Open Your Eyes . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018

This is a truly sobering video . . . it will horrify those among us who love our nation and culture, heritage and history. Around the Western World seeds of Islam, narco-terror, and economic terrorism have been planted in many of our own backyards. The most terrifying aspect? In American and the UK our OWN national church organizations, Protestant and Catholic, are facilitating this injection of hostile cultures into our own, for cash. Perhaps the question: What is our world coming too? is no longer the right one to ask. Not when our world is rapidly shrinking into scattered islands surrounded by seas of hostile hordes determined to and succeeding in deleting us from our own generational lands. More and more often I wonder, personally, if it is not already too late to stem the tide of cultural replacement. Never more so have I contemplated this growing reality than after the realization that there are few if any "good guys" left in power who will stand against this eradication of Western Peoples and their heritage.

When Stalin and Pol Pot decided to mass relocate tens of millions of their countrymen from one corner of their nations to another, they did so by overt, legalized force. What we're seeing now is some group of globalist power mongers doing essentially the same thing but by enticing millions of so-called Third World refugees to mass emigrate to our Western World. While their intent is no less evil, the scale of mass relocation this time is global. Soon, it seems, we Americans will face the terrors daily experienced by UK and French Citizens . . . that all consuming fear of waking up one day and realizing our generational homes are no longer our own because invaders have stolen them out from under us and even worse, those in authority above us have take the side of the barbarian. WTF, out.

This is a truly sobering video . . . it will horrify those among us who love our nation and culture, heritage and history. Around the Western World seeds of Islam, narco-terror, and economic terrorism have been planted in many of our own backyards. The most terrifying aspect? In American and the UK our OWN national church organizations, Protestant and Catholic, are facilitating this injection of hostile cultures into our own, for cash. Perhaps the question: What is our world coming too? is no longer the right one to ask. Not when our world is rapidly shrinking into scattered islands surrounded by seas of hostile hordes determined to and succeeding in deleting us from our own generational lands. More and more often I wonder, personally, if it is not already too late to stem the tide of cultural replacement. Never more so have I contemplated this growing reality than after the realization that there are few if any "good guys" left in power who will stand against this eradication of Western Peoples and their heritage.

When Stalin and Pol Pot decided to mass relocate tens of millions of their countrymen from one corner of their nations to another, they did so by overt, legalized force. What we're seeing now is some group of globalist power mongers doing essentially the same thing but by enticing millions of so-called Third World refugees to mass emigrate to our Western World. While their intent is no less evil, the scale of mass relocation this time is global. Soon, it seems, we Americans will face the terrors daily experienced by UK and French Citizens . . . that all consuming fear of waking up one day and realizing our generational homes are no longer our own because invaders have stolen them out from under us and even worse, those in authority above us have take the side of the barbarian. WTF, out.

A very well written piece of propaganda! ***chuckles***
As it happens, I was in London three weeks ago--same ole fish and chips. The ever-present surveillance is a bit off-putting--but that is their system..not ours. Almost all of Europe's problem with immigrants is born of their practice of "ghettoizing" them. Something that our culture resists. I have to say that reading the above brought me back to my my Grandfather helped found the John Birch Society. Orange County Republicans, ya know.
History is against you---as are the demographics. But I do like a well-written thank you.
No matter how badly people want others to believe that Islam is going to take over this country, and Sharia law will become the standard of the land, it can't happen.

Hate to tell you, but that is never going to happen. Although we have a grand total of 3 Muslims in Congress, that is not enough to put any kind of legislation through that supports Sharia law. Too many other representatives and senators would oppose it and it wouldn't pass. And, in order to get enough of a majority in Congress to pass such a law would require that over half of the Congress and the Senate support it, and they won't if they aren't Muslim.

Besides, if something so impossible actually DID happen, the president would be there to stop it with a veto.

Nope, lots of fear mongering, but no real facts here.
Of course the left mocks anyone who sees what's happening. And THEY are the problem, and too many of the good guys allow them to intimidate us into silence.

Liberals among is are the root of our problem.
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Of course the left mock anyone who sees what's happening. And THEY are the problem, and too many of the good guys allow them to intimidate up into silence.

Liberals among is are the root of our problem.

Quick question, how in the hell do you "intimidate up into silence"?
Of course the left mock anyone who sees what's happening. And THEY are the problem, and too many of the good guys allow them to intimidate up into silence.

Liberals among is are the root of our problem.

Quick question, how in the hell do you "intimidate up into silence"?
Phone, dummy. If "up" doesnt make sense, maybe another word?????
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No matter how badly people want others to believe that Islam is going to take over this country, and Sharia law will become the standard of the land, it can't happen.

Hate to tell you, but that is never going to happen. Although we have a grand total of 3 Muslims in Congress, that is not enough to put any kind of legislation through that supports Sharia law. Too many other representatives and senators would oppose it and it wouldn't pass. And, in order to get enough of a majority in Congress to pass such a law would require that over half of the Congress and the Senate support it, and they won't if they aren't Muslim.

Besides, if something so impossible actually DID happen, the president would be there to stop it with a veto.

Nope, lots of fear mongering, but no real facts here.
Probably will not happen in my lifetime, or maybe not in the lifetime of most anyone living today; however, hundreds of years from now this land my be in Muslim control. Never say never.
No matter how badly people want others to believe that Islam is going to take over this country, and Sharia law will become the standard of the land, it can't happen.

Hate to tell you, but that is never going to happen. Although we have a grand total of 3 Muslims in Congress, that is not enough to put any kind of legislation through that supports Sharia law. Too many other representatives and senators would oppose it and it wouldn't pass. And, in order to get enough of a majority in Congress to pass such a law would require that over half of the Congress and the Senate support it, and they won't if they aren't Muslim.

Besides, if something so impossible actually DID happen, the president would be there to stop it with a veto.

Nope, lots of fear mongering, but no real facts here.
Probably will not happen in my lifetime, or maybe not in the lifetime of most anyone living today; however, hundreds of years from now this land my be in Muslim control. Never say never.
Muslims believe they will make it happen in this generation.

It wont. Not even in Europe.

Islam will cause the rise of another Hitler and he will have the support of the people. Muslims would be wise to leave Europe now.
No matter how badly people want others to believe that Islam is going to take over this country, and Sharia law will become the standard of the land, it can't happen.

Hate to tell you, but that is never going to happen. Although we have a grand total of 3 Muslims in Congress, that is not enough to put any kind of legislation through that supports Sharia law. Too many other representatives and senators would oppose it and it wouldn't pass. And, in order to get enough of a majority in Congress to pass such a law would require that over half of the Congress and the Senate support it, and they won't if they aren't Muslim.

Besides, if something so impossible actually DID happen, the president would be there to stop it with a veto.

Nope, lots of fear mongering, but no real facts here.
Probably will not happen in my lifetime, or maybe not in the lifetime of most anyone living today; however, hundreds of years from now this land my be in Muslim control. Never say never.
Muslims believe they will make it happen in this generation.

It wont. Not even in Europe.

Islam will cause the rise of another Hitler and he will have the support of the people. Muslims would be wise to leave Europe now.
Perhaps they do. But they also think long term. If not this generation, then the next or the next or the next. They don't quit.
No matter how badly people want others to believe that Islam is going to take over this country, and Sharia law will become the standard of the land, it can't happen.

Hate to tell you, but that is never going to happen. Although we have a grand total of 3 Muslims in Congress, that is not enough to put any kind of legislation through that supports Sharia law. Too many other representatives and senators would oppose it and it wouldn't pass. And, in order to get enough of a majority in Congress to pass such a law would require that over half of the Congress and the Senate support it, and they won't if they aren't Muslim.

Besides, if something so impossible actually DID happen, the president would be there to stop it with a veto.

Nope, lots of fear mongering, but no real facts here.
Probably will not happen in my lifetime, or maybe not in the lifetime of most anyone living today; however, hundreds of years from now this land my be in Muslim control. Never say never.
Muslims believe they will make it happen in this generation.

It wont. Not even in Europe.

Islam will cause the rise of another Hitler and he will have the support of the people. Muslims would be wise to leave Europe now.
Perhaps they do. But they also think long term. If not this generation, then the next or the next or the next. They don't quit.
The culture in Europe will change soon. Islam's insanity will push them over the edge and Europe will eliminate them. They have no future in europe.

This is a truly sobering video . . . it will horrify those among us who love our nation and culture, heritage and history. Around the Western World seeds of Islam, narco-terror, and economic terrorism have been planted in many of our own backyards. The most terrifying aspect? In American and the UK our OWN national church organizations, Protestant and Catholic, are facilitating this injection of hostile cultures into our own, for cash. Perhaps the question: What is our world coming too? is no longer the right one to ask. Not when our world is rapidly shrinking into scattered islands surrounded by seas of hostile hordes determined to and succeeding in deleting us from our own generational lands. More and more often I wonder, personally, if it is not already too late to stem the tide of cultural replacement. Never more so have I contemplated this growing reality than after the realization that there are few if any "good guys" left in power who will stand against this eradication of Western Peoples and their heritage.

When Stalin and Pol Pot decided to mass relocate tens of millions of their countrymen from one corner of their nations to another, they did so by overt, legalized force. What we're seeing now is some group of globalist power mongers doing essentially the same thing but by enticing millions of so-called Third World refugees to mass emigrate to our Western World. While their intent is no less evil, the scale of mass relocation this time is global. Soon, it seems, we Americans will face the terrors daily experienced by UK and French Citizens . . . that all consuming fear of waking up one day and realizing our generational homes are no longer our own because invaders have stolen them out from under us and even worse, those in authority above us have take the side of the barbarian. WTF, out.

A very well written piece of propaganda! ***chuckles***
As it happens, I was in London three weeks ago--same ole fish and chips. The ever-present surveillance is a bit off-putting--but that is their system..not ours. Almost all of Europe's problem with immigrants is born of their practice of "ghettoizing" them. Something that our culture resists. I have to say that reading the above brought me back to my my Grandfather helped found the John Birch Society. Orange County Republicans, ya know.
History is against you---as are the demographics. But I do like a well-written thank you.

This is a truly sobering video . . . it will horrify those among us who love our nation and culture, heritage and history. Around the Western World seeds of Islam, narco-terror, and economic terrorism have been planted in many of our own backyards. The most terrifying aspect? In American and the UK our OWN national church organizations, Protestant and Catholic, are facilitating this injection of hostile cultures into our own, for cash. Perhaps the question: What is our world coming too? is no longer the right one to ask. Not when our world is rapidly shrinking into scattered islands surrounded by seas of hostile hordes determined to and succeeding in deleting us from our own generational lands. More and more often I wonder, personally, if it is not already too late to stem the tide of cultural replacement. Never more so have I contemplated this growing reality than after the realization that there are few if any "good guys" left in power who will stand against this eradication of Western Peoples and their heritage.

When Stalin and Pol Pot decided to mass relocate tens of millions of their countrymen from one corner of their nations to another, they did so by overt, legalized force. What we're seeing now is some group of globalist power mongers doing essentially the same thing but by enticing millions of so-called Third World refugees to mass emigrate to our Western World. While their intent is no less evil, the scale of mass relocation this time is global. Soon, it seems, we Americans will face the terrors daily experienced by UK and French Citizens . . . that all consuming fear of waking up one day and realizing our generational homes are no longer our own because invaders have stolen them out from under us and even worse, those in authority above us have take the side of the barbarian. WTF, out.

A very well written piece of propaganda! ***chuckles***
As it happens, I was in London three weeks ago--same ole fish and chips. The ever-present surveillance is a bit off-putting--but that is their system..not ours. Almost all of Europe's problem with immigrants is born of their practice of "ghettoizing" them. Something that our culture resists. I have to say that reading the above brought me back to my my Grandfather helped found the John Birch Society. Orange County Republicans, ya know.
History is against you---as are the demographics. But I do like a well-written thank you.

My wife was in london a few months ago for the first time in about 12 years, she was heart broken. In her words "it's now just another dirty big city". She felt that the "british" polite society is gone. She says she'll never go back.

This is a truly sobering video . . . it will horrify those among us who love our nation and culture, heritage and history. Around the Western World seeds of Islam, narco-terror, and economic terrorism have been planted in many of our own backyards. The most terrifying aspect? In American and the UK our OWN national church organizations, Protestant and Catholic, are facilitating this injection of hostile cultures into our own, for cash. Perhaps the question: What is our world coming too? is no longer the right one to ask. Not when our world is rapidly shrinking into scattered islands surrounded by seas of hostile hordes determined to and succeeding in deleting us from our own generational lands. More and more often I wonder, personally, if it is not already too late to stem the tide of cultural replacement. Never more so have I contemplated this growing reality than after the realization that there are few if any "good guys" left in power who will stand against this eradication of Western Peoples and their heritage.

When Stalin and Pol Pot decided to mass relocate tens of millions of their countrymen from one corner of their nations to another, they did so by overt, legalized force. What we're seeing now is some group of globalist power mongers doing essentially the same thing but by enticing millions of so-called Third World refugees to mass emigrate to our Western World. While their intent is no less evil, the scale of mass relocation this time is global. Soon, it seems, we Americans will face the terrors daily experienced by UK and French Citizens . . . that all consuming fear of waking up one day and realizing our generational homes are no longer our own because invaders have stolen them out from under us and even worse, those in authority above us have take the side of the barbarian. WTF, out.

Everybody always says new york and paris were sister citys

NO no no no

NYC and London are much more similar

their tube has longer stops no express tracks ...check win for Yankee ingenuity

both have similar population s Paris is tiny population wise compared to us.
both have always had large numbers of immigrants
both have a ridiculous number of language spoken ..BOTH more than any other citys on earth
we're always tweaking each other who are the real financial giants wall st or paternoster
im gonna ignore what they've become today or who owns who...the Italians control the ftse ? or is it the other way around ? London owns Milan ?
no matter

London has raised its self to a culinary giant and has joined us at the big boys table ....where we all make fun of boil in a bag paris... OH HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN ...frogs....London does have a quarter million frogs today

French talent has been fleeing for a while they were showing up in Brooklyn and AOC Astoria...

NYC flooded with brand new frogs ...jews to
theyre running

NYc and London Former YUGE centers for jobbers :auiqs.jpg::badgrin::19:
its a goddamn shame .....they're in bigger trouble than we are and we're in trouble ....

where they gonna flee to Canada ? here ?

Canada has a human rights council ....Im sure some of you know what theye been up to the last decade .
its a kangaroo court run by CONFORMIST TOTALITARIANS

the lights go out here no ones gonna like whats coming
the chicoms and russians are gonna hold their breaths and try and keep it together . .....the chicoms may actually recite a hail mary if we go down .

oh yeah
No matter how badly people want others to believe that Islam is going to take over this country, and Sharia law will become the standard of the land, it can't happen.

Hate to tell you, but that is never going to happen. Although we have a grand total of 3 Muslims in Congress, that is not enough to put any kind of legislation through that supports Sharia law. Too many other representatives and senators would oppose it and it wouldn't pass. And, in order to get enough of a majority in Congress to pass such a law would require that over half of the Congress and the Senate support it, and they won't if they aren't Muslim.

Besides, if something so impossible actually DID happen, the president would be there to stop it with a veto.

Nope, lots of fear mongering, but no real facts here.
Probably will not happen in my lifetime, or maybe not in the lifetime of most anyone living today; however, hundreds of years from now this land my be in Muslim control. Never say never.
Muslims believe they will make it happen in this generation.

It wont. Not even in Europe.

Islam will cause the rise of another Hitler and he will have the support of the people. Muslims would be wise to leave Europe now.
I hope you are right.

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