Orwell’s 1984: Smollett’s Case File Disappears from Records System

Bath house Barry won’t be able to do anything once the feds press charges. Smollett’s story about the death threat he received by mail is about as believable as the story he got jumped.

I can’t believe he had the audacity to get infront of a camera and proclaim his innocence. And I can’t believe his lawyer either. Yesterday I was pretty sure he was going to walk, now I’m positive the DOJ will get him.
They are trying to get the public to not focus on the upcoming election and Clinton and Obama corruption investigation. The governor of Illinois and Rahm Emanuel has the right to sealed those records. They don't have to tell the public nothing. Especially if it was an FBI or CIA operation.

Furthermore, State's Attorneys convinced a judge to seal all the case records, thus attempting to guarantee that the public would never see the extent of the evidence that had been gathered against Smollett's fraud. ABC News reported this shocking detail last night:

Keeping Secrets Safe: The Publications Review Board — Central Intelligence Agency

Nondisclosure Agreements Notice

Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

Cook County clerk shocked that no written motions were filed in dismissal of Smollett’s case.

“When you’re about to let a celebrity walk scot-free on 16 felony charges for no apparent reason, the important thing is to do it in the shadiest way possible. Why shake public confidence in your office when you can really throttle it? . . . The VP of Chicago’s police union unloaded yesterday on state’s attorney Kim Foxx, demanding a federal investigation into why she leaned on Chicago PD to transfer the case to the FBI after hearing from Smollett supporter Tina Tchen, former chief of staff to Michelle Obama. Foxx ended up recusing herself before the charges against Smollett were dropped but the union wants to know if she had a hidden hand in yesterday’s outcome.”
Cook County clerk shocked that no written motions were filed in dismissal of Smollett’s case.

“When you’re about to let a celebrity walk scot-free on 16 felony charges for no apparent reason, the important thing is to do it in the shadiest way possible. Why shake public confidence in your office when you can really throttle it? . . . The VP of Chicago’s police union unloaded yesterday on state’s attorney Kim Foxx, demanding a federal investigation into why she leaned on Chicago PD to transfer the case to the FBI after hearing from Smollett supporter Tina Tchen, former chief of staff to Michelle Obama. Foxx ended up recusing herself before the charges against Smollett were dropped but the union wants to know if she had a hidden hand in yesterday’s outcome.”
If it were a CIA operation. They doesn't have to tell the public. The Intelligence agencies thought that Pres.Trump was a Russian agent. And so they started an operation to stop a Russia take over. And Smollett was apart of that operation.

The whole thing is fishy as hell.

How to you have 16 counts against you and skate??

And now there is no file??

Someone needs to lose their job and I hope the FBI takes the case and they get to nail that arrogant asshole to a wall.
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The whole thing is fishy as hell.

How to you have 15 counts against you and skate??

And now there is no file??

Someone needs to lose their job and I hope the FBI takes the case and they get to nail that arrogant asshole to a wall.
Banana Republics aren’t this corrupt.

And it’s 16 felonies.
The whole thing is fishy as hell.

How to you have 15 counts against you and skate??

And now there is no file??

Someone needs to lose their job and I hope the FBI takes the case and they get to nail that arrogant asshole to a wall.
Banana Republics aren’t this corrupt.

And it’s 16 felonies.

What scares me is that they are doing this out in the open now, for everyone to see.

The Feds have to step in an at least investigate this.
It’s Chicago. I’ve been a student of Chicago political corruption since my teens so nothing that comes from that giant cesspool surprises me.

And no way in hell I’m buying Rahm’s supposed outrage over springing the asshole. Give that puke an Emmy or an Oscar for the act.
It’s Chicago. I’ve been a student of Chicago political corruption since my teens so nothing that comes from that giant cesspool surprises me.

And no way in hell I’m buying Rahm’s supposed outrage over springing the asshole. Give that puke an Emmy or an Oscar for the act.

I actually think it's genuine. He probably didn't get notified beforehand, and didn't get his 'cut" of the money spent to spring the guy.

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