Orphanages Are Safer Than Adoption Into Same-sex "families".

My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994).

Seems that heterosexual parents can be quite abusive. You've claimed that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry because they could abuse children. Following your logic, does that mean that heterosexuals shouldn't be allowed to marry because they too could abuse children?

At rates of 2 to 269 it seems.
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".

While I may agree with you on other issues, I cannot remain silent on this. Any child is safe with good parents. It doesn't matter who the parents are, whether they are gay or not, just that they are decent people who know how to raise children. My niece is gay. Her and her wife are the best people I know. They have recently adopted my niece's half sister because their mom was a meth head and a disaster of a mother. The little girl was in danger for the first 3 years of her life because she had a mom who was too busy partying and occasionally winding up in jail to worry about the little girl. For those years, the court always sided with her because she promised to change. Well, she didn't. The little girl was malnourished and withdrawn emotionally. Now, after two years of being with my niece and her wife, the little girl is the picture of health and she is the happiest child I've ever seen. That is because she is being raised by two wonderful people who would do anything for her.

The grandmother is upset because she wanted to do what she usually did and keep the child till the mom got out of jail. She asked how they would explain to the child why they were a couple. I thought that was easy enough. Two people love each other and both want to do what is in the best interest of the child. I wanted to know how the grandmother explained why the mom was always getting arrested and disappearing for long periods of time as she served her sentence or why there were some pretty scuzzy people always hanging around the house and partying. One of them was a convicted sex offender. A heterosexual one. Who can explain to the child why she slept on a filthy mattress and had no toys or decent clothing. When my niece first got legal guardianship of the girl, they went to the house to pack her things. There was literally nothing worth packing. The house was completely disgusting.

Maybe the next gay couple would suck at being parents just like not all heterosexual people are good at it. There are perverts in this world, but you can't put them under the same umbrella as gays. Some heterosexual men molest little girls. Being gay does not equate to being mentally ill or bad just as being heterosexual does not equate to being sane and good. I look at some world leaders who are "normal" according to some, but they are the epitome of evil. If you are going to judge people, do so by character as it is all that ever matters.

I judge people as individuals and find that common decency and common sense aren't confined to one group or absent in another.
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Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

The facts

Children raised in orphanages have an IQ 20 points lower than their peers in foster care, according to a meta-analysis of 75 studies (more than 3,800 children in 19 countries).

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

Three years is the average length of time a child in foster care waits to be adopted. Roughly 55% of these children have had three or more placements. An earlier study found that 33% of children had changed elementary schools five or more times, losing relationships and falling behind educationally.

Facts and Statistics

But there are those who would prefer children to be left to languish and deteriorate in foster care or orphanages rather than being raised by two responsible adults who have committed to care for them for the rest of their lives.

I don't understand those people.
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".

While I may agree with you on other issues, I cannot remain silent on this. Any child is safe with good parents. It doesn't matter who the parents are, whether they are gay or not, just that they are decent people who know how to raise children. My niece is gay. Her and her wife are the best people I know. They have recently adopted my niece's half sister because their mom was a meth head and a disaster of a mother. The little girl was in danger for the first 3 years of her life because she had a mom who was too busy partying and occasionally winding up in jail to worry about the little girl. For those years, the court always sided with her because she promised to change. Well, she didn't. The little girl was malnourished and withdrawn emotionally. Now, after two years of being with my niece and her wife, the little girl is the picture of health and she is the happiest child I've ever seen. That is because she is being raised by two wonderful people who would do anything for her.

The grandmother is upset because she wanted to do what she usually did and keep the child till the mom got out of jail. She asked how they would explain to the child why they were a couple. I thought that was easy enough. Two people love each other and both want to do what is in the best interest of the child. I wanted to know how the grandmother explained why the mom was always getting arrested and disappearing for long periods of time as she served her sentence or why there were some pretty scuzzy people always hanging around the house and partying. One of them was a convicted sex offender. A heterosexual one. Who can explain to the child why she slept on a filthy mattress and had no toys or decent clothing. When my niece first got legal guardianship of the girl, they went to the house to pack her things. There was literally nothing worth packing. The house was completely disgusting.

Maybe the next gay couple would suck at being parents just like not all heterosexual people are good at it. There are perverts in this world, but you can't put them under the same umbrella as gays. Some heterosexual men molest little girls. Being gay does not equate to being mentally ill or bad just as being heterosexual does not equate to being sane and good. I look at some world leaders who are "normal" according to some, but they are the epitome of evil. If you are going to judge people, do so by character as it is all that ever matters.

I judge people as individuals and find that common decency and common sense aren't confined to one group or absent in another.
Family is family, it is good that your sister ha family to take care of your niece.

I spoke of orphaned children that have lost their family. They are safer in an orphanage than being adopted into a homosexual homes, strangers.

My younger bother is gay, he has full freedom to interact with my children as he likes, my older brother who raped my younger brother, homosexualy, will never have contact with my children.

Yet our personal experiences have zero in common with the OP.

Orphanages are supervised, orphanages are populated with many children, as the author in the quoted and linked article states based on the experience of living in the orphanage, it was virtually impossible for abuse to happen. There simply were too many witnesses all the time.

In an adopted family behind closed doors, there is secrecy, crime and severe abuse is happening.

I can not endorse forcing children into homosexual lifestyles and then accepting the abuse and crime that everyone agrees is statically guaranteed.

Further I am against forcing children into a strangers homosexual lifestyle against the wishes and desire of the child.

Children who have no family and are forced into a strangers homosexual lifestyle are abused.
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".

While I may agree with you on other issues, I cannot remain silent on this. Any child is safe with good parents. It doesn't matter who the parents are, whether they are gay or not, just that they are decent people who know how to raise children. My niece is gay. Her and her wife are the best people I know. They have recently adopted my niece's half sister because their mom was a meth head and a disaster of a mother. The little girl was in danger for the first 3 years of her life because she had a mom who was too busy partying and occasionally winding up in jail to worry about the little girl. For those years, the court always sided with her because she promised to change. Well, she didn't. The little girl was malnourished and withdrawn emotionally. Now, after two years of being with my niece and her wife, the little girl is the picture of health and she is the happiest child I've ever seen. That is because she is being raised by two wonderful people who would do anything for her.

The grandmother is upset because she wanted to do what she usually did and keep the child till the mom got out of jail. She asked how they would explain to the child why they were a couple. I thought that was easy enough. Two people love each other and both want to do what is in the best interest of the child. I wanted to know how the grandmother explained why the mom was always getting arrested and disappearing for long periods of time as she served her sentence or why there were some pretty scuzzy people always hanging around the house and partying. One of them was a convicted sex offender. A heterosexual one. Who can explain to the child why she slept on a filthy mattress and had no toys or decent clothing. When my niece first got legal guardianship of the girl, they went to the house to pack her things. There was literally nothing worth packing. The house was completely disgusting.

Maybe the next gay couple would suck at being parents just like not all heterosexual people are good at it. There are perverts in this world, but you can't put them under the same umbrella as gays. Some heterosexual men molest little girls. Being gay does not equate to being mentally ill or bad just as being heterosexual does not equate to being sane and good. I look at some world leaders who are "normal" according to some, but they are the epitome of evil. If you are going to judge people, do so by character as it is all that ever matters.

I judge people as individuals and find that common decency and common sense aren't confined to one group or absent in another.
Family is family, it is good that your sister ha family to take care of your niece.

I spoke of orphaned children that have lost their family. They are safer in an orphanage than being adopted into a homosexual homes, strangers.

My younger bother is gay, he has full freedom to interact with my children as he likes, my older brother who raped my younger brother, homosexualy, will never have contact with my children.

Yet our personal experiences have zero in common with the OP.

Orphanages are supervised, orphanages are populated with many children, as the author in the quoted and linked article states based on the experience of living in the orphanage, it was virtually impossible for abuse to happen. There simply were too many witnesses all the time.

In an adopted family behind closed doors, there is secrecy, crime and severe abuse is happening.

I can not endorse forcing children into homosexual lifestyles and then accepting the abuse and crime that everyone agrees is statically guaranteed.

Further I am against forcing children into a strangers homosexual lifestyle against the wishes and desire of the child.

Children who have no family and are forced into a strangers homosexual lifestyle are abused.

I can appreciate what you are saying about orphanages and they are certainly a good option in many cases. Because there are so many children, they don't get the one on one attention and few have things to call their own. It's still a good thing we have them and bless the people who take care of those children.

Anything is better than some abusive households or homes where parents are drug addicts or neglectful. There has been a lot of abuse in foster homes, too. Even daycare providers can be creepy. A woman in my state was arrested for keeping the young children strapped to car seats while in her care. I don't believe statistics show that gay homes are worse than others.

It's a matter of thoroughly investigating any people before you place a child in the home. Children who lost their families are especially devastated and they would be frightened to live with any stranger no matter how kind they were. Most children just want love and someone to take care of them.

After a child is placed in a home, they are supposed to do follow ups to look for signs of any problems. No system is 100%, but we have to do our best.

I hate to deny good people the chance to offer a child a loving and stable home.
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".

While I may agree with you on other issues, I cannot remain silent on this. Any child is safe with good parents. It doesn't matter who the parents are, whether they are gay or not, just that they are decent people who know how to raise children. My niece is gay. Her and her wife are the best people I know. They have recently adopted my niece's half sister because their mom was a meth head and a disaster of a mother. The little girl was in danger for the first 3 years of her life because she had a mom who was too busy partying and occasionally winding up in jail to worry about the little girl. For those years, the court always sided with her because she promised to change. Well, she didn't. The little girl was malnourished and withdrawn emotionally. Now, after two years of being with my niece and her wife, the little girl is the picture of health and she is the happiest child I've ever seen. That is because she is being raised by two wonderful people who would do anything for her.

The grandmother is upset because she wanted to do what she usually did and keep the child till the mom got out of jail. She asked how they would explain to the child why they were a couple. I thought that was easy enough. Two people love each other and both want to do what is in the best interest of the child. I wanted to know how the grandmother explained why the mom was always getting arrested and disappearing for long periods of time as she served her sentence or why there were some pretty scuzzy people always hanging around the house and partying. One of them was a convicted sex offender. A heterosexual one. Who can explain to the child why she slept on a filthy mattress and had no toys or decent clothing. When my niece first got legal guardianship of the girl, they went to the house to pack her things. There was literally nothing worth packing. The house was completely disgusting.

Maybe the next gay couple would suck at being parents just like not all heterosexual people are good at it. There are perverts in this world, but you can't put them under the same umbrella as gays. Some heterosexual men molest little girls. Being gay does not equate to being mentally ill or bad just as being heterosexual does not equate to being sane and good. I look at some world leaders who are "normal" according to some, but they are the epitome of evil. If you are going to judge people, do so by character as it is all that ever matters.

I judge people as individuals and find that common decency and common sense aren't confined to one group or absent in another.
Family is family, it is good that your sister ha family to take care of your niece.

I spoke of orphaned children that have lost their family. They are safer in an orphanage than being adopted into a homosexual homes, strangers.

My younger bother is gay, he has full freedom to interact with my children as he likes, my older brother who raped my younger brother, homosexualy, will never have contact with my children.

Yet our personal experiences have zero in common with the OP.

Orphanages are supervised, orphanages are populated with many children, as the author in the quoted and linked article states based on the experience of living in the orphanage, it was virtually impossible for abuse to happen. There simply were too many witnesses all the time.

In an adopted family behind closed doors, there is secrecy, crime and severe abuse is happening.

I can not endorse forcing children into homosexual lifestyles and then accepting the abuse and crime that everyone agrees is statically guaranteed.

Further I am against forcing children into a strangers homosexual lifestyle against the wishes and desire of the child.

Children who have no family and are forced into a strangers homosexual lifestyle are abused.

I can appreciate what you are saying about orphanages and they are certainly a good option in many cases. Because there are so many children, they don't get the one on one attention and few have things to call their own. It's still a good thing we have them and bless the people who take care of those children.

Anything is better than some abusive households or homes where parents are drug addicts or neglectful. There has been a lot of abuse in foster homes, too. Even daycare providers can be creepy. A woman in my state was arrested for keeping the young children strapped to car seats while in her care. I don't believe statistics show that gay homes are worse than others.

It's a matter of thoroughly investigating any people before you place a child in the home. Children who lost their families are especially devastated and they would be frightened to live with any stranger no matter how kind they were. Most children just want love and someone to take care of them.

After a child is placed in a home, they are supposed to do follow ups to look for signs of any problems. No system is 100%, but we have to do our best.

I hate to deny good people the chance to offer a child a loving and stable home.
I agree, and I will support what the child wants, needs, and desires. A homosexual lifestyle is not what any child is asking for after losing his parents, after becoming an orphan.
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
I don't believe I have ever been in agreement with you before.

*watches for lightening*
I suspect that most if not all of you are not a product of the state run child housing system. As such I don't think any of you know what most of us who were or currently are "think" about what kind of housing we would prefer.

I know for a fact that at least 2 of my surrogate parents were gay. They never abused me. Not only that they were among the most kind hearted.
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.
the op and his boyfriend are piling it high and deep....most child molesters are "straight" white men

In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.
The Mainstream
Reflecting the results of these and other studies, as well as clinical experience, the mainstream view among researchers and professionals who work in the area of child sexual abuse is that homosexual and bisexual men do not pose any special threat to children. For example, in one review of the scientific literature, noted authority Dr. A. Nicholas Groth wrote:
Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual(Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).
In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259).

This well known lack of a linkage between homosexuality and child molestation accounts for why relatively little research has directly addressed the issue. For example, a 1998 comprehensive review of published empirical research on the sexual abuse of boys reported only one study (the 1994 study by Jenny and colleagues, cited above) that included data about the self-reported sexual orientation of perpetrators (Holmes & Slap, 1998).

Proving something that is already widely known simply isn't a priority for scientists. Indeed, a commentary that accompanied publication of the study by Jenny et al. in Pediatrics noted that debates about gay people as molesters "have little to do with everyday child abuse" and lamented that they distract lawmakers and the public from dealing with the real problem of children's sexual mistreatment (Krugman, 1994).

I can just as easily say all 10 year old boys raped by men were raped by homosexuaks

Over intellectualizing a very simple topic is very common when it is a controversial topic, especially when Big Brother has something to hide. Male on Male sex, is homosexual - that's not complicated now is it ? A Man molests a boy - it is a homosexual molestation - very simple very clear , no semantics ,and no convoluted fuzzy logic .
you could have just said the words have too many syllables and it would still be bullshit

Male on Male sex, is homosexual - that's not complicated now is it ? A Man molests a boy - it is a homosexual molestation - very simple very clear , no semantics ,and no convoluted fuzzy logic .
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.

Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years RT News


Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online


Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork


Gay couple cage beat adopted son to death in Chicago

Last edited:
I find the aforementioned stories horrifying. Anyone that physically and/or sexually abuses children are monsters and deserve to be thrown in jail until the end of their days. Period. While these stories make my heart ache, folks with an axe to grind will use them as reason to deny gay people adoption which is a terribly dishonest tactic.


Arizona couple busted for severely abusing adopted children after they call behavioral health facility for help rearing devious child - NY Daily News

Foster Care Author Accused Of Abusing Adopted Kids

Collingswood Boys child abuse - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Outrage little action taken to protect adopted children from abuse Local News The Seattle Times

All of these stories I posted above are terrible. The parents involved are scum and deserve nothing short of a lifetime in a dark cell until their last breath. Using the logic of some in this thread these horrid stories should prohibit heterosexuals from adopting/fostering children as well. Something tells me that standard only applies to gay couples and not heterosexual couples for those with an obvious axe to grind. Gay or straight these people are scum. Do these aforementioned stories mean that straights couples should not be allowed to adopt/foster children? Of course not.
In an adopted family behind closed doors, there is secrecy, crime and severe abuse is happening.

I can not endorse forcing children into homosexual lifestyles and then accepting the abuse and crime that everyone agrees is statically guaranteed.

Further I am against forcing children into a strangers homosexual lifestyle against the wishes and desire of the child.

Children who have no family and are forced into a strangers homosexual lifestyle are abused.

So you are against children in orphanages ever being adopted?

Oh thats right- only being adopted by homosexuals.

Statistically children are most in danger of sexual abuse- and physical abuse by men.

Any men.

If you really cared about the safety of adopted children then you would be concerned about the safety of children being adopted by any family with a man in the household.

But you don't- you object to homosexuals- male or female- adopting.

That is not concern for children- that is bigotry.

Statistically the safest household a child can be adopted into would be that of two women.

But you would be opposed to that- because they are homosexuals- even though the children would statistically face the least likelihood of being sexually or physically abused.

Your opposition stems from bigotry- not concern for children's safety.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.

There is zero evidence that orphaned children care whether their adoptive parents are homosexual or heterosexual.

Orphaned children's rights come before anti-gay bigotry.
Decision expected on legal fees in Halifax orphanage abuse settlement

Read more: Decision expected on legal fees in Halifax orphanage abuse settlement CTV News

BBC News - St Francis Boys Home abuse inquiry Police identify new suspect

St Francis Boys' Home abuse inquiry: Police identify new suspect

Facts and Statistics

Children raised in orphanages have an IQ 20 points lower than their peers in foster care, according to a meta-analysis of 75 studies (more than 3,800 children in 19 countries).
the op and his boyfriend are piling it high and deep....most child molesters are "straight" white men

In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.
The Mainstream
Reflecting the results of these and other studies, as well as clinical experience, the mainstream view among researchers and professionals who work in the area of child sexual abuse is that homosexual and bisexual men do not pose any special threat to children. For example, in one review of the scientific literature, noted authority Dr. A. Nicholas Groth wrote:
Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual(Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).
In a later literature review, Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) similarly cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, "The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women" (p. 259).

This well known lack of a linkage between homosexuality and child molestation accounts for why relatively little research has directly addressed the issue. For example, a 1998 comprehensive review of published empirical research on the sexual abuse of boys reported only one study (the 1994 study by Jenny and colleagues, cited above) that included data about the self-reported sexual orientation of perpetrators (Holmes & Slap, 1998).

Proving something that is already widely known simply isn't a priority for scientists. Indeed, a commentary that accompanied publication of the study by Jenny et al. in Pediatrics noted that debates about gay people as molesters "have little to do with everyday child abuse" and lamented that they distract lawmakers and the public from dealing with the real problem of children's sexual mistreatment (Krugman, 1994).

I can just as easily say all 10 year old boys raped by men were raped by homosexuaks

Over intellectualizing a very simple topic is very common when it is a controversial topic, especially when Big Brother has something to hide. Male on Male sex, is homosexual - that's not complicated now is it ? A Man molests a boy - it is a homosexual molestation - very simple very clear , no semantics ,and no convoluted fuzzy logic .
you could have just said the words have too many syllables and it would still be bullshit

Male on Male sex, is homosexual - that's not complicated now is it ? A Man molests a boy - it is a homosexual molestation - very simple very clear , no semantics ,and no convoluted fuzzy logic .
it would be if that is what was happening and it not.
besides "straight" guys molest boys at higher rates than gays
Gay Men and Child Molestation: Myth or Fact?

By Ramon Johnson
Gay Life Expert
Are gay men more likely to molest children? General public perception is that child molestation is directly linked to homosexuality. Perhaps it's because many continue to falsely associate homosexuality exclusively with sexual behavior and thus believe children are not safe around gay men. This misguided perception has led to widespread opposition to gay teachers, religious leaders and day care providers among others. But is the link between gays and pedophilia fact or myth?

Adoption expert, Carrie Craft cites the Child Welfare Information Gateway(previously National Adoption Information Clearinghouse) as stating, "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. The American Psychological Association agrees, "Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals molest children."

According to these reputable studies, gay men are actually less likely to molest children. So, will these myth-busters change general perception?
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.

Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years RT News


Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online


Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork


Gay couple cage beat adopted son to death in Chicago


nothing like a non sensational non biased source.. too bad the weekly world news is defunct.
My point is made throughout this thread, we must protect children who are orphaned. That includes protecting them from homosexuals.

Is there any evidence that homosexual parents are more likely to abuse orphans than heterosexual ones? You simply begin with the assumption that homosexual adoption is bad. But you don't factually establish that assumption, or even question it.

I am. Please make your argument with evidence. Not mere assertions.
There is zero evidence that orphaned children want to have two homosexual strangers as parents.

Orphaned Children's Rights come before homosexual's desire.

Gay couple accused of sexually abusing adopted Russian boy for years RT News


Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online


Gay Adoption Horror Duke University Official Molested Adopted African American Son Pimped Son to Cop in Web Sting - RPVNetwork


Gay couple cage beat adopted son to death in Chicago


nothing like a non sensational non biased source.. too bad the weekly world news is defunct.
Yet it is a true story, go figure.

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