Orlando and Gun Control: An Inconvenient Truth

One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Chicago? Lax gun laws? Please clarify.

Chicago doesn't have the highest murder rate in this country, not by far.

New Orleans has more than twice the murder rate of Chicago.

Chicago has around 20 murders per 100,000 people each year. New Orleans has 50.
Storms a room of 300 people, armed with an AK-47: What are the odds?

Storms a room of 300 people, armed with an AK-47, and one in ten of them are armed: What are the odds?
Storms a room of 300 people, armed with an AK-47: What are the odds?

Storms a room of 300 people, armed with an AK-47, and one in ten of them are armed: What are the odds?

Ok, let's take a look at all the other days, and all the other nightclubs where no terrorist shows up with an AK.

What are the odds that somewhere, some drunken yahoo shoots some other guy for hitting on his girl, or scuffing his sneakers?
Storms a room of 300 people, armed with an AK-47: What are the odds?

Storms a room of 300 people, armed with an AK-47, and one in ten of them are armed: What are the odds?

Ok, let's take a look at all the other days, and all the other nightclubs where no terrorist shows up with an AK.

What are the odds that somewhere, some drunken yahoo shoots some other guy for hitting on his girl, or scuffing his sneakers?

If they can't behave I am sure some of the other 100 armed civs in the bar'll shut it down.

As those armed civs would take out the mass shooter, they'd take down the yahoo, too.
One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.

Chicago? Lax gun laws? Please clarify.

He's using statistics to lie.

According to FBI statistics Detriot has the highest rate of all violent crimes. Really, what's important isn't just murder is it? A gun can protect you from all violent crimes. Take away the gun, you become an easy target.

Also, the other lie with statistics is that being number two on the list negates the fact that gun laws don't work.

The are white lies, damned lies, and statistics.
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how about we not allow civilians to have guns that shoot that many bullets without re-loading?

Then you would have to ban handguns. Because you can fit variable size magazines into handguns too. High capacity magazines in other words.

That is the high capacity bait and switch....when the anti gunner says they want a ban on high capacity magazines, the uniformed think of 100 round drum magazines....like the theater shooter had...

Then, when the legislation is put together to ban high capacity magazines....all of a sudden....those magazines turn out to be 15 round magazines...the standard magazine of dozens of types of....pistol.....because no one needs more than 10 rounds...right? And all of a sudden, overnight, they have literally banned dozens of types of pistol.....all without having to actually ban the pistol....they just banned those dreaded "high capacity" magazines......

never, ever trust anti gunners...
Even as America faces a crisis unrivaled in any other developed country, the Congress prohibits the CDC from conducting the very research that would help us understand the problems associated with gun violence and determine how to reduce the high rate of firearm-related deaths and injuries,” said AMA President Dr. Steven Stack, in a written statement.

“An epidemiological analysis of gun violence is vital so physicians and other health providers, law enforcement and society at large may be able to prevent injury, death and other harms to society resulting from firearms,” he added.


The Most Powerful Medical Association In The U.S. Gears Up To Fight Congress Over Guns

The real answer is yes, or no.

Do I trust 'the government thug,' or an NRA puppet?

I hope that protecting the constitutional rights of bad guys doesn't get you killed.

If the FBI says that some guy needs to be on a watch list, that's good enough for me. That's what they get paid to do. Where the FBI screwed up is that once somebody is on the list, they shouldn't be removed. Perhaps a not-as restrictive list. But they shouldn't EVER be able to buy guns.

The danger that you and people like you pose to the rest of us, is that you wrap yourselves in the constitution and only see black and white, when there are shades of grey, namely the Orlando shooter.

The NRA is a grassroots citizen groups that is in existence to promote Constitutional rights. It is also the largest firearm safety organization in the world. They are not your enemy. Only you Moon Bats feel threaten by them because at the end of the day you really don't like the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights all that much because it is a danger to your socialist welfare nanny state.

The government telling you what that want you to believe may be good enough for a mindless sheeple like you obviously are but at the end of the day they are a political thug organization that is influenced assholes in the White House like Obama and they have no compelling interest to protect your Constitutional rights.

The thugs in the FBI are just like any other government thugs getting paid to do what they are told by shithead politicians, elected by special interest groups. You know like Obama.

I pose no danger to anybody Moon Bat. Only you Libtards think that an individual that enjoys the rights remunerated under the Constitution is a threat.

The real threat to our country is the filthy ass oppressive government and you idiots Libtards that trust it.

The NRA is a grassroots citizen groups that is in existence to promote Constitutional rights. It is also the largest firearm safety organization in the world. They are not your enemy. Only you Moon Bats feel threaten by them because at the end of the day you really don't like the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights all that much because it is a danger to your socialist welfare nanny state.

The government telling you what that want you to believe may be good enough for a mindless sheeple like you obviously are but at the end of the day they are a political thug organization that is influenced assholes in the White House like Obama and they have no compelling interest to protect your Constitutional rights.

The thugs in the FBI are just like any other government thugs getting paid to do what they are told by shithead politicians, elected by special interest groups. You know like Obama.

I pose no danger to anybody Moon Bat. Only you Libtards think that an individual that enjoys the rights remunerated under the Constitution is a threat.

The real threat to our country is the filthy ass oppressive government and you idiots Libtards that trust it.

The NRA started as a grassroots origination, but has metastasized into a $350M+/yr marketing firm for gun manufacturers and making those at the top VERY wealthy.

The Wounded Warrior Project is another good idea turned bad. Thank God Nardizzi got canned! I may begin donating again.
Do you feel that a person that is on a no-fly list should be able to purchase a gun?

The 5th Amendment say no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. Meaning a judge should be the only person who can place a person on such a list because it denies them the liberty to travel as they chose. Now you want to deny them the right of self protection also, without due process? That would be down right unAmerican.

The 5th Amendment say no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. Meaning a judge should be the only person who can place a person on such a list because it denies them the liberty to travel as they chose. Now you want to deny them the right of self protection also, without due process? That would be down right unAmerican.

So we can have a Judge sign-off. Done.

OBTW? Would a tab of ecstasy be property?

So now you want to deny the individual their 6th Amendment rights to confront witnesses against them?

And sure, you can claim a tab of ecstasy as your property, I would advise against it.

So now you want to deny the individual their 6th Amendment rights to confront witnesses against them?

If the FBI says that someone is a suspected terrorist, that's good enough for me.

And sure, you can claim a tab of ecstasy as your property, I would advise against it.

WOW!!! You missed the point.

Fortunately for us, you didn't write the Constitution and are not in charge of enforcing it. Also, I didn't miss the point at all, I just refused to step in the trap you thought you were laying.

Fortunately for us, you didn't write the Constitution and are not in charge of enforcing it. Also, I didn't miss the point at all, I just refused to step in the trap you thought you were laying.

The United States of America is the largest municipal corporation in the world, and we use a business plan that is 200+ years old. How smart is that?

The NRA started as a grassroots origination, but has metastasized into a $350M+/yr marketing firm for gun manufacturers and making those at the top VERY wealthy.

The Wounded Warrior Project is another good idea turned bad. Thank God Nardizzi got canned! I may begin donating again.

I am sorry but you are simply confused. Typical for a Moon Bat.

The NRA strength comes from its millions of citizen members. Institutional sponsorship is not that great.

Most of youMoon Bats are uneducated and low information and you know nothing about the NRA.

How about joining so you can be a member of an organization that protects Constitutional rights and is the largest gun safety organization in the world? That way you would do some good instead of spouting this ignorant anti right to keep and bear arms Moon Bat filth.
One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

More guns less crime... Fact

Thank you Mr. LaPierre. Your efforts in marketing guns had been very successful.

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