Orphanages Are Safer Than Adoption Into Same-sex "families".

But it's ok when men do it to women, right?

Yes , very good to see you are making some progress slimy one. Now you are beginning to understand - that a mans penis was designed to be put into a womans body , not another mans ...

Orphanages are safer than giving children to homosexuals. your personal feelings do not change that.

Further, you are forcing children into homosexual lifestyles against the child's wishes. That is child abuse.

It is sick that dictators force children into homosexual lifestyles.

"giving children to homosexuals"

No one 'gives' children to anyone- children are adopted by adults, who are vetted and qualified per the adoption agency that is responsible for the children.

Your bigotry is showing. Clearly you have no concern for children.

As I said- the overwhelming number of child molesters are men. As are the overwhelming number of child abusers.

But you don't care about those children. You only care about children as pawns to be used against homosexuals.

It is sick that you would prefer that children abandoned by their heterosexual parents languish in orphanages- and then be aged out of the system without any families- rather than be with a loving family- whether that family is headed by a single mom, a single dad, a mom and a dad, two dads or two moms.

Children who age out of the system with no families have no support system whatsoever- and that is what you are wishing on these children.

I admire anyone- straight or gay- who steps up and adopts children that have been thrown away by their own parents.
First, when you must blindly attack heterosexuals to make the argument for homosexuality, that shows homosexuality dies not stand in its own merits.

Second, you state opinion, as far as abuse and crime goes, homosexual men commit more crimes and do more drugs than heterosexual men. More homosexuals use "inhalents", like poppers, people on poppers will do things they would not normally do.

Children are forced into homosexual lifestyles against their desire and sexuality.

Why do the homosexual supporters ignore the voice of children.

I am not attacking heterosexuals- I am stating the facts.

As a heterosexual, I am disgusted by parents who abandon their children- parents who are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Secondly it is a fact that statistically men are the problem when it comes to child abuse- statistically men commit 90% plus of all child sex abuse and the vast majority of child physical abuse.

Men- heterosexual men and homosexual men. Not women- heterosexual or homosexual women.

But you don't care about those children. You only care about children as pawns to be used against homosexuals. You lie about homosexuals and you cry crocodile tears about children.

It is sick that you would prefer that children abandoned by their heterosexual parents languish in orphanages- and then be aged out of the system without any families- rather than be with a loving family- whether that family is headed by a single mom, a single dad, a mom and a dad, two dads or two moms.

Children who age out of the system with no families have no support system whatsoever- and that is what you are wishing on these children.

I admire anyone- straight or gay- who steps up and adopts children that have been thrown away by their own parents

Languishing? Hardly, that is your biased feelings, our Orphanages are not even close to how you perceive them.

All those crime statistics, apply to homosexuals, and I bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

But crime and statistics aside, there are zero heterosexual children in orphanages dreaming of being adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

It is abuse to force children into a homosexual lifestyle.

..... bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.
There's only one reason a pair of sodomites want to get there hands on a little boy.
Would that reason be that they celebrate a man for his sexuality who sodomized his own adopted ward and other "young waifs with substantce abuse problems"? That would be a red flag on an adoption application I would think... [see my signature for details]

A red flag would be anyone paying attention to the lies that you post.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.[/QUOTE]
But it's ok when men do it to women, right?[/QUOTE]
Handing Children over to Gay Men is like handing them over to Sweeney Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street. "Anyone want some meat pies ?"

Why am I not surprised when bigots compare gay men to murderers?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?
LOL....why do the anti-gay activists want children to not have parents?

Why do anti-gay activists want children to age out of the foster and orphanage system without families to love and support them?

Because anti-gay activists would rather have such children living on the streets, addicted to drugs- than be part of family that includes homosexuals.

And that is just sick.
It is not a family that, "includes", homosexuals, it is a homosexual lifestyle. Period.

What is sick is forcing children into homosexual lifestyles against their wishes.

Tyrants force children into a homosexual lifestyle they do not want.

Tyrants tell children that they have to live on the streets rather than being adopted by a loving family- if someone in the family is homosexual.
Actually, tyrants lie, Homosexuals are not adopting children off the streets

3 year old babies are living on the streets and Homosexuals are saving them? You have zero knowledge if what you are talking about so you have to make stuff up.

You can not wrap your head around the fact that you ate a tyrant, forcing children into homosexual lifestyles.

I 'ate a tyrant'?

Well no more idiotic than the rest of your claims.

Homosexuals- and heterosexuals- are adopting children- who will have parents when they turn 18 years old and who will support them emotionally and financially for the rest of their lives.

You want to deprive children of that unless the parents are heterosexuals. You want children to languish in orphanages- and foster homes- and age out of the system- and into a life with no family to support them.

Because your hatred of homosexuals is more important to you than children.
It is your unsubstantiated opinion, that children will languish inside an orphanage.

You are advocating that children be forced against their will into Homosexual lifestyles.

Homosexuals will force their lifestyle into children's lives.

We will fight against that, always.

It is your unsustanatiated opinion that children are being forced against their will to be adopted by loving parents

Bigots will always hate homosexuals.

We will fight against that always- and for children to be adopted by loving, responsible parents
It is not a family that, "includes", homosexuals, it is a homosexual lifestyle. Period.

What is sick is forcing children into homosexual lifestyles against their wishes.

Tyrants force children into a homosexual lifestyle they do not want.

Tyrants tell children that they have to live on the streets rather than being adopted by a loving family- if someone in the family is homosexual.
Actually, tyrants lie, Homosexuals are not adopting children off the streets

3 year old babies are living on the streets and Homosexuals are saving them? You have zero knowledge if what you are talking about so you have to make stuff up.

You can not wrap your head around the fact that you ate a tyrant, forcing children into homosexual lifestyles.

I 'ate a tyrant'?

Well no more idiotic than the rest of your claims.

Homosexuals- and heterosexuals- are adopting children- who will have parents when they turn 18 years old and who will support them emotionally and financially for the rest of their lives.

You want to deprive children of that unless the parents are heterosexuals. You want children to languish in orphanages- and foster homes- and age out of the system- and into a life with no family to support them.

Because your hatred of homosexuals is more important to you than children.
It is your unsubstantiated opinion, that children will languish inside an orphanage.

You are advocating that children be forced against their will into Homosexual lifestyles.

Homosexuals will force their lifestyle into children's lives.

We will fight against that, always.

It is your unsustanatiated opinion that children are being forced against their will to be adopted by loving parents

Bigots will always hate homosexuals.

We will fight against that always- and for children to be adopted by loving, responsible parents
Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior?
"giving children to homosexuals"

No one 'gives' children to anyone- children are adopted by adults, who are vetted and qualified per the adoption agency that is responsible for the children.

Your bigotry is showing. Clearly you have no concern for children.

As I said- the overwhelming number of child molesters are men. As are the overwhelming number of child abusers.

But you don't care about those children. You only care about children as pawns to be used against homosexuals.

It is sick that you would prefer that children abandoned by their heterosexual parents languish in orphanages- and then be aged out of the system without any families- rather than be with a loving family- whether that family is headed by a single mom, a single dad, a mom and a dad, two dads or two moms.

Children who age out of the system with no families have no support system whatsoever- and that is what you are wishing on these children.

I admire anyone- straight or gay- who steps up and adopts children that have been thrown away by their own parents.
First, when you must blindly attack heterosexuals to make the argument for homosexuality, that shows homosexuality dies not stand in its own merits.

Second, you state opinion, as far as abuse and crime goes, homosexual men commit more crimes and do more drugs than heterosexual men. More homosexuals use "inhalents", like poppers, people on poppers will do things they would not normally do.

Children are forced into homosexual lifestyles against their desire and sexuality.

Why do the homosexual supporters ignore the voice of children.

I am not attacking heterosexuals- I am stating the facts.

As a heterosexual, I am disgusted by parents who abandon their children- parents who are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Secondly it is a fact that statistically men are the problem when it comes to child abuse- statistically men commit 90% plus of all child sex abuse and the vast majority of child physical abuse.

Men- heterosexual men and homosexual men. Not women- heterosexual or homosexual women.

But you don't care about those children. You only care about children as pawns to be used against homosexuals. You lie about homosexuals and you cry crocodile tears about children.

It is sick that you would prefer that children abandoned by their heterosexual parents languish in orphanages- and then be aged out of the system without any families- rather than be with a loving family- whether that family is headed by a single mom, a single dad, a mom and a dad, two dads or two moms.

Children who age out of the system with no families have no support system whatsoever- and that is what you are wishing on these children.

I admire anyone- straight or gay- who steps up and adopts children that have been thrown away by their own parents

Languishing? Hardly, that is your biased feelings, our Orphanages are not even close to how you perceive them.

All those crime statistics, apply to homosexuals, and I bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

But crime and statistics aside, there are zero heterosexual children in orphanages dreaming of being adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

It is abuse to force children into a homosexual lifestyle.

..... bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.

Orphanages are safer than adoption and foster homes, you finally posted enough you actually show that you agree with the OP.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.
But it's ok when men do it to women, right?[/QUOTE]
Handing Children over to Gay Men is like handing them over to Sweeney Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street. "Anyone want some meat pies ?"

Why am I not surprised when bigots compare gay men to murderers?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?[/QUOTE]

Do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
First, when you must blindly attack heterosexuals to make the argument for homosexuality, that shows homosexuality dies not stand in its own merits.

Second, you state opinion, as far as abuse and crime goes, homosexual men commit more crimes and do more drugs than heterosexual men. More homosexuals use "inhalents", like poppers, people on poppers will do things they would not normally do.

Children are forced into homosexual lifestyles against their desire and sexuality.

Why do the homosexual supporters ignore the voice of children.

I am not attacking heterosexuals- I am stating the facts.

As a heterosexual, I am disgusted by parents who abandon their children- parents who are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Secondly it is a fact that statistically men are the problem when it comes to child abuse- statistically men commit 90% plus of all child sex abuse and the vast majority of child physical abuse.

Men- heterosexual men and homosexual men. Not women- heterosexual or homosexual women.

But you don't care about those children. You only care about children as pawns to be used against homosexuals. You lie about homosexuals and you cry crocodile tears about children.

It is sick that you would prefer that children abandoned by their heterosexual parents languish in orphanages- and then be aged out of the system without any families- rather than be with a loving family- whether that family is headed by a single mom, a single dad, a mom and a dad, two dads or two moms.

Children who age out of the system with no families have no support system whatsoever- and that is what you are wishing on these children.

I admire anyone- straight or gay- who steps up and adopts children that have been thrown away by their own parents

Languishing? Hardly, that is your biased feelings, our Orphanages are not even close to how you perceive them.

All those crime statistics, apply to homosexuals, and I bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

But crime and statistics aside, there are zero heterosexual children in orphanages dreaming of being adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

It is abuse to force children into a homosexual lifestyle.

..... bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.

Orphanages are safer than adoption and foster homes, you finally posted enough you actually show that you agree with the OP.

Why am I never surprised when homophobic bigots lie about what I have said?

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.
I am not attacking heterosexuals- I am stating the facts.

As a heterosexual, I am disgusted by parents who abandon their children- parents who are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Secondly it is a fact that statistically men are the problem when it comes to child abuse- statistically men commit 90% plus of all child sex abuse and the vast majority of child physical abuse.

Men- heterosexual men and homosexual men. Not women- heterosexual or homosexual women.

But you don't care about those children. You only care about children as pawns to be used against homosexuals. You lie about homosexuals and you cry crocodile tears about children.

It is sick that you would prefer that children abandoned by their heterosexual parents languish in orphanages- and then be aged out of the system without any families- rather than be with a loving family- whether that family is headed by a single mom, a single dad, a mom and a dad, two dads or two moms.

Children who age out of the system with no families have no support system whatsoever- and that is what you are wishing on these children.

I admire anyone- straight or gay- who steps up and adopts children that have been thrown away by their own parents

Languishing? Hardly, that is your biased feelings, our Orphanages are not even close to how you perceive them.

All those crime statistics, apply to homosexuals, and I bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

But crime and statistics aside, there are zero heterosexual children in orphanages dreaming of being adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

It is abuse to force children into a homosexual lifestyle.

..... bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.

Orphanages are safer than adoption and foster homes, you finally posted enough you actually show that you agree with the OP.

Why am I never surprised when homophobic bigots lie about what I have said?

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.
Homosexuals are morally and criminally, better citizens?

Adoption is a problem according to your post, which is the premise of my OP.

Thanks for further validating my OP.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.
But it's ok when men do it to women, right?
Handing Children over to Gay Men is like handing them over to Sweeney Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street. "Anyone want some meat pies ?"

Why am I not surprised when bigots compare gay men to murderers?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?[/QUOTE]

Do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?[/QUOTE]

It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......
Languishing? Hardly, that is your biased feelings, our Orphanages are not even close to how you perceive them.

All those crime statistics, apply to homosexuals, and I bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

But crime and statistics aside, there are zero heterosexual children in orphanages dreaming of being adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

It is abuse to force children into a homosexual lifestyle.

..... bet if you actually tried to find the data, you would find that homosexuals commit more crimes than heterosexuals.

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.

Orphanages are safer than adoption and foster homes, you finally posted enough you actually show that you agree with the OP.

Why am I never surprised when homophobic bigots lie about what I have said?

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.
Homosexuals are morally and criminally, better citizens?

Adoption is a problem according to your post, which is the premise of my OP.

Thanks for further validating my OP.

Homosexuals are morally and criminally no better and no worse citizens than non-homosexuals.

The premise of your OP is discrimination against homosexuals, spread thickly with faux concern for children.

And that is all you have validated so far- bigotry towards homosexuals.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.
But it's ok when men do it to women, right?
Handing Children over to Gay Men is like handing them over to Sweeney Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street. "Anyone want some meat pies ?"

Why am I not surprised when bigots compare gay men to murderers?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?

Do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?[/QUOTE]

It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......[/QUOTE]

Its a yes or no. Do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti monsters is your lord and savior?

You don't- you are a hateful Spaghettiphobic bigot........Now see what you have started?

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.

Orphanages are safer than adoption and foster homes, you finally posted enough you actually show that you agree with the OP.

Why am I never surprised when homophobic bigots lie about what I have said?

Child sex abuse and child physical abuse is overwhelmingly done by men. In the case of adoption that is overwhelmingly heterosexual men.

The adoptive and foster children that they abuse are overwhelmingly children who have been abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

Until I see some of you 'stalwart defenders' of children actually post one thing that is aimed at protecting children, rather than attacking homosexuals, I will keep pointing out what these posts actually are.
Homosexuals are morally and criminally, better citizens?

Adoption is a problem according to your post, which is the premise of my OP.

Thanks for further validating my OP.

Homosexuals are morally and criminally no better and no worse citizens than non-homosexuals.

The premise of your OP is discrimination against homosexuals, spread thickly with faux concern for children.

And that is all you have validated so far- bigotry towards homosexuals.
All that is stated is true, orphanages are safer than adoption into homosexual "families", you admitted that.

Bigotry is ignoring the fact that no children are asking to be adopted into a homosexual lifestyle.

Not one person disputes that fact.
That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.
But it's ok when men do it to women, right?
Handing Children over to Gay Men is like handing them over to Sweeney Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street. "Anyone want some meat pies ?"

Why am I not surprised when bigots compare gay men to murderers?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior?

Do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......[/QUOTE]

Its a yes or no. Do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti monsters is your lord and savior?

You don't- you are a hateful Spaghettiphobic bigot........Now see what you have started?[/QUOTE]
Now you're trolling. You lose.
It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......

If he wanted to keep equal rights from Christians, yes. Is anyone trying to prevent Christians from entering into legal, civil marriages with the non familial consenting adult partner of their choice?
It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......

If he wanted to keep equal rights from Christians, yes. Is anyone trying to prevent Christians from entering into legal, civil marriages with the non familial consenting adult partner of their choice?
It's not about equal rights. It's about submission by force.
It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......

If he wanted to keep equal rights from Christians, yes. Is anyone trying to prevent Christians from entering into legal, civil marriages with the non familial consenting adult partner of their choice?
It's not about equal rights. It's about submission by force.

:lol: Right...go with that. What are you personally being "forced" to submit to?
It's a yes or no. Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior? You don't. You're a hateful Christophobic bigot. Now see what you've started......

If he wanted to keep equal rights from Christians, yes. Is anyone trying to prevent Christians from entering into legal, civil marriages with the non familial consenting adult partner of their choice?
It's not about equal rights. It's about submission by force.

:lol: Right...go with that. What are you personally being "forced" to submit to?
Preachers being threatened with jail and fines for not submitting. DUH!!

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