured but less the 4 million that really want and need why are we destroying the health system for less then 4 million when we can't even enroll 14 million under Medicaid NOW?"

When Liberal-land dwellers use this kind of math... it is NOT reality!
It is a fact... Subtract 42 million from 46 million leaves 4 million!
When will the rest of the non-Liberal-Land dwellers understand that???
Liberal land, AKA, reality. Didn't read the rest of your shit.
Liberal land, AKA, reality. Didn't read the rest of your shit.
See and that's your liberal problem! You form opinions BASED on extremely shrift data.... again words that go way over your head I'm sure!!!
Does 2+2= 4 to you ? I'm not kidding because if it does then how in the hell can you accept there were 46 million "uninsured" when the premise was flawed i.e. 10 million not legal, 14 million all need do is register and 18 million don't want! Yet in Liberal-Land everybody must toe the line!
Must listen and obey the great Messiah! Well bull.crap...!
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I am waiting for just an inkling of common sense from you liberal/Obamacare supporters to the simple facts that:
1) 10 million of the 46 million are not citizens!
2) 14 million all simply need register with Medicaid and this was BEFORE Obamacare! That's all. Yet they are counted as uninsured.
They maybe "uninformed" but they are definitely NOT 14 million people who couldn't get insurance...i.e. qualified for Medicaid!
3) Since when is it FAIR to count people that CHOOSE not to be insured as they don't need it. Can afford it but refuse employers health plan?
All this "fairness" crap why were 18 million people counted that NEVER wanted to be insured?
Again simple math. 42 million from 46 million leaves 4 million...yet the biggest lie told there were 46 million is what got this gigantic cluster...K!
Anyone of the YES house votes if they KNEW there weren't 46 million as the above numbers illustrate would NOT have voted YES!
That simple.... yet we now have a gigantic collapse ahead of our health system which is what Obama wanted in the first place!
Pure ignorance or extreme deceit... either way the USA health system will NOT improve but continue to be destroyed...all because a majority
of people can't figure out there were never 46 million uninsured!
Once again I keep asking liberals to explain:
Should 10 million people that are NOT citizens be counted as "uninsured" Americans?
Should 14 million people that all ...YES they need do is register with Medicaid...that's it... should the be counted as part of the "uninsured"? I mean they are already eligible so why are they counted as uninsured when it is the government's failure to register them?
Should 18 million people who CHOOSE NOT to be insured because they don't need it (under 34) but can afford it (make over $50k) but CHOOSE NOT to enroll in employers' health plans. They choose NOT to.

So WHY was the math so complicated to figure out there NEVER were 46 million uninsured?
Because Obamacare would have NEVER BEEN PASSED!
If just 7 of the YES votes realized ..."WAIT... there are NOT 46 million uninsured but less the 4 million that really want and need why are we destroying the health system for less then 4 million when we can't even enroll 14 million under Medicaid NOW?"

When Liberal-land dwellers use this kind of math... it is NOT reality!
It is a fact... Subtract 42 million from 46 million leaves 4 million!
When will the rest of the non-Liberal-Land dwellers understand that???

Looking at the health care law, it's obvious that it wasn't written to improve health care. It was written to transfer considerable power from the people to government. That is why the Obamacare website looks like an afterthought. Over a billion dollars and we still don't have a website as good as previous websites, owned by private companies, that helped people sign up for policies and had few problems.

They managed to pass the bill by lying about what was in it and fabricating a crisis to garner up support. If they had been honest about the people who wanted but couldn't afford healthcare, the focus would have been on getting them on Medicaid or Medicare. Simple.

Now, more than 4 million are uninsured, many of which were previously insured and happy with what they had. The ones insured for the first time could have simply qualified for Medicaid and would have roughly what they have now, but for a lot less money from tax payers.

Liberals are starting to admit that Obamacare was designed to fail because it was meant to be a stepping stone to single payer. They relish the thought of putting insurance companies out of businesses, which of course will decrease revenue and result in loss of jobs. Once the power is ceded to government, they show how much they don't really care about people.

Every dictatorship happened because leaders pretended to care about the poor. All that 'caring' lead to more and more oppressive legislation that crippled the private sector until government controlled everything. Once that happened, people could suffer and complain all day, but no one was coming to save them. Big government politicians want power and will do anything to get it. They don't give a shit about people now and that won't change once they have the power.

Just try complaining to government because they are doing a bad job. They don't have to be good at what they do when they have power.
Once again I keep asking liberals to explain:
Should 10 million people that are NOT citizens be counted as "uninsured" Americans?
Should 14 million people that all ...YES they need do is register with Medicaid...that's it... should the be counted as part of the "uninsured"? I mean they are already eligible so why are they counted as uninsured when it is the government's failure to register them?
Should 18 million people who CHOOSE NOT to be insured because they don't need it (under 34) but can afford it (make over $50k) but CHOOSE NOT to enroll in employers' health plans. They choose NOT to.

So WHY was the math so complicated to figure out there NEVER were 46 million uninsured?
Because Obamacare would have NEVER BEEN PASSED!
If just 7 of the YES votes realized ..."WAIT... there are NOT 46 million uninsured but less the 4 million that really want and need why are we destroying the health system for less then 4 million when we can't even enroll 14 million under Medicaid NOW?"

When Liberal-land dwellers use this kind of math... it is NOT reality!
It is a fact... Subtract 42 million from 46 million leaves 4 million!
When will the rest of the non-Liberal-Land dwellers understand that???

Looking at the health care law, it's obvious that it wasn't written to improve health care. It was written to transfer considerable power from the people to government. That is why the Obamacare website looks like an afterthought. Over a billion dollars and we still don't have a website as good as previous websites, owned by private companies, that helped people sign up for policies and had few problems.

They managed to pass the bill by lying about what was in it and fabricating a crisis to garner up support. If they had been honest about the people who wanted but couldn't afford healthcare, the focus would have been on getting them on Medicaid or Medicare. Simple.

Now, more than 4 million are uninsured, many of which were previously insured and happy with what they had. The ones insured for the first time could have simply qualified for Medicaid and would have roughly what they have now, but for a lot less money from tax payers.

Liberals are starting to admit that Obamacare was designed to fail because it was meant to be a stepping stone to single payer. They relish the thought of putting insurance companies out of businesses, which of course will decrease revenue and result in loss of jobs. Once the power is ceded to government, they show how much they don't really care about people.

Every dictatorship happened because leaders pretended to care about the poor. All that 'caring' lead to more and more oppressive legislation that crippled the private sector until government controlled everything. Once that happened, people could suffer and complain all day, but no one was coming to save them. Big government politicians want power and will do anything to get it. They don't give a shit about people now and that won't change once they have the power.

Just try complaining to government because they are doing a bad job. They don't have to be good at what they do when they have power.

You wrote: "The ones insured for the first time could have simply qualified for Medicaid and would have roughly what they have now, but for a lot less money from tax payers."

"Part of the apparent over-counting of the uninsured [Census says 46 million uninsured and figure used to pass by just 7 YES votes ACA!!!]
in the Census data is likely due to a serious undercounting of Medicaid enrollees.
[Means Census didn't count people with Medicaid when they concluded "46 million uninsured.]

While the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reported Medicaid enrollment of 51 million in 2002, the Census reported only 33 million, a difference of 18 million people.
This trend continues in 2003 with a .7 percentage point increase in Medicaid enrollment by the Census Bureau, putting that number at 35 million, but CMS reports 53 million enrollees. This discrepancy is, to say the least, problematic."
[PROBLEMATIC? If CMS says there are 53 million on Medicaid and Census says 35 million who is right? The agency that pays the bills or the agency that GUESSES at the number? Either way there are 18 million MORE on Medicaid by CMS then the Census reports...which again these 18 million missing from the Census are COUNTED by the Census as part of the 46 million "uninsured"]


Policymakers and policy experts have no excuse for not owning up to this fact and should supply it as a major caveat whenever making use of the Census data on the uninsured.
The Census Bureau's statement that its survey "is not designed primarily to collect health insurance data" should be accepted at face value: it is an internal recognition that the Bureau's methodology for this task is flawed.
Counting the Uninsured Why Congress Should Look Beyond the CensusFigures
In the real world babies born with birth defects are now able to have as many surgeries as necessary without worrying about yearly/lifetime caps. Thanks Mr. President.
In the real world babies born with birth defects are now able to have as many surgeries as necessary without worrying about yearly/lifetime caps. Thanks Mr. President.
That's bull crap!
Prove it! I need to see the exact situations where that is occurring because it WAS happening BEFORE ACA!
In the real world babies born with birth defects are now able to have as many surgeries as necessary without worrying about yearly/lifetime caps. Thanks Mr. President.

In the real world that could have already happened if the bleeding hearts were as compassion as they claim and emptied their pockets when they say a need. You didn't need an unqualified black man telling you to do that.
Looking at the health care law, it's obvious that it wasn't written to improve health care.

That doesn't explain why care is improving, then. In fact, it leaves it as a total mystery why hospitals are getting safer, performance on quality measures is improving, and quality in Medicare Advantage is up.

For instance, why are preventable hospital readmissions and the prevalence of dangerous hospital-acquired conditions falling? Who knows!
The new figures, published Wednesday by Health and Human Services, show that readmission rates — which held steady at 19 percent from 2007 to 2011 — fell to 18.5 percent in 2012 and 17.5 percent in 2013.

Those percentages can seem small but they add up: the 1.5-percentage-point decrease in readmissions accounts for 150,000 fewer patients readmitted to a hospital when they didn't need to be.

The drop in readmissions has coincided with the start of a new Obamacare program that penalizes hospitals that have the highest readmission rates.
Overall, Health and Human Services shows that the number of hospital-acquired conditions has fallen by 9 percent over the past three years. In 2010, there were 145 problems acquired in the hospital per 1,000 patients discharged. In 2012, that rate stands at 132.

This decline has also coincided with health law programs that try to penalize these exact types of events. The health care law's value-based purchasing program, for example, penalizes hospitals if they don't hit certain quality metrics — and, alternatively, rewards hospitals if they do really great. These are also the type of events that can lead to readmissions, meaning that the health care law's readmission penalties could have also played a role.

Medicare Advantage plan quality grew after after some law (which one? who knows!) began rewarding performance, as documented by the National Committee for Quality Assurance:
This year we saw significant improvement in measures included in the Medicare Star rating pay-for-performance program for health plans that participate in Medicare Advantage. Although Medicare Advantage plans have reported on quality and results have been reported to consumers for many years, the Affordable Care Act required the Medicare program to make higher payments to health plans with better quality performance, starting in 2012. In addition to this new program, the Department of Health and Human Services established a demonstration program to complement it, making even higher payments to plans with better performance.

Health care provider organizations are showing the potential to improve quality while holding down (even reducing ) costs. What created the program that's making this happen? Who can say!
Last year, the ACOs had higher quality and better patient experience than published benchmarks. This year, the ACOs improved significantly for almost all of the quality and patient experience measures demonstrating that these organizations improve care. ACOs in the Pioneer ACO Model and Medicare Shared Shavings Program (Shared Savings Program) also generated over $372 million in total program savings for Medicare ACOs. At the same time, ACOs qualified for shared savings payments of $445 million. The encouraging news comes from preliminary quality and financial results from the second year of performance for 23 Pioneer ACOs and the first year of performance for 220 Shared Savings Program ACOs.
The mean quality score among Pioneer ACOs increased by 19 percent, from 71.8 percent in 2012 to 85.2 percent in 2013. The organizations showed improvements in 28 of the 33 quality measures and experienced average improvements of 14.8 percent across all quality measures.
Shared Savings Program ACOs improved on 30 of 33 quality measures. . . Shared Savings Program ACOs achieved higher average performance rates on 17 of the 22 Group Practice Reporting Option Web Interface measures reported by other Medicare FFS providers reporting through this system.

Just happy accidents, I guess!

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