Osama: I won't return to UK until black flag flies over Buckingham Palace


Nov 14, 2012
Osama is an Al-Nusra fighter, who refuses to come back to the UK as he said in in interview that he came to Syria to help to create an Islamic Caliphate.

Osama said:
I have no intention of coming back to Britain, because I have come to revive the Islamic Khilafah [the Arabic term for the creation of a caliphate].

If and when I come back to Britain it will be when this Khilafah - this Islamic state - comes to conquer Britain and I come to raise the black flag of Islam over Downing Street, over Buckingham Palace, over Tower Bridge and over Big Ben.

Oh, Osama, look who comes for you:

British jihadi: I won't return to UK until black flag flies over Buckingham Palace - Telegraph

Interview here:
BBC News - Man calls for 'black flag of Islam' over Buckingham Palace
what else is new? Osama is simply expressing a basic tenet of his religion
That's pretty funny considering British Intelligence CREATED the Muslim Brotherhood!

Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence - Topix
The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.
Well why would they do that?
The Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.
what else is new? Osama is simply expressing a basic tenet of his religion
So you like Osama?

I am simply making a correct observation about the religion of Osama----the new guy and--
the other one------Osama bin laden. Try reading the Koran---and learn some history.
The establishments of CALIPHATES world wide----is a very basic directive for muslims
since its inception. Some religions do demand that the adherents "spread the religion"
not all-----but some. To a great extent most Christian sects also make that demand but
on an individual basis------the "salvation" of individuals based on the adoption of this or
that Christian sect belief system. The Islamic approach is the establishement of "MUSLIM
RULE" in the form of caliphates in which islam is imposed as a state religion. I never met
either of the Osamas and probably would not like them if I did
"I never met either of the Osamas and probably would not like them if I did "

IRosie - First prize for understatement there : )) And some people claim your posts are 'over the top', the silly things!
what else is new? Osama is simply expressing a basic tenet of his religion
So you like Osama?

I am simply making a correct observation about the religion of Osama----the new guy and--
the other one------Osama bin laden. Try reading the Koran---and learn some history.
The establishments of CALIPHATES world wide----is a very basic directive for muslims
since its inception. Some religions do demand that the adherents "spread the religion"
not all-----but some. To a great extent most Christian sects also make that demand but
on an individual basis------the "salvation" of individuals based on the adoption of this or
that Christian sect belief system. The Islamic approach is the establishement of "MUSLIM
RULE" in the form of caliphates in which islam is imposed as a state religion. I never met
either of the Osamas and probably would not like them if I did
Yeah, we know. And our governments do nothing about it.

da priester is anti-joo and anti-black.
Don´t tell bullshit. I don´t care for your religion or color as long as don´t harass me with that, moron!

you have been harassed with other people's "complexions"??? how does that work?---
did someone threaten to SMEAR you with melanin------or in my case-----it would be
blood------my skin is very white and apparently very thin-------it shows up PINK----
because of the blood underneath------and ----the blue veins show up on my hands.
Have I threatened you with my PINK skin?-----as to religion----you have been harassed
by the religions of other people------do you mean their ghosts and goblins?----or
their actual "gods"
da priester is anti-joo and anti-black.
Don´t tell bullshit. I don´t care for your religion or color as long as don´t harass me with that, moron!

you have been harassed with other people's "complexions"??? how does that work?---
did someone threaten to SMEAR you with melanin------or in my case-----it would be
blood------my skin is very white and apparently very thin-------it shows up PINK----
because of the blood underneath------and ----the blue veins show up on my hands.
Have I threatened you with my PINK skin?-----as to religion----you have been harassed
by the religions of other people------do you mean their ghosts and goblins?----or
their actual "gods"
How does my statement imply that I´ve been harassed with that, pink one?
Don´t tell bullshit. I don´t care for your religion or color as long as don´t harass me with that, moron!

you have been harassed with other people's "complexions"??? how does that work?---
did someone threaten to SMEAR you with melanin------or in my case-----it would be
blood------my skin is very white and apparently very thin-------it shows up PINK----
because of the blood underneath------and ----the blue veins show up on my hands.
Have I threatened you with my PINK skin?-----as to religion----you have been harassed
by the religions of other people------do you mean their ghosts and goblins?----or
their actual "gods"
How does my statement imply that I´ve been harassed with that, pink one?

you SPECIFICALLY wrote "harass" with a reference to religion and
color. The sentence is not clear----you used a pronoun article thing
'that" which you did not specify as in THAT what??? Please fix
your essay
you have been harassed with other people's "complexions"??? how does that work?---
did someone threaten to SMEAR you with melanin------or in my case-----it would be
blood------my skin is very white and apparently very thin-------it shows up PINK----
because of the blood underneath------and ----the blue veins show up on my hands.
Have I threatened you with my PINK skin?-----as to religion----you have been harassed
by the religions of other people------do you mean their ghosts and goblins?----or
their actual "gods"
How does my statement imply that I´ve been harassed with that, pink one?

you SPECIFICALLY wrote "harass" with a reference to religion and
color. The sentence is not clear----you used a pronoun article thing
'that" which you did not specify as in THAT what??? Please fix
your essay
Believe what you want, but don´t try to force you faith upon me.
Color: Don´t claim for tolerance as it is provided already.
How does my statement imply that I´ve been harassed with that, pink one?

you SPECIFICALLY wrote "harass" with a reference to religion and
color. The sentence is not clear----you used a pronoun article thing
'that" which you did not specify as in THAT what??? Please fix
your essay
Believe what you want, but don´t try to force you faith upon me.
Color: Don´t claim for tolerance as it is provided already.

oh ok you don't like missionaries-----then don't go to Israel---there
are Christian missionaries with pamphlets and 'blessings" on every corner.
More lately it has become a custom amongst muslims in the USA to insist
on giving out korans------even demanding your address so they can mail you
one. Do not even try to refuse ----they are more persistent than the
Christian missionaries----just RUN. As to skin color----- I demand ----
that you do not comment "look how red you are" ---(two reasons---I blush and flush
at the drop of a hat------and burn to LOBSTER RED ----9 minutes in the sun)
you SPECIFICALLY wrote "harass" with a reference to religion and
color. The sentence is not clear----you used a pronoun article thing
'that" which you did not specify as in THAT what??? Please fix
your essay
Believe what you want, but don´t try to force you faith upon me.
Color: Don´t claim for tolerance as it is provided already.

oh ok you don't like missionaries-----then don't go to Israel---there
are Christian missionaries with pamphlets and 'blessings" on every corner.
More lately it has become a custom amongst muslims in the USA to insist
on giving out korans------even demanding your address so they can mail you
one. Do not even try to refuse ----they are more persistent than the
Christian missionaries----just RUN. As to skin color----- I demand ----
that you do not comment "look how red you are" ---(two reasons---I blush and flush
at the drop of a hat------and burn to LOBSTER RED ----9 minutes in the sun)
Missionaries are fine to me es long as they preach without guillotine.

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