OOOOps!!! Antarctic sea ice shows "significant expanding!!!

Heres the problem......that can even be stated by we stupid people!!

The deniers are winning HUGE!!! One look at climate legislation efforts over the past 6 or 7 years and any energy projection and what do you see?

He's right you know. It's not stopping, it's getting faster. We're going over the cliff, pedal to the metal. It's going to be fascinating to watch the too little, too late scramble to "do something" when it becomes obvious to all.

To me, the most ironic thing is, from all the discussions I've heard about how to mitigate the effects such as building sea walls, moving people inland, building alternative energy, etc. we're gonna do by...

burning fossil fuels.

Heck, sooner or later a positive feedback like melting methane hydrates or methane and CO2 from melting permafrost will take the result out of our hands anyway. Not that it's in our hands now.

Well.....thems the breaks s0n. We'll deal incrementally because if it even happens, it becomes an incremental problem. Better that than putting the foot on the gas and spending trillions ( thats with a T) and blowing up the economy.......which is never going to happen anyway. The Big Boys will see to that = 100% certainty.
For failing for the global warming nuters..........

Climate change is expanding Antarctica's sea ice, according to a scientific study in the journal Nature Geoscience.
1 April 2013 Last updated at 06:12 ET

The paradoxical phenomenon is thought to be caused by relatively cold plumes of fresh water derived from melting beneath the Antarctic ice shelves.

This melt water has a relatively low density, so it accumulates in the top layer of the ocean.

The cool surface waters then re-freeze more easily during Autumn and Winter.

This explains the observed peak in sea ice during these seasons, a team from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in De Bilt says in its peer-reviewed paper.

Climate scientists have been intrigued by observations that Antarctic sea ice shows a small but statistically significant expansion of about 1.9% per decade since 1985, while sea ice in the Arctic has been shrinking over past decades.

BBC News - Melt may explain Antarctica's sea ice expansion

Its getting to a point on here that every day, there is more and more news about the avalanche of evidence that the whole climate change stuff is a ruse.

Ask me how much Im laughing??!!!!!!:coffee:

You've quoted the part that explains why.
Don't you understand it?

Most definately dont understand it......nor do I care to. I just care about the bottom line which is more k00k AGW failing.......more stuff that is going to make people care even less about the bogus science.:up:

Sure, just look out your window and that'll tell you all you need to know.
"It's snowing at my house so obviously global warming is a hoax."
Ice cover has decreased nearly 70% on the five Great Lakes since the early 1970s, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Don't suppose that could be due to the proximity of already large and growing metropolitan areas and the amount of runoff and drainage into the lake...coupled with lower water levels huh?

Nothing whatsoever to do with climate and everyting do do wth the effects of urbanzation.
Heres the problem......that can even be stated by we stupid people!!

The deniers are winning HUGE!!! One look at climate legislation efforts over the past 6 or 7 years and any energy projection and what do you see?

He's right you know. It's not stopping, it's getting faster. We're going over the cliff, pedal to the metal. It's going to be fascinating to watch the too little, too late scramble to "do something" when it becomes obvious to all.

To me, the most ironic thing is, from all the discussions I've heard about how to mitigate the effects such as building sea walls, moving people inland, building alternative energy, etc. we're gonna do by...

burning fossil fuels.

Heck, sooner or later a positive feedback like melting methane hydrates or methane and CO2 from melting permafrost will take the result out of our hands anyway. Not that it's in our hands now.

Right. It's not in our hands. First correct statement ever made by a member of the AGW Cult
Don't suppose that could be due to the proximity of already large and growing metropolitan areas and the amount of runoff and drainage into the lake...coupled with lower water levels huh?

That claim of yours is on par with your usual grasp of the physics. Lower lake levels encourage freezing, because that it means there's less of a heat reservoir to cool down. That's why Lake Erie, the shallowest lake, is always the first lake to freeze, even though it's the southernmost lake.

And a conscious observer would also note that the big lakeside urban centers like Detroit and Cleveland have been shrinking, not growing.
You cannot refreeze more fresh water (in this effect) than you are generating from the melt. ((or if you can -- it's more complicated than the article implies))..

So if an EXPANSION is predicted due to this effect, it's all about VOLUME redistribution... Meaning that the silly-=ass simplistic definitions of Sea Ice are tangling the brains of BOTH SIDES here..

I don't "DO" Sea Ice for this very reason.. It's tainted by definitions and tells you virtually NOTHING about the climate at the poles.

But for crying out loud --- THIMK about the REAL MEANING of an "expansion" from the simple reformation of fresh water into ice again...
That claim of yours is on par with your usual grasp of the physics. Lower lake levels encourage freezing, because that it means there's less of a heat reservoir to cool down. That's why Lake Erie, the shallowest lake, is always the first lake to freeze, even though it's the southernmost lake.

You don't think runoff, etc from large metropolitian areas is warmer than the lake? If the water levels are dropping, you don't think warmer water running into shallower lakes creates more effect? Really? Interesting.
Just so people can see what a loon saigon is. His fundamental lack of honesty is fully displayed here...

Quote: Originally Posted by Saigon
Westwall -

You and I both know that predictions made about ice loss in the Arctic and on the collapse of global glaciers turned out to be much more conservative than what actually occured.

It's worth being honest about that.

No, they havn't been. In 2007 the revisionists were proclaiming an ice free arctic by 2013.
WHOOPS.... You see dear silly person with this wonderful thing called the internet we can go back and print up all the stupid halfwit claims made by the that revisionists like you can't revise history, and the historical record, to suit you.

Must suck to be so wrong so completely....all the gosh damned time.

Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'

By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

Arctic summer melting in 2007 set new records

Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice.

Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.

Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.

Summer melting this year reduced the ice cover to 4.13 million sq km, the smallest ever extent in modern times.

Remarkably, this stunning low point was not even incorporated into the model runs of Professor Maslowski and his team, which used data sets from 1979 to 2004 to constrain their future projections.

In the end, it will just melt away quite suddenly

Professor Peter Wadhams

"Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007," the researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, explained to the BBC.
"So given that fact, you can argue that may be our projection of 2013 is already too conservative."

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
The k00ks still dont get it.......evidently, the "denialist" is now becomming mainstream.........

Climate science: A sensitive matter | The Economist

Of course, the k00ks generally have their collective heads in every far left cable outlet/website so might have no clue about the significance of "The Economist" printing this story.
For failing for the global warming nuters..........

Climate change is expanding Antarctica's sea ice, according to a scientific study in the journal Nature Geoscience.
1 April 2013 Last updated at 06:12 ET

The paradoxical phenomenon is thought to be caused by relatively cold plumes of fresh water derived from melting beneath the Antarctic ice shelves.

This melt water has a relatively low density, so it accumulates in the top layer of the ocean.

The cool surface waters then re-freeze more easily during Autumn and Winter.

This explains the observed peak in sea ice during these seasons, a team from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in De Bilt says in its peer-reviewed paper.

Climate scientists have been intrigued by observations that Antarctic sea ice shows a small but statistically significant expansion of about 1.9% per decade since 1985, while sea ice in the Arctic has been shrinking over past decades.

BBC News - Melt may explain Antarctica's sea ice expansion

Its getting to a point on here that every day, there is more and more news about the avalanche of evidence that the whole climate change stuff is a ruse.

Ask me how much Im laughing??!!!!!!:coffee:

From your article:

That would be my best guess,

A "guess".

Seems there just hasn't been enough study on why a relatively SMALL area of the world should accumulate a tiny bit more ice.

But go ahead. I love it when right wingers laugh at science. It gives even more people in the world a reason to laugh at them. Oh, and they do laugh. Rather hard in fact.
for failing for the global warming nuters..........

climate change is expanding antarctica's sea ice, according to a scientific study in the journal nature geoscience.
1 april 2013 last updated at 06:12 et

the paradoxical phenomenon is thought to be caused by relatively cold plumes of fresh water derived from melting beneath the antarctic ice shelves.

This melt water has a relatively low density, so it accumulates in the top layer of the ocean.

The cool surface waters then re-freeze more easily during autumn and winter.

This explains the observed peak in sea ice during these seasons, a team from the royal netherlands meteorological institute (knmi) in de bilt says in its peer-reviewed paper.

Climate scientists have been intrigued by observations that antarctic sea ice shows a small but statistically significant expansion of about 1.9% per decade since 1985, while sea ice in the arctic has been shrinking over past decades.

bbc news - melt may explain antarctica's sea ice expansion

its getting to a point on here that every day, there is more and more news about the avalanche of evidence that the whole climate change stuff is a ruse.

Ask me how much im laughing??!!!!!!:coffee:

You do realize that the short term (and long term) effects of climate change are the hardest part to predict, right? The actual physics are pretty well figured out at this point and have been for some time.
You do realize that the short term (and long term) effects of climate change are the hardest part to predict, right? The actual physics are pretty well figured out at this point and have been for some time.

Not so sure about that Sam.. Welcome to USMB....

You don't have to look very far to see EXTREME uncertainty about "the theory" of Man-Caused GW. For instance the most important number of "Climate Sensitivity" is in doubt by more than 2 to 1 ratio. And even if there WAS AGREEMENT -- it's silly to model the Earth's complex MULTIPLE climate zones with one unified "Climate Sensitivity" number. But yet, this is the state of the modeling..

And -- we've only had the ability to take real-time measurements from space for stuff like Solar Irradiance and Surface Albedo and updwelling radiation for about 15 years. Only the most primitive satellites for the previous 10 or 15 years. That's less than some known solar cycles.

The physics gets better --- but it is nowhere near complete or quantitified.
You do realize that the short term (and long term) effects of climate change are the hardest part to predict, right? The actual physics are pretty well figured out at this point and have been for some time.

If what you just stated were true (mr. sock) the laws would allready be in place and the temps would still be rising instead of remaining flat for the last 16 years. But that would be science and you religious fanatics don't do science.
You do realize that the short term (and long term) effects of climate change are the hardest part to predict, right? The actual physics are pretty well figured out at this point and have been for some time.

Yogi Berra said it better.
Heres the problem......that can even be stated by we stupid people!!

The deniers are winning HUGE!!! One look at climate legislation efforts over the past 6 or 7 years and any energy projection and what do you see?

He's right you know. It's not stopping, it's getting faster. We're going over the cliff, pedal to the metal. It's going to be fascinating to watch the too little, too late scramble to "do something" when it becomes obvious to all.

To me, the most ironic thing is, from all the discussions I've heard about how to mitigate the effects such as building sea walls, moving people inland, building alternative energy, etc. we're gonna do by...

burning fossil fuels.

Heck, sooner or later a positive feedback like melting methane hydrates or methane and CO2 from melting permafrost will take the result out of our hands anyway. Not that it's in our hands now.

Well.....thems the breaks s0n. We'll deal incrementally because if it even happens, it becomes an incremental problem. Better that than putting the foot on the gas and spending trillions ( thats with a T) and blowing up the economy.......which is never going to happen anyway. The Big Boys will see to that = 100% certainty.

Oh, I don't know. I don't think they understand the full problem. If the methane hydrates let go and the permafrost keeps melting at this rate, I don't think even they can prepare for it.

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.
(If there was ever a cue for a video...)
[ame=]70s Mother Nature *Chiffon* Margarine Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
If what you just stated were true (mr. sock) the laws would allready be in place and the temps would still be rising instead of remaining flat for the last 16 years. But that would be science and you religious fanatics don't do science.

But they haven't remained flat:

You can cherry pick the data all you want, but it doesn't change the facts.

And don't get all "carbon-tax" on me. I'm of the opinion it doesn't matter what we do, the die is cast.

But I'd much rather face the next 30 years fully aware of what's going on than be a clueless, brainwashed dolt.

Of course, YMMV.

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