oprah / biden in 2020 ?


As it is currently, the republicans will field trump (if he survives in office that long) but as I see it, there is no real democratic front runner. Lot's of names being bantered but no real outgoing of popular support for one specific candidate. I'd vote for Tulsi Gabbard ((D) but that's the only one. Despite the catastrophe that is trump,I still will not vote for hillary.
You still got third times a loser I mean charm Clinton. The batshit insane Socialist Bernie or the DNC could nominate its first fake indian.
Lizzie Is not running but she would be a huge step up for the American people if she did.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Thanks Republican tax plan of 2017!
Dems : Thanks republicans tax plan 2017.

House passes historically unpopular GOP tax bill

As it is currently, the republicans will field trump (if he survives in office that long) but as I see it, there is no real democratic front runner. Lot's of names being bantered but no real outgoing of popular support for one specific candidate. I'd vote for Tulsi Gabbard ((D) but that's the only one. Despite the catastrophe that is trump,I still will not vote for hillary.
You still got third times a loser I mean charm Clinton. The batshit insane Socialist Bernie or the DNC could nominate its first fake indian.
Lizzie Is not running but she would be a huge step up for the American people if she did.
So cultural appropriation would be officially ok if Warren ran ? The pick and choose life of a liberal, must be very confusing at times.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
Hell yeah because the lifer politicians have done so well for this country,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Did you even notice it is still climbing? Did you notice our game show host President has signed extensions of debt-fueled spending three times already?

Did you notice our debt rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch, and not one of you pseudocons started a topic to complain about it?
A bunch of self-appreciating Hollywood Elitists call for Oprah Winfrey to run for President in 2020, and suddenly she thinks 'the American people' have called her to do so?


If she seriously decides to run she better be prepared to kiss the 'Godmother's' ring because Hillary still 'owns' the DNC and has thoughts about 2020 STILL being 'her turn'.

We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
Hell yeah because the lifer politicians have done so well for this country,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Did you even notice it is still climbing? Did you notice our game show host President has signed extensions of debt-fueled spending three times already?

Did you notice our debt rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch, and not one of you pseudocons started a topic to complain about it?
How the fuck does a bill that hasn't gone entirely into effect cause the current debt increase ? Now you liberals care about the debt when Obama added 8 trillion to it.
I want to see cuts to the Fed that lower the deficit. I have been and always will be a Fiscal Conservative.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
Lining their own pockets
creating more useless regulation
Giving stuff to foreigners
Not representing those who voted them in
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
Hell yeah because the lifer politicians have done so well for this country,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Did you even notice it is still climbing? Did you notice our game show host President has signed extensions of debt-fueled spending three times already?

Did you notice our debt rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch, and not one of you pseudocons started a topic to complain about it?

are you serious ?

give the children a tax cut and they are so busy humping each other they wont notice when the sun goes down.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
Lining their own pockets
creating more useless regulation
Giving stuff to foreigners
Not representing those who voted them in
This is not the place to further criticize Donald Trump.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
Hell yeah because the lifer politicians have done so well for this country,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Did you even notice it is still climbing? Did you notice our game show host President has signed extensions of debt-fueled spending three times already?ation

Did you notice our debt rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch, and not one of you pseudocons started a topic to complain about it?
Do you understand what interest is ?
Maybe Sloppy Steve Bannon can help The Oprah! Mike "Fish Lips" Wolff said Sloppy Steve beat Crooked Hillary, not The Donald!

Oprah Winfrey for next president? Well, this militant lesbo feminist bully will claim and collect on that every man in the White House raped her.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?

Because then your next president will be a lawyer again like all the others.
If the next president is intellectually competent and fit for the rigors of the office, if the next president can build coalitions to advance a political agenda, if the next president is more interested in working for the American people and not himself, then I cannot wait for the next president.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
Hell yeah because the lifer politicians have done so well for this country,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Did you even notice it is still climbing? Did you notice our game show host President has signed extensions of debt-fueled spending three times already?

Did you notice our debt rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch, and not one of you pseudocons started a topic to complain about it?
How the fuck does a bill that hasn't gone entirely into effect cause the current debt increase ?

Look at your own link, tard. The debt is climbing on the game show host's watch. It rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch. And not one of you fakes made so much as a whimper about it.

You know why? Because you were not given orders to do so by your propaganda outlets.

You parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.

Now you liberals care about the debt when Obama added 8 trillion to it.
I'm not a liberal, dumbass. I have been laying down my ideas about how to cut spending, pay down the debt, AND lower tax rates for every American taxpayer since I came to this forum.

I want to see cuts to the Fed that lower the deficit. I have been and always will be a Fiscal Conservative.
Bullshit. You have been dead silent about Trump and the GOP's profligate spending.

You are a pseudocon projecting your own hypocrisy onto others.
Last edited:
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
Hell yeah because the lifer politicians have done so well for this country,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Did you even notice it is still climbing? Did you notice our game show host President has signed extensions of debt-fueled spending three times already?

Did you notice our debt rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch, and not one of you pseudocons started a topic to complain about it?
How the fuck does a bill that hasn't gone entirely into effect cause the current debt increase ?

Look at your own link, tard. The debt is climbing on the game show host's watch. It rocketed past $20 trillion on his watch. And not one of you fakes made so much as a whimper about it.

You know why? Because you were not given orders to do so by your propaganda outlets.

You parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.

Now you liberals care about the debt when Obama added 8 trillion to it.
I'm not a liberal, dumbass. I have been laying down my ideas about how to cut spending, pay down the debt, AND lower tax rates for every American taxpayer since I came to this forum.

I want to see cuts to the Fed that lower the deficit. I have been and always will be a Fiscal Conservative.
Bullshit. You have been dead silent about Trump and the GOP's profligate spending.

You are a pseudocon projecting your own hypocrisy onto others.
Here is where the the hypocrisy of the left is glaringly obvious. Zero complaint from the left during the Obama administration were his first budget was added 1.2 trillion to the deficit and . Fast forward to Trump and now deficit spending is important, the thing is you Liberals do not give a shit about the deficit and never have this entire thing is about Hillary Clinton losing.

I'm totally against the amount of Federal spending not matter the President. If Trump doesn't start proposing cuts he will start losing support.

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