Our broken education system.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Is the reason we do not have enough educated Americans to fill jobs in science, engineering and math, etc. If we fix the education system by making college more affordable instead of cutting services and classes and raising tuitions and three year instead of four years degrees, we will have more than enough college graduates to fill those jobs. And cut high school to 10th grade instead or 12th. The extra two years is a waste of time and money. My son got his high school diploma in two years and went on to college and got his degree in business management and went to work of AT&T and make over $130,000 a year and can retire when he is 55. Instead we think we can fill those jobs by educating children of Illegal Aliens or importing workers. Results in holding American children back.

If we spent the money we spend on providing education, healthcare, social services and incarcerations, etc for Illegal Aliens and their children we could use it to educate our own at no cost to them and invest in their future and the future of this country. What do the bible say about “taking care of your own?” 1Tim. 5;8. Obama do not believe American children are bright and smart enough or worthy of spending money on their education. Our children deserve the best because they are our future.

When our economy went bad, how many Americans packed up their families and left the country? How many Illegal Aliens packed up their families and went back to Mexico? The same Mexico they ran away from? For a better life?

Obama should run for president of Mexico. He have the right mind set.

The first thing to do to fix our broken education is to pull out all non citizens or make the pay like Catholic and private schools pay. Or better yet sent the billl to President Calderone.
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You mean out SUBJEGATED Education system...

It's more important to have personal esteem than responsibility for one's own future in the Statist mindset. be good workers...and good subjects...and that's it.

OWS mean anything?

Young people are livid seeing that they have been lied to...

Everyone gets a trophy...NO score is kept...

The real world looms LARGE. :eusa_whistle:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcDt70HOq-c"]Yes-Shock to the System - YouTube[/ame]
The educational system is broken and cannot be fixed. Starve it to death by denying it funding and support private schools or homeschooling.
that's a good laugh, repubs cut education the first thing during an economic downturn.

Just cause you get a degree does not guarantee you a job.
and there is billions in helping all children develope literacy in the USA.
These illegals will be paying for college themselves unless. There is no magic fund set up for illeglas to go to college, get a grip.
You mean out SUBJEGATED Education system...

It's more important to have personal esteem than responsibility for one's own future in the Statist mindset. be good workers...and good subjects...and that's it.

OWS mean anything?

Young people are livid seeing that they have been lied to...

Everyone gets a trophy...NO score is kept...

The real world looms LARGE. :eusa_whistle:

Yes-Shock to the System - YouTube

are you mad cause you got no trophy in school?
check out the numbers on how many college grads there are in this nation that go unemployed cause corporate profits are more important than supporting your nation with jobs and not moving them overseas.
Plus US citizens need to do more than study sports and law.
If we fix the education system by making college more affordable...

Only one way to do that: competition. More government control of education is the antithesis to competition.

But hey, maybe YOUR politicians have magic beans???
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7 posts... 4 from Moonglow. One would have thought he'd be educated enough to use multi-quote and be less verbose. Apparently our system failed.... again.
check out the numbers on how many college grads there are in this nation that go unemployed cause corporate profits are more important than supporting your nation with jobs and not moving them overseas.
Plus US citizens need to do more than study sports and law.

You check out how many college grads with degrees in math or hard science go unemployed. None. We have a shortage which is why we have to import so many. The college grads that are unemployed are liberal arts and social studies grads. They are unemployable. They really are unemployable. They have no skills, they have no real education. Yet, they imagine that a college degree entitles them to outsized salaries.

We are moving into a place where we not only don't have jobs available, but if we had jobs, we don't have a workforce to perform.
check out the numbers on how many college grads there are in this nation that go unemployed cause corporate profits are more important than supporting your nation with jobs and not moving them overseas.
Plus US citizens need to do more than study sports and law.

You check out how many college grads with degrees in math or hard science go unemployed. None. We have a shortage which is why we have to import so many. The college grads that are unemployed are liberal arts and social studies grads. They are unemployable. They really are unemployable. They have no skills, they have no real education. Yet, they imagine that a college degree entitles them to outsized salaries.

We are moving into a place where we not only don't have jobs available, but if we had jobs, we don't have a workforce to perform.

Social studies would be one of the liberal arts, of course. The rest of your post is nonsense as usual. Millions upon millions of people holding degrees in liberal arts are gainfully employed at a minimum. Take a look at the raw numbers of people holding liberal arts degrees vs those with degrees in the sciences. You are too quick to use your little imagination and too slow to actually think about things.
check out the numbers on how many college grads there are in this nation that go unemployed cause corporate profits are more important than supporting your nation with jobs and not moving them overseas.
Plus US citizens need to do more than study sports and law.

You check out how many college grads with degrees in math or hard science go unemployed. None. We have a shortage which is why we have to import so many. The college grads that are unemployed are liberal arts and social studies grads. They are unemployable. They really are unemployable. They have no skills, they have no real education. Yet, they imagine that a college degree entitles them to outsized salaries.

We are moving into a place where we not only don't have jobs available, but if we had jobs, we don't have a workforce to perform.

Social studies would be one of the liberal arts, of course. The rest of your post is nonsense as usual. Millions upon millions of people holding degrees in liberal arts are gainfully employed at a minimum. Take a look at the raw numbers of people holding liberal arts degrees vs those with degrees in the sciences. You are too quick to use your little imagination and too slow to actually think about things.
i agree
If we fix the education system by making college more affordable...

Only one way to do that: competition. More government control of education is the antithesis to competition.

But hey, maybe YOUR politicians have magic beans???

private/charted schools are worse then public schools that is a fact

One, you're wrong...again. Two, charter schools are a FAR CRY from a competitive environment in the affordable K-12 education market. There is nothing close to a free market of ideas, competitive pressures, consequences of failure, or a reason to be efficient. The entire market segment is crushed under the tyranny of central planners and their inability to produce what a competitive marketplace gives us.

Lousy results, skyrocketing costs...that's what government controlled education gives you.
If we fix the education system by making college more affordable...

Only one way to do that: competition. More government control of education is the antithesis to competition.

But hey, maybe YOUR politicians have magic beans???

private/charted schools are worse then[sic] public schools that is a fact

Are you trying to combine charter schools with all private schools? That is not accurate.
check out the numbers on how many college grads there are in this nation that go unemployed cause corporate profits are more important than supporting your nation with jobs and not moving them overseas.
Plus US citizens need to do more than study sports and law.

You check out how many college grads with degrees in math or hard science go unemployed. None. We have a shortage which is why we have to import so many. The college grads that are unemployed are liberal arts and social studies grads. They are unemployable. They really are unemployable. They have no skills, they have no real education. Yet, they imagine that a college degree entitles them to outsized salaries.

We are moving into a place where we not only don't have jobs available, but if we had jobs, we don't have a workforce to perform.

Healthcare has extremely low unemployment so does legal. Engineering and businees is up and down depending on the economy. Enginnering and businees is the driving force in the economy, if they have low unemployment the economy will be good.


Republicans are working to make sure it's destroyed. So they can teach their brand of mysticism in it's place. Turn the country into a type of Christian Taliban with billionaires in charge. It's scary.
Our educational system was taken over by Progressives and sabotaged. The results are a national disgrace, they practice intellectual pedophilia on our children.

In NYC, for example, 1/3 of High School students drop out, the vast majority of the 2/3 who "Graduate" need remedial education to function at Community College level. That's no accident, that year's of systematic abuse at the hands of people who are looking to create wards of the state (Aka: Democrat voters)

The UFT must be disbanded. The Department of "Education" must be closed. All funds to be vouchered the parents so that parents can decide where to send their kids to school.
It doesn't help our education system is run by union a-holes and states like California teach things like "Gay studies".

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