Orphanages Are Safer Than Adoption Into Same-sex "families".

Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".

well, certainly better than someone who tries to distort an article to make it an anti-gay rant.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Hateful bigots have no business raising children since they often actually pass on their hateful bigotry to their offspring.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

perhaps bigots shouldn't be allowed to raise children.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

perhaps bigots shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Being called a bigot by sick indoctrinated trash. Now that's funny shit.
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.

Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years RT News


Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online


Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork


Gay couple cage beat adopted son to death in Chicago


nothing like a non sensational non biased source.. too bad the weekly world news is defunct.
Yet it is a true story, go figure.

Elektra , you would be well advised to simply put daws101 on ignore ... he has never had anything useful to contribute, and is on the extreme low end of the bell curve of the Intel. quotient - even for a Liberal. He's simply a waste of your time.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?

No I am against Children in Orphanages being used as sexual objects by perverts.

Well then we don't have a problem.

Don't adopt out children to child molesters- which are overwhelmingly male- and heterosexual.

Adopt them out to loving families, regardless of their race, religion or sexual orientation, who want to raise, love and care for children abandoned by their biological parents.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.[/QUOTE]

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.[/QUOTE]

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.
I feel sorry for the people around them...who HAVE to be around them.
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.

Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years RT News


Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online


Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork


Gay couple cage beat adopted son to death in Chicago


nothing like a non sensational non biased source.. too bad the weekly world news is defunct.
Yet it is a true story, go figure.

Unfortunately there are child molesters.

Overwhelmingly male.

Overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Unless you want to prevent the adoption of any children to any household that contains a male, your rant is just bigotry against homosexuals.

Certainly it has nothing to do with protecting children abandoned by their heterosexual parents from child sex abuse.
That'sTE="Syriusly, post: 9996807, member: 51902"]
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.

That's the standard comment from indoctrinated drones.[/QUOTE]

Thats my comment because I am a) well informed and b) not a pathetic bigot.

Anyone who calls 'queers' mentally ill, likely is suffering from some sort of mental disease, and should seek treatment.[/QUOTE]
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.
So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?
No they hate gay people. Keep up.
Queers have no business raising children. I don't hate. I don't anyone or anything. Wisdom and understanding isn't hate. Nature tells us a lot. Queers are mentally I'll.
Sorry, but we do just fine as parents. What are you going to do about it? Cry?

Nope. I'm going to pray for God to protect the soul and mind of the children.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.

When you call a man you don't know 'dearie'- that's mental illness.

And pretty gay too.

Oh, so now you're going to use gay as an insult. Time for your nap.

No- just pointing out that if you use the term 'dearie' when speaking to a man, you might be gay.

Or just have a mental illness.

Or both.
When a man wants to stick his pecker in another man's hairy stinky asshole, that's mental illness, dearie.

When you call a man you don't know 'dearie'- that's mental illness.

And pretty gay too.

Oh, so now you're going to use gay as an insult. Time for your nap.

No- just pointing out that if you use the term 'dearie' when speaking to a man, you might be gay.

Or just have a mental illness.

Or both.

LOL. You ignorant tools are such fun.

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