Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Sadly, you can't get that through these peoples heads about how regulations are Strangling us and job growth. they wail, but we need regulations...This government will bring us to our knees one way or the other it seems. this is one persons experience with government regulations

Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs

If our government can't destroy all the private-sector jobs directly, it will do so indirectly by borrowing so much money the system collapses.

Conventional economists and pundits are puzzled why jobs growth has been so anemic in this "recovery." Here's one factor they overlook: our government. In theory, our government is supposed to encourage private sector job growth. In reality, all the hundreds of pages of regulations are killing job growth, one small business and one job at a time.

Correspondent/entrepreneur Ray Z. was kind enough to share his experience of trying to open a bagel shop and create six jobs:

all of it here:
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith Our Government Destroyer of Jobs
Sadly, you can't get that through these peoples heads about how regulations are Strangling us and job growth. they wail, but we need regulations...This government will bring us to our knees one way or the other it seems. this is one persons experience with government regulations

Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs

If our government can't destroy all the private-sector jobs directly, it will do so indirectly by borrowing so much money the system collapses.

Conventional economists and pundits are puzzled why jobs growth has been so anemic in this "recovery." Here's one factor they overlook: our government. In theory, our government is supposed to encourage private sector job growth. In reality, all the hundreds of pages of regulations are killing job growth, one small business and one job at a time.

Correspondent/entrepreneur Ray Z. was kind enough to share his experience of trying to open a bagel shop and create six jobs:

all of it here:
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith Our Government Destroyer of Jobs

Regulations my black ass. Listen up you moron....under Bush, regulations were eased, tax breaks were givin, a blind eye was in place and the Market had every chance to create jobs, correct? Now, I challenge you to explain to me and others here.....how many fuckin jobs did that simple minded bastard lose, not create because of deregulations? And if there was a spike in jobs.....guess what you moronic fool, ALL BASED ON CREDIT, EQUITY CREDIT FROM STUPID HOMEOWNERS, MYSELF INCLUDING WHO TOOK OUT THESE LOANS, SPENT LIKE CRAZY AND THE WORLD CAME CRASHING IN AROUND US.

One more time you moron, explain to us all the jobs growths under Bush and please if you have nothing to say, than shut the fuck up!!
Tiger, it's not the gov, nor anyone else, who made you get a loan that you apparently couldn't pay back.

On the article, and shit like that right there is why only rich people start businesses, and ultimately get richer.
Sadly, you can't get that through these peoples heads about how regulations are Strangling us and job growth. they wail, but we need regulations...This government will bring us to our knees one way or the other it seems. this is one persons experience with government regulations

Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs

If our government can't destroy all the private-sector jobs directly, it will do so indirectly by borrowing so much money the system collapses.

Conventional economists and pundits are puzzled why jobs growth has been so anemic in this "recovery." Here's one factor they overlook: our government. In theory, our government is supposed to encourage private sector job growth. In reality, all the hundreds of pages of regulations are killing job growth, one small business and one job at a time.

Correspondent/entrepreneur Ray Z. was kind enough to share his experience of trying to open a bagel shop and create six jobs:

all of it here:
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith Our Government Destroyer of Jobs

Regulations my black ass. Listen up you moron....under Bush, regulations were eased, tax breaks were givin, a blind eye was in place and the Market had every chance to create jobs, correct? Now, I challenge you to explain to me and others here.....how many fuckin jobs did that simple minded bastard lose, not create because of deregulations? And if there was a spike in jobs.....guess what you moronic fool, ALL BASED ON CREDIT, EQUITY CREDIT FROM STUPID HOMEOWNERS, MYSELF INCLUDING WHO TOOK OUT THESE LOANS, SPENT LIKE CRAZY AND THE WORLD CAME CRASHING IN AROUND US.

One more time you moron, explain to us all the jobs growths under Bush and please if you have nothing to say, than shut the fuck up!!

WOW! Just WOW!
I could post statistics on gov assistance,welfare,snap and any number of gov assistance programs with little effort as you know.
They'll all point to the failure of your messiah.
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Tiger, it's not the gov, nor anyone else, who made you get a loan that you apparently couldn't pay back.

On the article, and shit like that right there is why only rich people start businesses, and ultimately get richer.

Back in 2008, after the market crashed.....a lot of people lost their jobs, a lot. People no longer had the income and a lot of people lost everything, especially the great white hype, your kind. A lot of these people went on welfare, but mostly SSI and if you look up the numbers, its white people who don't want to work for pennies who are heading these numbers. That is fuckin fact.

As for the loan, listen, I pay my bank and my mortgage company every motherfuckin month...I'm not asking for a gotdamned thing from anybody, I was just giving you facts, pal. That credit economy that Bush had, was just that, a credit economy and just to school you further, the very people who created this mess, guess who got your gotdamned tax money? I can tell you one thing, it wasn't my black ass.
Well then you also signed a mortgage agreement when they fronted you that money. There wasn't a clause in there stipulating that the bank didn't have the right to do whatever the fuck they wanted with the money you ultimately paid them, nor was there a clause that says that if you lost your job and stopped making that payment the bank would eat the loss and you'd keep the house. In fact, you signed some shit saying that if you didn't pay, and pay on time, that they'd take that house from you. You agreed to those terms in order to get the money. You don't get to just change your mind because you lost your job. Doesn't work like that.

Don't like it, don't get mortgage, save up your own money and buy a house when you have enough.
Well then you also signed a mortgage agreement when they fronted you that money. There wasn't a clause in there stipulating that the bank didn't have the right to do whatever the fuck they wanted with the money you ultimately paid them, nor was there a clause that says that if you lost your job and stopped making that payment the bank would eat the loss and you'd keep the house. In fact, you signed some shit saying that if you didn't pay, and pay on time, that they'd take that house from you. You agreed to those terms in order to get the money. You don't get to just change your mind because you lost your job. Doesn't work like that.

Don't like it, don't get mortgage, save up your own money and buy a house when you have enough.

For the last time you moronic simp, I work for a fuckin living and I pay my bills on time, including my internet. One more time again, I was simply explaining to you the Bush economy. You don't like the facts, than keep your head up your ass like the rest of you conservative nuts do. Keep in mind fool, the topic of this thread. Every gotdamn time you nuts run for office, its the same ol bullhshit.....Reagan did the deregulation trickle down bullshit and left office with S&L failures and the biggest debt in our nation history...that is FACT. Remember the welfare hotels? The vets sleeping on the white house lawns? That nut like all you nuts are not good for this country, not at all.
You are a very defensive and rather nasty person... I don't particularly give a rats ass if you're paying your bills or not, chill out and stop taking everything personal. Your adding mortgages to an argument that the government destroys jobs through regulation brought this up, not me, and you're the one who decided to make it /personal/.

I merely replied with /my/ opinion; the mortgage issue doesn't really apply to a tight job market like excessive regulations do - you don't have a choice about government regulations and fees when starting a business, but you /do/ absolutely have a choice on borrowing money to buy something you want now, instead of waiting until you've saved it on your own. And again, when you sign a mortgage, you agree to certain things - like giving up the house if you don't pay your mortgage back, you also by default agree that the bank can do whatever they want with the money you pay them back. Losing your job and house has almost nothing to do with the discussion of the government destroying jobs, much less government regulations...

Neither does half the other shit your bringing up. I mean seriously, what the bloody fuck do welfare hotels have to do with fucking government regulations on opening a business?? Did you fall into the wrong thread?
"Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs"

The OP, the propagator of lies.

Stuph is one most lying bitch on this board. It's makes you get a shovel and throw Obiwan, Bear and Rabii excrement into her mouth.
This is all she does. Post all these lying BS. She think she is doing herself a favor. How can you sleep at night by posting all these lie?
You are a very defensive and rather nasty person... I don't particularly give a rats ass if you're paying your bills or not, chill out and stop taking everything personal. Your adding mortgages to an argument that the government destroys jobs through regulation brought this up, not me, and you're the one who decided to make it /personal/.

I merely replied with /my/ opinion; the mortgage issue doesn't really apply to a tight job market like excessive regulations do - you don't have a choice about government regulations and fees when starting a business, but you /do/ absolutely have a choice on borrowing money to buy something you want now, instead of waiting until you've saved it on your own. And again, when you sign a mortgage, you agree to certain things - like giving up the house if you don't pay your mortgage back, you also by default agree that the bank can do whatever they want with the money you pay them back. Losing your job and house has almost nothing to do with the discussion of the government destroying jobs, much less government regulations...

Neither does half the other shit your bringing up. I mean seriously, what the bloody fuck do welfare hotels have to do with fucking government regulations on opening a business?? Did you fall into the wrong thread?

Its obvious you don't pay attention...listen, I am a hot head....so I'm sorry.....if you read the context of my comments, I am still waiting for a response about the 8 fucked up years with Bush...dereg, tax cuts, etc...didn't grow jack shit.
"Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs"

The OP, the propagator of lies.

Stuph is one most lying bitch on this board. It's makes you get a shovel and throw Obiwan, Bear and Rabii excrement into her mouth.
This is all she does. Post all these lying BS. She think she is doing herself a favor. How can you sleep at night by posting all these lie?

Stefunny has zero idea HOW things work. She is a typical RWer that blames every minor downturn on Obama as if the world is coming to an end and gives him absolutely no credit as things continue to generally improve.

The real problem is that the girl is just stupid. She has picked a side and probably has no idea why. Now she whines on cue like the puppet she is and ignores the mountains of good news like the price of gasoline and the everyday advances we are enjoying.

There is nothing Obama can do to please Stefunny because she made up her mind a long time ago that Obama will fail.

Jobs? Stefunny...please.. You don't have a clue about jobs. You just repeat the tired and dishonest reports that ignore reality and paint a wishful picture of doom and gloom.
"Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs"

The OP, the propagator of lies.

Stuph is one most lying bitch on this board. It's makes you get a shovel and throw Obiwan, Bear and Rabii excrement into her mouth.
This is all she does. Post all these lying BS. She think she is doing herself a favor. How can you sleep at night by posting all these lie?
I see you still has my dick in your mouth Peter puffer

What's up with these ignorant clowns on this thread are they really that ignorant of currant events and the judge who slowed down the EPA new job killer regulations?

The EPA Hopes To Kill The Texas Jobs Machine

Study EPA Global Warming Rule To Kill Nearly 300 000 Jobs The Daily Caller

CFACT testifies against EPA s job-killing ozone rule

17 States Sue EPA Over Air Quality Rules

Judge rules EPA lied about transparency tells agency to halt discrimination against conservatives - Washington Times
Sadly, you can't get that through these peoples heads about how regulations are Strangling us and job growth. they wail, but we need regulations...This government will bring us to our knees one way or the other it seems. this is one persons experience with government regulations

Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs

If our government can't destroy all the private-sector jobs directly, it will do so indirectly by borrowing so much money the system collapses.

Conventional economists and pundits are puzzled why jobs growth has been so anemic in this "recovery." Here's one factor they overlook: our government. In theory, our government is supposed to encourage private sector job growth. In reality, all the hundreds of pages of regulations are killing job growth, one small business and one job at a time.

Correspondent/entrepreneur Ray Z. was kind enough to share his experience of trying to open a bagel shop and create six jobs:

all of it here:
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith Our Government Destroyer of Jobs
I believe we merely need better aqueducts and better roads.
"Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs"

The OP, the propagator of lies.

Stuph is one most lying bitch on this board. It's makes you get a shovel and throw Obiwan, Bear and Rabii excrement into her mouth.
This is all she does. Post all these lying BS. She think she is doing herself a favor. How can you sleep at night by posting all these lie?
I see you still has my dick in your mouth Peter puffer

What's up with these ignorant clowns on this thread are they really that ignorant of currant events and the judge who slowed down the EPA new job killer regulations?

The EPA Hopes To Kill The Texas Jobs Machine

Study EPA Global Warming Rule To Kill Nearly 300 000 Jobs The Daily Caller

CFACT testifies against EPA s job-killing ozone rule

17 States Sue EPA Over Air Quality Rules

Judge rules EPA lied about transparency tells agency to halt discrimination against conservatives - Washington Times

Why do you hate clean air, clean water and clean soil? supporting
temporary profit and ignoring the long- term negative impact on the earth is insane

[The crazy right wing goes all hysterical over the the debt, and whines we are leaving it to our kids and their kids; yet they oppose regulations which will mitigate the damage done to the health of the earth and how that will harm our posterity]
"Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs"

The OP, the propagator of lies.

Stuph is one most lying bitch on this board. It's makes you get a shovel and throw Obiwan, Bear and Rabii excrement into her mouth.
This is all she does. Post all these lying BS. She think she is doing herself a favor. How can you sleep at night by posting all these lie?
I see you still has my dick in your mouth Peter puffer

What's up with these ignorant clowns on this thread are they really that ignorant of currant events and the judge who slowed down the EPA new job killer regulations?

The EPA Hopes To Kill The Texas Jobs Machine

Study EPA Global Warming Rule To Kill Nearly 300 000 Jobs The Daily Caller

CFACT testifies against EPA s job-killing ozone rule

17 States Sue EPA Over Air Quality Rules

Judge rules EPA lied about transparency tells agency to halt discrimination against conservatives - Washington Times

Why do you hate clean air, clean water and clean soil? supporting
temporary profit and ignoring the long- term negative impact on the earth is insane

[The crazy right wing goes all hysterical over the the debt, and whines we are leaving it to our kids and their kids; yet they oppose regulations which will mitigate the damage done to the health of the earth and how that will harm our posterity]
that is your lame reply after the EPA turned a river Orange?

WTF? Dude

They EPA released mercury in that river for 300 miles.

God Damn. ......

Go to the wizard of oz and get a brain..
"Our Government, Destroyer of Jobs"

The OP, the propagator of lies.

Stuph is one most lying bitch on this board. It's makes you get a shovel and throw Obiwan, Bear and Rabii excrement into her mouth.
This is all she does. Post all these lying BS. She think she is doing herself a favor. How can you sleep at night by posting all these lie?
I see you still has my dick in your mouth Peter puffer

What's up with these ignorant clowns on this thread are they really that ignorant of currant events and the judge who slowed down the EPA new job killer regulations?

The EPA Hopes To Kill The Texas Jobs Machine

Study EPA Global Warming Rule To Kill Nearly 300 000 Jobs The Daily Caller

CFACT testifies against EPA s job-killing ozone rule

17 States Sue EPA Over Air Quality Rules

Judge rules EPA lied about transparency tells agency to halt discrimination against conservatives - Washington Times

Why do you hate clean air, clean water and clean soil? supporting
temporary profit and ignoring the long- term negative impact on the earth is insane

[The crazy right wing goes all hysterical over the the debt, and whines we are leaving it to our kids and their kids; yet they oppose regulations which will mitigate the damage done to the health of the earth and how that will harm our posterity]
that is your lame reply after the EPA turned a river Orange?

WTF? Dude

They EPA released mercury in that river for 300 miles.

God Damn. ......

Go to the wizard of oz and get a brain..

I have a brain. The EPA is cleaning up mines which were created by the private sector before the EPA existed. The mines were not regulated or built to OSHA standards and were left as they were when the gold ran out.

The EPA hires private sector contractors to clean up the mess in many cases, and in this case the contractor fucked up.

So your post is either dishonest, or you are the one with an inadequate brain.

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