Open borders to our trading partners to improve the economy.


Silver Member
Jun 1, 2013
...make the minimum wage disapear and dismantle the welfare state. Good ol' Milton's therapy to make the economy grow.

And DT wants a wall ( which seems like a Keynsian employent program ) ... it seems to be conservatives come in many different flavors .

Milton at least was quite consistent with his free trade speach.

Milton at least was quite consistent with his free trade speach.

dear, do you have the IQ to say if he was correct or mistaken about something in particular??

Well, MF was correct in the fact that migration is fueled by supply and demand . So far so good.

He is wrong on the overall effect of increasing job supply and dismantling social security and getting rid of the minimum wage at the same time, specially in a time and age where technology is advancing so quickly.

That would cause a lot of despair. The problem is the social perception : while migrants would still be better off with half the current MW , US citizens would be worse off ( they would feel extremely irritated if jobs offered half of what they offer).
In the long run people would adquire new skills. In the short run, I would expect a lot of riots and violent crimes. In a worst case scenario some people could be excluded from the means to adquire new skills, leaving them in a poverty trap.

Market bubbles tend to create crashes.
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Well, MF was correct in the fact that migration is fueled by supply and demand . So far so good.


don't be stupid!! he meant in the absence of international borders which are increasingly important in the age of terrorism and in the age of a growing welfare state that treasonous liberals are using to attract future voters.

Milton Friedman:
Immigration is a particularly difficult subject. There is no doubt that free and open immigration is the right policy in a libertarian state, but in a welfare state it is a different story: the supply of immigrants will become infinite."

See why we say stupid?
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Is recession or protectionism causing the global economic slowdown?...

The global economy is slowing down. But is it recession – or protectionism?
Saturday 14 November 2015 - As exporters feel the pinch, one analyst is suggesting that a surreptitious retreat from globalisation may be provoking the decline
For one Chinese company that depends on global trade, fears over the worldwide economy have come to pass already. “The global economy is pretty bleak at the moment,” says Luo Dong, the owner of Doyoung, a Beijing-based exporter of frozen seafood and fruit. “This is having a big effect on us. Our clients’ sales are a lot slower than they used to be, and as purchasing power overseas drops, our exports are taking a hit.” Luo’s observations were echoed on a wider stage last week, when the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development voiced the fear gripping many economists: that the drop-off in trade, driven by China, may be a harbinger of something more worrying – a global recession.

Days later, Rolls-Royce became the latest British exporter to face what it called “headwinds” from China, joining a slew of others, from carmaker Jaguar Land Rover to luxury brand Burberry. Meanwhile, commodities including platinum and crude oil resumed their decline in value as investors continued to fret about sliding demand for the raw materials of global commerce. Beijing has cut interest rates six times in less than a year and let the yuan slide against the dollar, underlining the sense of alarm about slowing growth.

Official figures show GDP expanding at around 6.9% in the world’s second-largest economy, conveniently in line with the government’s official target of “around 7%”; but outside analysts believe it may be much weaker. “We find these numbers pretty implausible,” says Andrew Brigden of City consultancy Fathom. “China is slowing a lot more markedly than the official figures show.” Fathom’s calculations, based on alternative indicators such as electricity use, suggest GDP growth of 3% or even less.

However, inside China it feels as though sluggish demand from the eurozone, rather than a homegrown problem, is to blame for the deterioration in the economic weather. Luo, whose company exports to the US, Europe, Middle East and Africa, says exports have roughly halved since last year. “The worst market has been Europe, largely due to exchange rate fluctuations,” he says. The European Central Bank has deliberately driven down the value of the single currency by implementing quantitative easing. “The other major factor has been labour costs here, which have gone up about a third,” Luo adds.

In the short run, I would expect a lot of riots and violent crimes.

100% stupid since Friedman supported an orderly immigration process, not an instant flood of 10's of millions from all over the world!!

You are too slow for words!!
Those 10's millions took 2 decades of good free trade to get into the USA , they didin't migrate instantly. That would be about a million per year.
And no , Milton simply wanted market dictated migration not government restricted or otherwise.
In the short run, I would expect a lot of riots and violent crimes.

100% stupid since Friedman supported an orderly immigration process, not an instant flood of 10's of millions from all over the world!!

You are too slow for words!!
Those 10's millions took 2 decades of good free trade to get into the USA , they didin't migrate instantly. That would be about a million per year.
And no , Milton simply wanted market dictated migration not government restricted or otherwise.

if what you write is always stupid why do you keep writing????

"There is no doubt that free and open immigration is the right policy in a libertarian state, but in a welfare state it is a different story: the supply of immigrants will become infinite."
In the short run, I would expect a lot of riots and violent crimes.

100% stupid since Friedman supported an orderly immigration process, not an instant flood of 10's of millions from all over the world!!

You are too slow for words!!
Those 10's millions took 2 decades of good free trade to get into the USA , they didin't migrate instantly. That would be about a million per year.
And no , Milton simply wanted market dictated migration not government restricted or otherwise.

if what you write is always stupid why do you keep writing????

"There is no doubt that free and open immigration is the right policy in a libertarian state, but in a welfare state it is a different story: the supply of immigrants will become infinite."
I've wondered the same about your postings, Ed. Be assured, the sentiment is mutual.

So , there's no word about "orderly immigration process" , but rather an immigration process without any welfare whatsoever: no food stamps, medicare or medicaid.

That would still bring millions of immigrants into the US. They are not migrating because of welfare, but mainly because higher paying jobs are available. Only 50% of immigrants ( legal or not ) are welfare recipients. So in a best case scenario that would only cut immigration by half ( here I am assuming the other half would be unwilling to stay without any welfare, but that is probably not the case).
an immigration process without any welfare whatsoever: no food stamps, medicare or medicaid.

10000% stupid and liberal as always!! An anchor baby and mother get it all on day one, all get health care, and as the others become citizens that get it all too!!

More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday.

About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households, according to the report from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.

Those numbers increase for households with children, with 76% of immigrant-led households receiving welfare, compared to 52% for the native-born.Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Our economy is too far gone to try and compete with the world markets. Protectionism, at this point, is the best thing we can do. We have to build ourselves up again. And most other countries are not in to that "open borders" globalist bullshit. Ergo, labor wont be "mobile".
Our economy is too far gone to try and compete with the world markets. Protectionism, at this point, is the best thing we can do. We have to build ourselves up again..

how 10000% stupid and liberal !! protecting and crippling our industries is going to built them up??
Also, US share of world manufacturing is 20% just where it was 30 years ago. Now though we do very very high tech manufacturing that requires fewer people.
Also, if we want to get low tech manufacturing back all we need to do is end the liberal policies that drove the jobs away.

Do you understand?
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Our economy is too far gone to try and compete with the world markets. Protectionism, at this point, is the best thing we can do. We have to build ourselves up again..

how 10000% stupid!! protecting and crippling our industries is going to built them up??
Also, US share of world manufacturing is 20% just where it was 30 years ago. Now though we do very very high tech manufacturing that requires fewer people.
Also, if we want to get low tech manufacturing back all we need to do is end the liberal policies that drove the jobs away.

Do you understand?
We are 10% less than we were in 2000! We were doing almost 27% of the worlds manufacturing. We are now doing around 18%.
We have lost a THIRD of our manufacturing jobs in that time frame. JOBS
The actual manufacturing on an absolute basis is growing. But the American people aren't enjoying that. Just the 1%.
This is why I call you a corporatist.
You and the OP are. You are also both just dumb, or run a corporation. He wants slave labor, and you will get to that point, when your masters tell you to. Well, I take that back. They basically are, you just don't understand English.
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This is why I call you a corporatist.

dear stupid liberal!! a corporatist combines business and govt like in Obamacare. A capitalist wants them separate and even no govt taxes.

Welcome to your ABC's. See why we say liberalism is based in ignorance?

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