Open Letter to John Redwood MP


Nov 9, 2013
Open Letter to John Redwood MP

19 November 2013

I have been an anti-EU activist for over a decade, and started with promoting the “Referendum Party” in 1997. Do you remember them? A party with just one objective, to give the British people an EU in/out referendum. If they won they would immediately give the British people a referendum then call an early election for British people to decide which party they wanted to govern the UK.

I also promoted UKIP on number of occasions, and did the same for MPs (cross-party) like you. Note I am not a member of any political party nor have I ever been affiliated with one.

Moving on, I have a crazy idea for you and other MPs (cross-party) to consider. It is also an idea that would rock the nation. Are you ready for it?

1 It is not enough for any party to acquire a majority at any election to govern; they must also retain a majority to govern. Should any governing party – even with coalition – fail to retain a majority in Parliament, i believe you will find the Prime Minister would be compelled to call an early election.

2. How many MPs are prepared to put country before party and cross the floor to UKIP even on temporary basis?

Think on it.

Phoenix One UK
Reply [from John Redwood MP] The answer is none. Of course rebel Conservatives could combine with Labour to bring the Coalition down, but looking at the national polling that could produce a worse answer, not a better one on current polling, so why would any Conservative try to do it? A Eurosceptic Conservative MP changing to UKIP does not increase the Eurosceptic votes in the Commons at all so it would be a futile gesture which simply meant that MP no longer had good access to Coalition Ministers, and no longer could debate with them what the Conservative whip should say.

Phoenix One UK response to reply:

May I remind you that the people elect MPs not political parties? They elect MPs to be their voice in Parliament.

May I further remind you of three line whip all major party leaders imposed on MPs to oppose an EU referendum, a fact that attracted national headlines. In short, the major party leaders - including Prime Minister Cameron - told MPs how to vote. Note every MP was elected by their constituents to be their voices not deprive them of that voice, and that includes both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

With regard increasing the Eurosceptic vote, I never even implied it would. I used UKIP as best platform given the press it receives, but the same could be accomplished by going independent or forming another splinter party. Doing so would reduce the government majority compelling cameron to call an early election, and reason for doing so would be clear to all.

As for what the polls show, I know what they and the timing for such an action should it be adopted could not be better. The Conservative party are not doing as well as they would hope, and Labour is not doing much better. As for Lib Dems, forget them. They are toast.

As for debating with Collation Ministers are concerned, I believe all of Britain if not world seen what that achieved.

Phoenix One UK
Bookies Make Ukip Hot Favourite to Beat Tories in EU Elections 2014

By Dominic Gover : Subscribe to Dominic's RSS feed | November 20, 2013 5:43 PM GMT

Ukip have been placed as hot favourites to shine in next year's EU elections and cause a huge headache for prime minister David Cameron.

Bookmaker William Hill has made Nigel Farage's anti-European Union party 11/10 to win more seats in Brussels than any of the three main UK parties.

Those odds are way ahead of second favourites Labour on 6/4, while the Tories struggle to keep up on 7/2.


This comes as no surprise, and is not really telling me anything I did not already know.

I included this post for my friends across the Atlantc (USA). Just include the headline in Google or other search engine for confirmation.

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