Operation Attempted Manhood: Biden involves US troops in yet another front

So let's review:

1) Fighting ISIS terrorists isn't a actual war. Until it is, when it isn't Trump doing it.

2) ISIS maniacs cutting off the heads of children to terrorize people into abandoning oil and gas fields to them -- so that they can fund their efforts to establish a new caliphate and impose cruel sharia law on Mozambique and elsewhere -- are just "defending their country".
Those ISIS animals are by and large those simply defending their country.
Well that is embarrassing horseshit.

We condemned Saddam for killing those trying to overthrow him. So what we did was kill Saddam and killed the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing.

We condemned Assad for killing the people trying to overthrow him. We armed those people who then used those arms to drive us out.
The Rats love wars, they bring huge amounts of money for them and the Military Industrial Complex.

That's no secret.

Umh...you DO realize that both the ongoing wars we are still in were started by YOUR team...right?
So when Trump stepped up the effort against ISIS (By, as i recall, abdicating his job and letting the generals take over, despite insisting he knows more about the war than the generals), it wasn't "war", it was killing Stateless terrorists. Ask any Trumper.

But now, the same thing on a tinier scale by a factor of 100 is "war". You people are such frauds. To a man.

I condemned Trump......I condemned Obama.......I condemned Bush. There is NO winning here no matter what happens.
Yep. Biden should have just noped the hell out of there. Two months will turn into years.
The Rats love wars, they bring huge amounts of money for them and the Military Industrial Complex.

That's no secret.

Umh...you DO realize that both the ongoing wars we are still in were started by YOUR team...right?

I don't appreciate any teams that start wars! I hate wars!

That's why I admired and respect Trump. He didn't start any! Bless him.
There is NO winning here no matter what happens.
Well sure. It's not that cut and dry. What is disgraceful is that our allies are not lining up with us to turn every ISIS animal into a stain on the ground.

Those ISIS animals are by and large those simply defending their country.

Ah, the "Obama doctrine". You're a good DemoKKKrat.

You grasp on history obviously does not go back very far. There was a world before Trump.
There is NO winning here no matter what happens.
Well sure. It's not that cut and dry. What is disgraceful is that our allies are not lining up with us to turn every ISIS animal into a stain on the ground.

Those ISIS animals are by and large those simply defending their country.

Ah, the "Obama doctrine". You're a good DemoKKKrat.

You grasp on history obviously does not go back very far. There was a world before Trump.

Yes, I was referring to that when I noted you embrace the Obama doctrine of nurturing ISIS.
U.S. Congress Moves to Restrain Pentagon Over Africa Drawdown Plans
Esper already faces an uphill battle in trying to push through potential cuts to Africom. New legislation could make that even tougher.
No wonder Biden was ordered to step up our involvement in Africa.

Is Hunter going over there?

Will Hunter be sent to serve on the Board of Mozambique Big Oil Co?
The Rats love wars, they bring huge amounts of money for them and the Military Industrial Complex.

That's no secret.

Umh...you DO realize that both the ongoing wars we are still in were started by YOUR team...right?

Obama spent 8 years escalating those wars to keep the gravy train running for his pals.

They didn't escalate - they just went on. And on. Because you guys had this retarded idea that if you toppled Sadam it would be unicorns and rainbows. You own the wars (not that you'd ever admit it, as usual).

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