Open Borders Republicans Call for Amnesty.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
George W. Bush: Immigration Reform Needed To Boost Economy

"Not only do immigrants help build our economy, they help invigorate our soul," he said later in the speech.

Bush pushed during his second term for comprehensive immigration reform, with the help of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.). That bipartisan effort failed in 2007, and hasn't been taken up again since. But now, after former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney suffered a crushing loss among Latino voters in the November election, a comprehensive immigration reform push will be taken up again, possibly along the lines of Bush's framework.
George W. Bush: Immigration Reform Needed To Boost Economy

George W. Bush: Immigration Reform Needed To Boost Economy
December 08, 2012

Obama Plans Major Push for Immigration Reform

Los Angeles Times: "As soon as the confrontation over fiscal policy winds down, the Obama administration will begin an all-out drive for comprehensive immigration reform, including seeking a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants... Obama wants a catch-all bill that would also bolster border security measures, ratchet up penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants, and make it easier to bring in foreign workers under special visas."

George W. Bush: Immigration Reform Needed To Boost Economy

There goes the jobs for Americans and college graduates.
The following is how Barack Obama describes his plan…

“We are not going to ship back 12 million people, we’re not going to do it as a practical matter. We would have to take all our law enforcement that we have available and we would have to use it and put people on buses, and rip families apart, and that’s not who we are, that’s not what America is about. So what I’ve proposed… is you say we’re going to bring these folks out of the shadows. We’re going to make them pay a fine, they are going to have to learn English, they are going to have to go to the back of the line…but they will have a pathway to citizenship over the course of 10 years.”

So how many illegal immigrants do you think are going to step forward to pay a fine?
One percent?
How many of them do you think are going to show up for English classes?
Who is going to make them do it?
Are we going to have law enforcement officials running around trying to collect fines from illegal immigrants and trying to get them to attend their English lessons?
According to Obama, the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country are going to be glad to willingly do the following….

1) Admit they broke the law
2) Pay back taxes and a fine
3) Learn English
4) Be willing to undergo background checks before starting the legalization process
Those four points are taken directly from Obama’s plan.
So what are illegal immigrants going to do when this plan is passed?
99 percent of them are going to laugh and they are just going to keep on doing what they have been doing.
Large numbers of illegal immigrants are already enjoying the “high life” in the dozens of “sanctuary cities” across the United States.

Why Illegal Immigration is Bad For America.
An Amnesty By Any Other Name is Still an Amnesty

Encourage More Illegal Immigration
Amnesties always lead to more illegal immigration, as millions more people will be encouraged to come here in the expectation that eventually they, too, will be rewarded. We granted what was supposed to be a one-time-only amnesty to some 3 million illegal aliens in 1986, only to find that today they have been replaced by an estimated 9-11 million new illegal aliens. Amnesty doesn't cure the problem; it exacerbates it.

Encourage Massive Litigation

The various amnesty proposals would be the immigration bar association's dream. Amnesty is almost guaranteed produce a glut of law suits that would choke the system and inevitably lead to rubber stamp approvals of almost every application. The sponsors of the 1986 amnesty freely admit that countless people fraudulently obtained legalization because the system simply could not be adequately policed.

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants Still a Bad Idea
Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion

Stage Four: Expanded Eligibility for Government Benefits. During the initial years an immigrant is in LPR status, access to government welfare programs may be limited; however, after five years in LPR status, individuals become eligible for nearly all welfare programs. legal permanent residents may also apply for U.S. citizenship at this point.
Eligibility for Government Benefits
The following outlines eligibility for government benefits at each stage of the amnesty process. In each case in the following text, eligibility for a benefit means that the former illegal immigrant or his family member obtains the same eligibility for that program as a U.S. citizen would have; that is, he will receive the benefits if income limits and other normal eligibility standards applying to U.S. citizens are met.
legal Permanent Residence. Upon obtaining LPR status, the non-citizen children of former Z visa holders will become eligible for Food Stamp benefits. Permanent residents who have a 10-year work history in the U.S. are automatically eligible for Food Stamps, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and other welfare programs. Many legal residents without a work history are eligible for Medicaid in 22 states, including California and New York. Irrespective of employment history, amnesty recipients will become eligible for 60 different federal welfare programs five years after receiving legal permanent residence.
The Net Retirement Costs of amnesty
Giving amnesty to illegal immigrants will greatly increase long-term costs to the taxpayer. Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants would, over time, increase their use of means-tested welfare, Social Security, and Medicare. Fiscal costs would rise in the intermediate term and increase dramatically when amnesty recipients reach retirement. Although it is difficult to provide a precise estimate, it seems likely that if 10 million adult illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. were granted amnesty, the net retirement cost to government (benefits minus taxes) could be over $2.6 trillion.
Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion
Attrition Through Enforcement Would Have a Present Cost of as Little at $13.5 Billion

H.R. 4437, The “Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005,” had Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner as its original sponsor. This bill had several features to combat illegal immigration including:
• mandatory E-Verify 6 years from date of enactment
•end the “catch-and-release” policy for all persons apprehended at border
•require DHS to reimburse counties within 25 miles of the border for the costs relating to illegal aliens
•removal orders would become final more quickly and readily
•facilitate removal of aliens who reenter the country illegally after having been deported
•mandatory minimum prison sentences for offenses related to illegal entry into the United States
•additional port-of-entry inspectors and canine detection teams
Both parties have sold us out.They have refused to enforce the laws on the books and to follow our Constitution.It is time to throw both parties out. I am voting 3rd party from this point forward.The Constitution Party platform calls for securing our borders with armed military --if necessary and enforcing all immigration laws.

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