Other components of the terrorist attack: pipe bombs and remote detonation


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Liberals have sought to create this event solely about guns. After Liberals are done wagging their finger at US about guns, what is their plan to prevent terrorist attacks involving pipe bombs and remote detonation devices? San Bernardino was an all out Benghazi style attack where guns where only part of the assault. How do we prevent that?
Liberals have sought to create this event solely about guns. After Liberals are done wagging their finger at US about guns, what is their plan to prevent terrorist attacks involving pipe bombs and remote detonation devices? San Bernardino was an all out Benghazi style attack where guns where only part of the assault. How do we prevent that?

It's radical Islamists and their oath to kill infidels. Period.

The left's agenda dictated that there would be two responses to the latest Islamist terrorist attack. First, defend Muslims. Second, push gun control. By blaming guns, they take the heat off radical Islamists. If they acknowledge the other weapons, it seriously messes with their narrative, so that will not be addressed by this administration. Somehow, it must be the fault of the NRA and the 2nd Amendment that these cold-blooded killers were able to do what they did. Never mind the other deadly weapons that could have killed even more people. To discuss that is getting into the real goals of the radical Muslims and that is taboo.

It isn't about stopping terrorism. The left seriously doesn't think that is a problem. They think armed Americans are the problem so they will always find a way to blame guns for the ills of the world and ignore the evil that is the real culprit.

One Dem declared that no one would buy guns if they weren't on the shelf. Hmm, have you ever seen pipe bombs on the shelf at stores? How about cocaine and meth? Yup, if it's not on the store shelves, no one will have it. Well, except those people who want them and know a guy who knows another guy, etc... They manage to get their hands on what they want. Just head to Mexico or wait for the truck/ship to come in with the smuggled goods. Yea, those criminals are well connected sometimes. Terrorists are even more well connected and funded.

Obama is already using the same tactics he used after Benghazi. He and the libs are trying to place blame elsewhere.

The left always tries to say that Muslims were pushed into it. We are supposed to believe the current terrorists started out as peaceful people who, through no fault of their own, become cold-blooded murderers because they were treated unfairly or someone insulted their god. Or they objected to some policy. Then they go off the deep end and it's the victims or those who didn't love Muslims who are to blame.

They don't use that excuse when an insane asshole shoots people in a school or Planned Parenthood. They don't say that the actions of the staff caused the guy to go crazy. Well, because it would be crazy to excuse any killer. That said, the left decided that it's okay to use that excuse for Muslims and the left will defend them no matter what happens. Funny that while the left makes every excuse in the book for radical Muslims, like post partum depression or unfair policies, the Muslims never use those reasons. They come out and say infidels are supposed to die and that Islam will rule the world. The left is ignoring the words of those they defend and if anyone else points out the terrorist's own words and threats, the left decides to blame the messenger. Lynch has put her foot down and threatened what will happen if we point out the radicals promise to destroy us and have their caliphate. Shame on those who tell it like it is.

Political correctness is deadly. The San Bernardino attack might have been prevented if the FBI was allowed to profile, if the vetting process was worth a shit or if people weren't afraid to speak out when they see a Muslim acting suspicious. The neighbors of the terrorists thought something was wrong but kept silent for fear of being labelled bigots.

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