Our law enforcement and justice system is clearly broken at the local level.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The common theme with Ferguson, Kenosha, Minneapolis and the Christmas parade attack is obvious. Local law enforcement is not being allowed to do their jobs and the state level court system is not taking dangerous criminals off of the street. The Woke Media fans the flames of Racism and hatred toward Cops and White people daily. As if that isn't enough we have a President who brands Kyle Rittenhouse a 'White Supremacist' and threatens our border patrol for 'whipping Haitian immigrants' both disgusting lies. You put all that together and you have a deadly cocktail for violence and death which is where we are in 2021.
On top of that, we see the FBI and DOJ politically weaponized, going after political opponents in the dead of night, battering down doors and ransacking their home. Remember Judge Sullivan, I think his name was, who tried so hard to nail Mike Flynn? And frankly IMHO it is also true that justice in this country is influenced by your race and religion, both pro and con. Judges, juries, and witnesses are being intimidated, and DAs are pushing some cases and dropping others for reasons not related to the seriousness of the crime of the probability of a conviction. Who can trust the system these days?
The common theme with Ferguson, Kenosha, Minneapolis and the Christmas parade attack is obvious. Local law enforcement is not being allowed to do their jobs and the state level court system is not taking dangerous criminals off of the street. The Woke Media fans the flames of Racism and hatred toward Cops and White people daily. As if that isn't enough we have a President who brands Kyle Rittenhouse a 'White Supremacist' and threatens our border patrol for 'whipping Haitian immigrants' both disgusting lies. You put all that together and you have a deadly cocktail for violence and death which is where we are in 2021.

It's what Democrats do. All they are good at.
On top of that, we see the FBI and DOJ politically weaponized, going after political opponents in the dead of night, battering down doors and ransacking their home. Remember Judge Sullivan, I think his name was, who tried so hard to nail Mike Flynn? And frankly IMHO it is also true that justice in this country is influenced by your race and religion, both pro and con. Judges, juries, and witnesses are being intimidated, and DAs are pushing some cases and dropping others for reasons not related to the seriousness of the crime of the probability of a conviction. Who can trust the system these days?
Seems you have looked into the past, AG Barr ring a bell? Trump too, who abused the power of the office of President:

"The Constitution gives the president the “Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” When it comes to reducing our prison populations, we’ve argued that this power should be used more frequently as a vital mechanism of mercy, tempering the often harsh, racist, and inequitable effects of our criminal legal system.

"But the pardon power also comes with the risk of abuse. Never has this been more apparent than under President Trump, who has used it to grant clemency to people convicted of crimes relating to his presidential campaign. And now, Trump is reportedly considering trying to pardon himself for a variety of crimes, which would be unprecedented."

Hopefully the reader will read this link, it's short and yet very informative; I know that the Trump Supporters will use the power of Character Assassination when they read that this link is promulgated by the Brennan Center.
The McMichaels' trial and the Rittenhouse trial have clearly shown that the police in these jurisdictions need to be investigated. The police in these two jurisdictions obviously screwed up bigtime. In both instances, law enforcement failed to do its job. It is ironic that these cases, and those like them, demonstrate that the BLM movement has a point, a really big point. There has to be a serious investigation into what is going on in law enforcement.
What makes this worse is the parade killer was already out on bail then they let him out on bail AGAIN
The common theme with Ferguson, Kenosha, Minneapolis and the Christmas parade attack is obvious. Local law enforcement is not being allowed to do their jobs and the state level court system is not taking dangerous criminals off of the street. The Woke Media fans the flames of Racism and hatred toward Cops and White people daily. As if that isn't enough we have a President who brands Kyle Rittenhouse a 'White Supremacist' and threatens our border patrol for 'whipping Haitian immigrants' both disgusting lies. You put all that together and you have a deadly cocktail for violence and death which is where we are in 2021.
Law enforcement not being allowed to do their jobs? Gee, ya think??

The huge 50 to 80 person bandit raids on expensive stores happening all over suddenly, plus the rioting everywhere ---- could lead one to suspect that. This is organized crime and I don't know that I want to be out in all that.

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