U.S. should withdraw our troops from Syria and Iraq

There is a proverb, just about this case: Freebies make vinegar sweet.

It's only fit for asphalt. Syria has to import oil. They can't meet domestic needs..... Yet Trump crows.

Trump is stupid. Syrian oil peaked about 1994 and what they have is very poor quality.
Not at all, i know full well what Trump is, doesn't change the fact they are stealing it and illegally occupying part of Syria.
I think there is a profound shortsightedness involved in all this as well that has and is still hurting U.S. and world interests, and the interests of a more secure Middle East, and of course the interests of the devastated people in Iraq and Syria.

Take Iraq, whose oil industry was destroyed and is still only gradually increasing, even as the U.S. has wavered in its commitment to the corrupt patchwork “democratic” government we left there after the U.S. Invasion and occupation.

Sometimes because of domestic politics (everybody wants to look tough on China, Iran, and Russia (in the past anyway) … we end up contributing unnecessarily to instability and war.

One example was China’s desire to provide major funding to help Iraq rebuild its oil infrastructure where in the past the U.S. used its influence in Iraq to oppose, despite the state assembly strongly supporting this important measure.

Similarly, China has interests, like the U.S and Europe, in stabilizing oil exports from all the Gulf Sheikdoms and has in past helped anti-piracy raids on ships there. They have been very unwilling otherwise to get involved in this “American backyard.” I believe the West would be wise to support China investment and help in developing production there, and not oppose it a knee-jerk fashion.

As one knowledgeable source noted:

“While the US is withdrawing from Iraq, China is holding and expanding its economic footprint in the country. This may increase the anxiety of those seeing China and the US as playing a zero-sum game in Iraq. However, the US and China have remarkable common interests. By increasing Iraq’s oil production, China helped supply more oil to the world market and contain the price of oil which is a priority for the US too at the moment. Moreover, by building and rebuilding infrastructure in Iraq, China is fixing a country at least partly broken by US actions in the past.”
— ManaraMagazize.org
Apparently the three poor black U.S. soldier “sitting ducks” just killed in a drone attack — along with scores injured — were based in Jordan on the Iraq/Syria border. They paid the price of a totally unnecessary secret “forward policy” in the area that I have been warning about.

Now Biden is talking about retaliation against Iran or Iranian-supported assets “at a time and place of our choosing.” Of course hawks in Congress are demanding a direct attack on Iran.

Here is another article emphasizing the stupidity of exposing our troops in static camps in Syria (illegally) and in dangerous situations in Iraq and Jordon where the only people who seem to know exactly where they are … are our enemies.

The United States will never forgive or forget how Russia and Iran stopped them from illegally overthrowing the Govt of Syria
You have no idea what happened in Syria or why.

Syria failed in 2005 and Russia didn't help them.
“US troops in Syria have continued to systematically loot the country’s natural resources, including oil, wheat, and barley – transferring the plundered goods to Iraq illegally.”
Isn’t it amazing how the United States can drop bombs on Syria, illegally occupy Syria, steal Syria’s oil and scream about Ukraine’s sovereignty at the same time?
“US troops in Syria have continued to systematically loot the country’s natural resources, including oil, wheat, and barley – transferring the plundered goods to Iraq illegally.”
Isn’t it amazing how the United States can drop bombs on Syria, illegally occupy Syria, steal Syria’s oil and scream about Ukraine’s sovereignty at the same time?

Syria's agriculture sector collapsed in 2005. Syria has no oil.
Peace in the ME will come when the U.S. finally puts Arabs on reservations like we did with the native savages here and bring in European settlers.
You're a moron.

Since you say so that means I have it right. We can give them sheep and goats they can steal from each other and murder each other's kids for. They will be very happy and content, same as 'native Americans are happy with their rapes, murders, and boozing binges.
Since you say so that means I have it right. We can give them sheep and goats they can steal from each other and murder each other's kids for. They will be very happy and content, same as 'native Americans are happy with their rapes, murders, and boozing binges.

You don't know your ass from a hot rock.
“US troops in Syria have continued to systematically loot the country’s natural resources, including oil, wheat, and barley – transferring the plundered goods to Iraq illegally.”
Isn’t it amazing how the United States can drop bombs on Syria, illegally occupy Syria, steal Syria’s oil and scream about Ukraine’s sovereignty at the same time?
What i find nauseating is that any normal American citizen can even think this is ok.
Peace in the ME will come when the U.S. finally puts Arabs on reservations like we did with the native savages here and bring in European settlers.
Why not go the whole Hog build some extermination camps, how did your mind get so depraved and twisted ? you should be in a straight jacket.

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