Opinion: Biden's Afghanistan exit decision looks even worse a year later

So, you think it is just pure coincidence the final evacuation was supposed to be done on 9/11?

Yes, and I'm not going to bother reading something behind a paywall...

It was supposed to be done on August 31st, which last time I checked a calendar, is 11 days before 9/11.

But let's say that Biden had stuck to the original timeline, and pulled out the last 2500 troops on May 31st as originally planned. That STILL would have left 70,000 US contractors in Afghanistan.

Then I have a very nice piece of ocean front property just outside of Hill City Kansas I can let you have for a great price.

But let's say that Biden had stuck to the original timeline, and pulled out the last 2500 troops on May 31st as originally planned. That STILL would have left 70,000 US contractors in Afghanistan.


While Biden's panicked evacuation from Afghanistan was going on, it had failed so badly that staffers from his own wife’s office were contacting private rescue groups to get people out.

This is one of the many damning revelations in the report by Rep. McCaul for the Republican minority on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The interim report, "A Strategic Failure" was conducted despite every possible effort by the White House and House Democrats to stop it, including blocking information requests and keeping briefings unnecessarily classified.

With the revelations that the State Department is actively refusing to cooperate with the Special Inspector General on Afghanistan Reconstruction, this report is more urgent than ever.

Forced to rely on personal interviews and public non-classified testimony, the report reveals that Biden had made it a "priority" to maintain an embassy in Kabul even after he had withdrawn the troops and the country was on the verge of falling to the advancing Taliban terror forces.

“POTUS was publicly making it clear that this was a priority. Ambassador Wilson began stating that ‘I am maniacal about the Embassy remaining in Kabul,’” a military officer described.

Secretary of State Blinken and other State Department officials in D.C. and in Kabul refused to consider the possibility of a Taliban takeover. Only Blinken and his department could order an evacuation, and they refused to seriously plan for one until a week before the fall of Kabul.

Military officials were prevented from even discussing an evacuation, being told, “don’t say NEO” and “This is not a NEO for Afghanistan.” NEO stands for Non-Combatant Evacuation.


it takes too long for the incompetence and intentional destruction of the biden regime to come out.
yes...but killing and abandoning our citizens and allies IS WORSE.
The ones still there, want to be there.

Also, which president negotiated a withdrawal just between the Taliban and the US government? Why was the Afghanistan government not included?
The ones still there, want to be there.

Also, which president negotiated a withdrawal just between the Taliban and the US government? Why was the Afghanistan government not included?
That is NOT true. They are still hiding and still waiting for a way to get out. They were so desperate that mothers handed their babies over the fence. I don't know if the one mother ever saw that child again...they were hanging on planes tillthey fell to their deaths. DON"T YOU DARE say they are there of their own free will because that is a damn lie.


The military helicopters evacuating the embassy had to evade "constant" enemy fire. The airport guard towers “received small arms fire throughout the day" and Taliban mortars forced the closure of the airport. The suicide bombing that killed 13 service members was the inevitable result of Biden’s bad decisions which turned the American presence in Kabul into ‘Fort Apache’.

With no plan, deprived of proper military support, isolated in a small strip of land, surrounded by armed enemies and dangerous mobs, Biden led American military personnel into a trap.

Biden lied, Americans died.

While the State Department’s focus on Biden’s “priority” of maintaining an embassy led directly to the wretched scenes of American citizens being beaten by the Taliban and left behind under fire, Biden’s military brass also has plenty to answer for.

The Taliban had offered, 'Why don't you just take security for all of Kabul.' Gen. McKenzie replied, “That was not my instruction”. The Taliban had urged, “We want you to have it,”

That would have required thousands more troops that Biden refused to authorize.

Gen. McKenzie had initially planned to tell the Taliban to stop outside the city, but in the meeting instead told the Islamic terrorism group that he had "no opinion" on them taking the city.

Instead of trying to secure the city for an evacuation, the Biden administration and its generals outsourced the job to the Taliban with horrifying results for our citizens and our prestige.
And so over 800 American citizens were abandoned by Biden behind Taliban enemy lines.

American women would have been among those who, the report reveals, “were beaten and shot at for not being accompanied by a male, sexually assaulted, trampled, and forced to stand in wastewater for hours”.

“If there's American citizens left, we're gonna stay to get them all out,” Biden had promised.

It was one of his many lies.

Adding to the disgrace, British, French and other NATO members went out into Kabul to rescue their own people, while our own generals refused to do likewise and tried to discourage them.

“U.S. commanders were angered by allied troops leaving the perimeter of HKIA to rescue their respective citizens, expressing concern these movements could draw a negative reaction from the Taliban,” the report notes. Biden’s brass were more concerned about the Taliban’s reaction than about getting all the Americans trapped behind enemy lines out of the country.
Biden claimed that his withdrawal was carried out with the support and consent of military leaders and allies, and that no one had foreseen a rapid Taliban takeover.

In reality, he had been "warned repeatedly that the return of the Taliban was a question of when, not if" and that "the resurgence of al Qaeda" was "the most likely scenario".

Biden was aware of this and lied anyway.
After withdrawing forces while leaving thousands of Americans behind on the ground, Biden reluctantly approved a limited evacuation whose military personnel were cut off from the start. Mobs overran the airport, with mostly young men filling up planes which took off. The State Department failed to plan for an evacuation or vet evacuees leading to dozens of Afghans with terror ties coming to America and massive backups of Afghan evaucees abroad.

After its Saigon moment, the Biden administration has been paying "approximately $300,000 per flight to a Taliban controlled airline in order to allow U.S. citizens and Afghan allies to continue evacuating." Air Taliban is being funded by the United States with State Department officials confirming “that the cash-strapped Taliban are profiting from these payments.“

The Taliban had every incentive to sabotage our evacuation to profit from Air Taliban.
Where is your stinkeen CIC now? On another Vacation.
The blame game has begun over who lost Afghanistan.

The fact is, President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, were both eager to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and end what Biden referred to in his Aug. 16 speech as “America’s longest war.”

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan - FactCheck.org

And another sycophant bites the dust.
The military helicopters evacuating the embassy had to evade "constant" enemy fire. The airport guard towers “received small arms fire throughout the day" and Taliban mortars forced the closure of the airport. The suicide bombing that killed 13 service members was the inevitable result of Biden’s bad decisions which turned the American presence in Kabul into ‘Fort Apache’.

With no plan, deprived of proper military support, isolated in a small strip of land, surrounded by armed enemies and dangerous mobs, Biden led American military personnel into a trap.

Biden lied, Americans died.

You keep saying that, but the fact is, Trump is the guy who released 5000 Taliban Hard Cases at Doha, reduced American troops to 2500, and pretty much sold the Afghan Quislings down the river.
Some are concerned that America has placed Afghanistan in peril by its instantaneous removal of the military, leaving behind all Americans and its Afghan helpers who are killed for treason of helping America fight the terrorism that is still strong in the country of Afghanistan.

Saboor Sakhizada, a former Afghan translator, warned that troubling issues are reemerging in Afghanistan as a result of the U.S. withdrawal in August 2021, and it could present an opportunity for terrorism to rise in the region.​
Sakhizada worked with U.S. forces, including Fox News’ Pete Hegseth, from 2007 until 2014 before becoming an American citizen.​
He warned of a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan with widespread starvation, poverty and threats to women’s rights, particularly in girls’ access to education.​

The fuck up was going in there to start with for any other reason than Killing Bin Laden.

The compounding fuckup was staying for 20 years long after our goals had been lost.
Are you saying that nothing should have been done about the Taliban's leader's murdering three thousands of Americans along with destroying the two towers of the World Trade Center and a huge hit on the Pentagon on 9/11/2001? Oh, wait you hadn't been born yet, so it meant nothing to you, yeah?
Are you saying that nothing should have been done about the Taliban's leader's murdering three thousands of Americans along with destroying the two towers of the World Trade Center and a huge hit on the Pentagon on 9/11/2001? Oh, wait you hadn't been born yet, so it meant nothing to you, yeah?

The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11. That was Al Qaeda, an organization that ONLY existed because the CIA found it easier to recruit Arabs to fight in Afghanistan than it was to learn Pushtan and Tajik and Urdu.

If we went in there to just take out Al Qaeda, that would have been fine. Except we forgot about doing that after a year so Bush could pull out military assets to get revenge on Saddam for surviving politically when his daddy didn't.

Then Obama had to finish the job Bush started and he killed Bin Laden! Hurrah...

But there was no reason we should have been in there trying to impose a form of government on those people they weren't even a little bit interested in.
It was horrible then, a giant failure by Biden.

Today, a year later, it looks even worse.

Today, Biden is hiding away saying nothing about the 1-year anniversary of his failure.

Why Biden went through with the withdrawal plan that he had inherited from Trump is still something of a puzzle since there was no large, vocal constituency in the Democratic Party that was demanding a total US pullout from Afghanistan, and Biden's top military advisers had clearly warned him of the risks of doing so.​
In public testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and US CENTCOM commander Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, said they had advised the Biden administration that unless the US kept around 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, the Afghan military would collapse. Collapse it did.​

The "Taliban 2.0" delusion​

The publication of Haqqani's op-ed in The New York Times was emblematic of the wishful thinking about the Taliban in the US that had persisted for years. In this view the Taliban were just a bunch of misunderstood backwoodsmen who would eventually do what was only sensible: break with al Qaeda and abandon much of their misogynistic ideology as a quid pro quo for their recognition on the world stage.​
This was a classic case of mirror imaging; the belief that the Taliban would do the rational things some gullible Americans expected them to do, as opposed to implementing the quasi-mediaeval ideology that has been at the core of their armed movement since they first emerged almost three decades ago. It was like imagining the Khmer Rouge would "mature" once they had taken power in Cambodia.​

Signaling weakness to Russia and China​

When Biden spoke to the American people on Aug. 31, 2021, as the last US soldiers departed Afghanistan, he framed the withdrawal as a way of positioning the US to compete better against great-power rivals, saying, "We're engaged in a serious competition with China. We're dealing with the challenges on multiple fronts with Russia...And there's nothing China or Russia would rather have, would want more in this competition than the United States to be bogged down another decade in Afghanistan."
This was an absurd rationale: For years both China and Russia had hoped to push American forces out of Afghanistan because the country borders both China and the republics of the former Soviet Union. Russia had covertly supported the Taliban, according to the US military, while the Chinese had drawn closer to the Taliban in recent years.
Compounding Biden's disastrous policy decision to completely pull out of Afghanistan was the botched handling of the withdrawal. According to a report about that withdrawal released in February by Republican senators sitting on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the first White House meeting to discuss evacuating Americans and Afghans from Afghanistan took place on Aug. 14, only one day before the Taliban seized Kabul and five months after Biden had first publicly announced the total US withdrawal from the country.
Biden patted himself on the back that the US military subsequently extracted 124,000 Afghans from Afghanistan, calling the operation an "extraordinary success," which was like an arsonist praising himself for helping to try to put out a fire that he had started.​
But even accepting the most self-congratulatory view of the Biden administration's handling of the withdrawal, the vast majority of the Afghans who had worked with the US were abandoned. The Association of Wartime Allies, an advocacy group for Afghans who had worked for the US, estimated in March that only about 3% of the 81,000 Afghans who had worked for the US government and had applied for special visas had made it out of Afghanistan, leaving 78,000 behind.​

For following Trump's Surrender Treaty? insanity

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