Ouch! ‘Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Author, By Marc Morano (Bio and Archives) Saturday, July 20, 2013

Climate Depot Round Up of July 18, 2013 Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Global Warming Hearing:

Analysis: ‘Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats’ — ‘Skeptics & Roger Pielke Jr. totally dismantled warmism (scientifically, economically, rhetorically) at today’s Senate hearing’ (via JunkScience.com)

From Ouch! ?Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats? with lots and lots of links.
I would hope this is nothing more than conspiracy mongering, but supporting facts keep rolling in...
Well the Canada Free Press is not generally given to conspiracy theories but it is amazing that the response from the U.S. MSM has been deafening. Deafening silence that is.

I love this from the Canada Free Press coverage:

Obama on Climate Change’ – During yesterday’s Environment and Public Works hearings, Sen. David Vitter asked a panel of experts, including experts selected by Boxer, “Can any witnesses say they agree with Obama’s statement that warming has accelerated during the past 10 years?” For several seconds, nobody said a word. Sitting just a few rows behind the expert witnesses, I thought I might have heard a few crickets chirping, but I couldn’t tell for sure. We’ll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and count the crickets in the “maybe” camp.

After several seconds of deafening silence, global warming activist Heidi Cullen, who formerly served as a meteorologist for the Weather Channel, attempted to change the subject. Cullen said our focus should be on longer time periods rather than the 10-year period mentioned by Obama. When pressed, however, she contradicted Obama’s central assertion and said warming has slowed, not accelerated. Several minutes later, Sen. Jeff Sessions returned to thttp://canadafreepress.com/admin.php?S=0&D=cp&C=content_publish&M=entry_form&channel_id=1he topic and sought additional clarity. Sessions recited Obama’s quote claiming accelerating global warming during the past 10 years and asked, “Do any of you support that quote?” Again, a prolonged and deafening silence ensued. Neither Cullen nor any of the other experts on the panel spoke a word, not even in an attempt to change the subject.
Correction. Canada Free Press was quoting/reprinting the article from Forbes who absolutely are not given to conspiracy theories:
Welcome to Forbes
Maybe they should have had Al Gore in the session. Not likely to be very much silence then, heh?
JunkScience put up the link to the 3 hr Senate jerkfest..

Integrated Senate Video Player

Usual crap. Bore the panel with a half hour of personal grandstanding. Fight over inclusions and exclusions of witnesses and testimony and then cut-off discussion when one side scores a punch..

The whole purpose of this jerk-off was to push the Prez's statements that "the warming is occurring FASTER THAN PREDICTED".. ((An obvious bald-faced lie)).. And call this waste of time "It's happening now"..

Opening statements blame the death of the 19 firefighters out West on CO2 and "carbon pollution"..

So you get to the confrontation at about 1:23 into the video. Cullen who is the only volunteer to comment on Obama mistake gets confronted by 4 or 5 charts (WestWall style) showing NO DISCERNIBLE trend in drought, hurricanes, global cyclones or any other of the things she cited. and responds --- "it's affecting specific regions only". "We should view as regional signals."

That's when I turned it off. Game over.. No sense embarrassing Boxer or the panel further.

Wetter than normal in New Mexico --- dryer than normal in Arizona --- Global Weirding.. Man that isn't even REGIONAL weirding.
Not gonna get very far on this "Climate Change is happening EVERYDAY" assertion. And I can't believe the press let the Prez slide with that bald-faced lie.. Where are the "Truth Meters" when you need them?
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Obama gets a pass on everything. His noble prize should have clued people in.. He's protected, as well as propped up..

If CO2 has increased as claimed and no definitive warming, than the theory must be called out.

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