Our 72 genders

Look, whether this is "far left" or not is neither here nor there. It seems like you're trying to delegitimize others's arguments by labeling the people as something.

I've had people come and say "there are other things that can be done", and I'd agree.

Things like dealing with mental health, like education etc. And ALL of these things are things the REPUBLICAN STATES do the worst.

They put the least amount of money into dealing with mental health, the least amount of money into education, and then use these as a "but, but, but" after kids get killed knowing full well they don't fucking give two shits whether these kids die, as long as they can keep their guns.
You are on record as saying that the 11 year old British children who were violently gang raped by Pakistani men were actually indulging in consensual sex and the men were just "tapping" those children.

You are just about the LAST person in this forum who should be talking about kids.

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