Open Borders

The European Union laready does this among its members. The US could do the same with Canada and Mexico.

It may start out as a continental solution--and eventually become worldwide. It's the wave of the future.

But this isn't something supported by anywhere close to the majority in the US, Canada and Mexico. Making it easier to travel between countries that share a border and mutual interests isn't unheard of in history whatsoever -but it never resulted in open borders among ALL nations in the past -and never remained a permanent feature among those who did it either. Personally, I think the US would be well served by steering clear of quite a few things that Europe does. Europe is a dying, decadent continent -long past being a real force in its contributions to civilization. Its demise is a forgone conclusion, they have already adopted the faulty foundations that insure its collapse and there is no stopping that train now. And once it does -you watch just how fast the European Union disintegrates due to ethnic, cultural, financial, economic and territorial clashes. THAT is one of the major recurring themes in the story of man -from individuals protecting their interests against individuals with competing interests, clans protecting their own interests from competing clans - to nations doing so. In the end, the French will value their own interests and welfare over that of all others, even at the expense of others. You don't have to go back too far in history to see the French are particularly likely to value their own welfare and their own pocketbook over the best interests of any others -even in the best of times. France's history is one of stabbing in the back every single ally it has ever had -as long as it got some perceived benefit by doing so and even when doing so was at the great expense of others -France did it. Something the other EU members would do well to NEVER forget -LOL.

Open borders is not the "wave of the future" and never will be. Even the idealistic views of some in Europe and US combined do not represent the values held by the majority in the world. Maybe some haven't noticed, but western civilization is under attack on numerous fronts in the world, not just by means of open violence. Open borders isn't going to be the future in Southeast Asia, China, Africa, Russia or South America. The notion that it is -is an idealistic pipe dream by those who envision the future as some kind of rosy, handholding circle jerk of billions all singing Kumbaya in the same key.

But these are the very people with the least understanding of human nature in the first place who cannot come to grips with the fact that the entire species has never once all joined hands and sung Kumbaya, with open borders everywhere and all man living in peace for eons after -and never will. Much less understand why that is. It is not in our nature and no amount of millions more thrown into "re-education camps" will ever change that. We aren't more intelligent as a species than 200 years ago or 1000 years ago. Only more knowledgeable -thanks to the same high level of intelligence of past generations whose gains allow future generations to skip the hard work of having to make those discoveries for themselves and just build upon it with their own discoveries that first require the knowledge gained by past generations. But gaining KNOWLEDGE does not mean it results in a change in the innate traits of the members of the species. The members of our species are also no more artistically or musically gifted than in the past, not born more compassionate, more considerate or more loving and no less likely to violently defend itself from attack. People are not better parents, not better citizens, not better friends, not better neighbors -and in fact, it is arguable that we are much worse in several of these areas than many past generations.

The species has always been far better served by those with the clear-eyed honest appraisal of what the species really and unchangeably is and what it is not. And then adopt the institutions and governments that try to exploit human nature, both their best traits AND those deemed "bad" because they will always exist in every society no matter what -and do so in order to produce the greatest good. Those that operate on the assumption that the "good" traits of the species can be preserved, never before seen "preferred traits" somehow educated into the species and those deemed to be "bad" traits extinguished out of the species entirely - invariably result in an increase in human suffering on a massive scale and the needless deaths of millions. History is replete with those examples. The idealistic can't even successfully turn a single country into an ant colony and repeated attempts even on that level have only caused millions to suffer. Just imagine the scale of misery if attempting it on a global scale. Ants still place the welfare of their colony above that of another ant colony -and never place the best interests of the entire species above those of their own colony. Human beings have the innate traits necessary for a totally different survival strategy from ants -and they are not interchangeable with those of another species, much less an insect species.

One of the unchangeable traits of our species is directly related to the identical instinct all living things have -the survival instinct. The exception to this occurs only in a very, very rare individual -who often ends up dead as a result. What emerges when times are difficult or when under threat is when innate, unchangeable traits in any species appear. Among all higher animals the same pattern emerges -because it is provably THE best strategy for survival of the individual AND species. That pattern is first insuring survival and welfare of self, followed by family, neighborhood, town/city, state. "Entire species" isn't even on the list for any species, including ours. The idealistic among us think it would be NICE if this pattern were entirely reversed, just like they think it would be NICE if everyone else had THEIR values. But by doing so, they have in reality only announced themselves as a threat to those who refuse to share their values. Then its just a matter of how far such people are willing to go to IMPOSE their values on others. And because they think that would be "nice", the idealistic never stop trying to do it -which in and of itself has been a cause of war and violence. But not the only one. A "re-invented" species whose members all put the welfare of faceless billions and total strangers above the welfare of themselves and their loved ones is never going to happen.

And because THAT will never happen -neither will the world all join hands and sing Kumbaya and neither will we have open borders on a global basis.

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