Ok. There are very few things we know for more or less certain:
- conceptually, it is RS-26 "Rubezh", heir of RSD-10 "Pioneer".
Its most important weak side (as for all mobile ballistic complexes) - is the high vulnerability for high-yeald nuclear bursts. Therefore it is almost exclusively first-strike weapon. While it can easily move, change its positions and/or be concealed in relatively cheap and numerous shelters.
- it is highly unificated with already existed and many times tested missiles.
It means it is reliable and relatively cheap, and can be produced in significant quantities.
- it bears a lot (at least 36) RVs.
- those RVs are pretty precise - all of 36 were put in the bull eye of a single plant, and every warhead hit its target within (as they said) 2 meters from the targeting point.
So, it can hit and effectively destroy Minuteman III silos. In fact, two regiments of them, deployed on Cuba might effectively destroy all US Minuteman silos before POTUS even informed about the launch. Without nuclear warheads it means no fallouts, no collateral damage, better and more acceptable for the USA terms of peace (like only Alaska, not Alaska+California after nuclear counter-force strike).
So, its definitely not a game-changer, but it makes our raising on the ladder of escalation more smooth and safe.