Our crap media on the job. Fox stuck lol, ''Librul'' ratings mad. "HE DIDN'T SAY THAT!"- Joe.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
How did "bleeding from the eyes and whatever" get to be about her period? Only Joe has made any sense for a change....so much PC outrage, no journalism as usual. This is how the dupes (many Dems and Indies too included) get so misinformed...
How did "bleeding from the eyes and whatever" get to be about her period? Only Joe has made any sense for a change....so much PC outrage, no journalism as usual. This is how the dupes (many Dems and Indies too included) get so misinformed...

As I understand it, Franco, he never did. They twisted his words which is precisely what Meghan Kelly did when she lied to the American people about what Trump had said. Trump made clear that he never called all American women dogs, or disgusting. He made a specific comment about Rosie O'Donell ( and I do not condone anyone calling someone else those names - we should not do that ) and it was not about women in general. Yet Meghan Kelly didn't appear to have a problem with twisting his words and deceiving the American public into believing he had said something he had not said.

It was very poor behavior for a moderator of a presidential debate and one can only hope she is never permitted to do such a thing again. Americans are going to have to demand more from the news media because if Fox News is permitted to get away with this? It will only get worse (in my belief).
How did "bleeding from the eyes and whatever" get to be about her period?...

1) Trump realized bleeding from the eyes made no sense so blindly edited it too quickly trying squeeze some sense out of the inane remark.

2) the media ( left and right since Trump in neither) couldn't resist implying it was a hugely sexist insult knowing it would garner huge interest and ratings.

fuming from the nose, like a cartoon bull in a bullfight, was probably the image Trump was going for.
The RWs are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.


What are you all gonna do if the next "debate" is a repeat of this one? Y'all gonna carry Duh Donuld's tissues for him to sob into again?

OF COURSE he never said that. all this shows is the left and the Democrat party are HARD up and Desperate when they have to make up shit about how he claimed a woman being on the rag. that is sick and I'm not sure if they can go any lower.... but this is the Democrat party of today folks along with their LAPdog medias.

If you haven't had enough of this with eight years of that thuggish nasty Obama. well then you deserve all that they will make about you
F-Dupe posted yet another illiterate thread title and post.

Quelle surprise!
How did "bleeding from the eyes and whatever" get to be about her period?...

1) Trump realized bleeding from the eyes made no sense so blindly edited it too quickly trying squeeze some sense out of the inane remark.

2) the media ( left and right since Trump in neither) couldn't resist implying it was a hugely sexist insult knowing it would garner huge interest and ratings.

fuming from the nose, like a cartoon bull in a bullfight, was probably the image Trump was going for.

It made perfect sense to older folks who knows that reference was made about anger and that saying.
It made no sense to younger folks who have probably never heard that before.
Heck they probably don't even know that certain lizards spit blood from their eyes in a defense to coyotes, so that they don't get eaten.
Our young people are so misinformed and dummied down.
It's pitiful.

Megan Kelly goes into heat whenever she sees Trump and she hate herself for it!
Blood out of her eyes and nose. Steam blowing out of her ears. Exorcist like head turns! All the signs of a frustrated and angry woman to me.
Franc and Beans couldn't type a coherent thread title or OP if someone was holding a gun to his head. I'd tell him to take his meds, but I don't think they have moron medication.
OF COURSE he never said that. all this shows is the left and the Democrat party are HARD up and Desperate when they have to make up shit about how he claimed a woman being on the rag. that is sick and I'm not sure if they can go any lower.... but this is the Democrat party of today folks along with their LAPdog medias.

If you haven't had enough of this with eight years of that thuggish nasty Obama. well then you deserve all that they will make about you
BS.Dems couldn't care less if Trump blows up the corrupt, obstructive New BS GOP. The "librul" media is not liberal or journalistic (fact checking)- they report both sides with a straight face and look for ratings with the controversy and horse race aspects, NEVER showing that the New BS GOP is just FOS. The good fact checkers like Media Matters and PERHAPS Politifact and others and most Dem Pols couldn't care less. Fox etc etc etc is still waiting for their greedy idiot billionaire masters to tell them what to do do as usual...
KWC and Bodacious Dumass ditto, just falling back on stupid insults lol...
OF COURSE he never said that. all this shows is the left and the Democrat party are HARD up and Desperate when they have to make up shit about how he claimed a woman being on the rag. that is sick and I'm not sure if they can go any lower.... but this is the Democrat party of today folks along with their LAPdog medias.

If you haven't had enough of this with eight years of that thuggish nasty Obama. well then you deserve all that they will make about you

Really Stephanie.........are you really that stupid? The right-wing is the one hitting Trump hard for his disrespect of Kelly. You need to catch up on the news so that you don't appear more stupid than you are. You think the GOP is hard up and is making up shit? Because they're the ones coming down hard on Trump.....Bwahahaha.....Democrats are just sitting back, laughing and enjoying the spectacle.....

You are to conservatives on this Forum what Trump is to establishment Republicans.

ATLANTA—Republican presidential contenders and some influential conservatives turned on Donald Trump over the weekend, after the celebrity real estate mogul made insensitive comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly , one of the moderators of Thursday night’s GOP debate.

Half-a-dozen of Mr. Trump’s rivals for the GOP nomination seized on his remarks in a Friday-night interview with broadcaster CNN to scold the billionaire reality-television star for caustic comments they said threaten to undercut their party’s standing with women.

The pushback against Mr. Trump’s comments began on Saturday, following a decision by organizers of the RedState Gathering, a well-attended conservative conference here, to retract Mr. Trump’s invitation to address the group on Saturday night.

Trump Campaign Hit by Backlash Over Remarks About Megyn Kelly - WSJ
Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control and wrecked the economy with all the new laws lol....

Megan Kelly goes into heat whenever she sees Trump and she hate herself for it!
Blood out of her eyes and nose. Steam blowing out of her ears. Exorcist like head turns! All the signs of a frustrated and angry woman to me.
Only in your twisted retarded lib mind.

Megan Kelly goes into heat whenever she sees Trump and she hate herself for it!
Blood out of her eyes and nose. Steam blowing out of her ears. Exorcist like head turns! All the signs of a frustrated and angry woman to me.
Only in your twisted retarded lib mind.

Megyn Kelly has fallen for Trump. Those questions were a veiled way of begging Trump to make her his 4th wife!!
RW propaganda and Pubs lie- their total bs goes on forever and never gets corrected, corporate media reports both sides with no journalism, PC bs goes on forever there. Truth is now liberal.
Big news on Faux is pollution and demonizing Iran. Looking forward to Kelly Report and more of that. Come on Murdoch, Kochs and Adelson, what's our line here? lol
Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control and wrecked the economy with all the new laws lol....

In rw fantasyland? Do you all live in a Faux News controlled bubble? It appears so. I bet you all think we were doing a lot better in 2007-2008, when doofus Bush was in charge.

U.S. economy is working better than any other country’s
Seven years after the credit bubble burst, just two of the 12 countries that went through systemic financial meltdowns in 2007 and 2008 have reclaimed enough ground to reach their previous peaks in per-capita GDP: the United States and Germany. And Germany isn’t looking so hot these days, given that it’s teetering on the edge of deflation.

Many of the other countries that also went through “systemic crises” – as categorized by the work of Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff – still have years to go before fully recovering. The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Ukraine will likely wait until 2018 before reaching their pre-crisis peaks in per capita GDP, according to the International Monetary Fund. Even countries that didn’t technically experience a systemic crisis when we did (such as China and Japan) appear to be in serious trouble. As The Economist recently put it, the United States is looking increasingly like a “lonely locomotive.”

U.S. economy is working better than any other country s

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