Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

The West is dying. You are not getting it through your head. We are not renewing ourselves and we live off of foreign slaves building products for our comforts. That does not last that long as those countries build real infrastructure and are rising nations. China is worrisome.
I expect China to achieve world hegemony by the end of this century, if not sooner. Because of my love for the Chinese people and Chinese culture I look forward to that hegemony. I only hope that the mainland has adopted a democratic government by then.

I predict that centuries from now historians will blame the decline and fall of Western civilization on multi racialism. Civilization will continue to thrive in the Far East and in Eastern Europe, but only if the East Asians - who I prefer to call "Orientals" - and the Slavs have the sense to exclude third world people - especially Negroes and Muslims.

Orientals and whites of European descent are the only races that have evolved the intelligence to maintain advanced civilizations. Of course I include Jews - especially the Ashkenazim - as whites.
Sure you did…We‘re ALL millionaires here in the inter webs….🙄
On the internet anyone can claim any distinction. If they write and think like high school dropouts those distinctions merit skepticism.
Claiming that you’re a wealthy, successful person on the internet is equal to being an internet tough guy…it’s just sad.
The West is dying. You are not getting it through your head. We are not renewing ourselves and we live off of foreign slaves building products for our comforts. That does not last that long as those countries build real infrastructure and are rising nations. China is worrisome.
Of course, China is "worrisome."

What vital signs suggest that "
The West is dying"?

The United States and European Union are the two largest economies globally in nominal terms. As of 2024, both together share 43.6% and 29.67% of the entire global GDP in nominal and PPP terms, respectively.
Pale skin is mostly a result of a mostly indoor life, and some night jobs and other circumstances of missing sunlight. That will be decreasing as people return to more outdoor activity. Agriculture will need more farm laborers instead of machines. Commuting to work by foot or bike instead of cars will increase outdoor time for urban workers. Global warming may reduce the standard amount of clothing. With a few more centuries of adaptation to local conditions and blending of the gene pool, the North American population may look more like Native Americans.

Ah, the War Nerd! Is that guy still blogging? Always enjoyed his rants.

Ah, he changed personas a couple of years ago.

Gary Brecher

Gary Brecher is a character invented by Dolan to be the pseudonymous author of The War Nerd column, which first appeared in The eXile, discussing current wars and other military conflicts from the perspective of a "war fan",[12] and later for NSFWCorp, and PandoDaily.[4] "Crude, scatological, un-P.C., yet deeply informed",[13] he analyzes military strategy, tactics, and contexts of ongoing and past conflicts. A collection of his columns was published by Soft Skull Press in June 2008 (ISBN 0979663687).

Brecher's identity was mostly secret throughout the run of The eXile from 1997 to 2008. He was suspected to be Dolan as early as 2005[14] and by 2010 Dolan was openly discussing his alter ego.[15]

Revelation of identity

The fictional version of Brecher's identity, referenced from his first column,[16] was that he was employed as a data entry clerk in Fresno, California and deeply unsatisfied with his job. Mark Ames, editor of The eXile offered Brecher a column as a "war reviewer". Brecher wrote that life in Fresno was a "death sentence" and that he spent 15 hours a day in front of a computer ("6 or 7 hours entering civilian numbers for the paycheck and the rest surfing the war news").[16]

In a Dolan article in The eXile about the newspaper and "the strange being known as the War Nerd" (mythologizing Brecher as a separate person to Dolan), Brecher is described as a community-college dropout, and "fat, miserable, and incidentally brilliant".[12] The first hint that Brecher was Dolan was perhaps in a 2001 eXile article, "Cleanse the World", in which Dolan openly admitted to being a "war nerd": "Oh, my poor naive war-nerd brothers, how could you ever have dreamed that Bush."[17]

The columns were the only source of information on Brecher until an email interview with him conducted by Steve Sailer was published by United Press International.[18] Brecher's reclusive nature and the lack of information about him raised speculation during the interview that Brecher was a pseudonym for another eXile contributor. The use of invented characters was not unprecedented for the eXile.[19]

Researchers of the original Wikipedia Gary Brecher page found the photo[20] on which the illustration at the top of each War Nerd column, supposedly representing Brecher, was based. It was actually that of Roger Edvardsen the tour manager of the Norwegian rhythm & blues band Ehem.[21] One of the page authors emailed the band, and they confirmed the image was of Edvardsen.[20]

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Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

How many people do you know that are alive toady because of a blood transfusion asshole? Thank this guy...

And while you're at it...

There's a whole lot more. But Also never forget this. Those white men you speak of. Starved to death when they first arrived here, even with all of the fish, wildlife, and vegetation around. That's the basic root intelligence of a white man. If it wasn'r for the Native Americans that saw this, anf said WTF, and showed them how to not starve to death. That wouldn't have changed. White Christians aren't that bright.

Your stupidity is actually a technological defect that needs to be studied. No doubt that defective gene will be discovered, and fixed by a person of color.
How many people do you know that are alive toady because of a blood transfusion asshole? Thank this guy...

And while you're at it...

There's a whole lot more. But Also never forget this. Those white men you speak of. Starved to death when they first arrived here, even with all of the fish, wildlife, and vegetation around. That's the basic root intelligence of a white man. If it wasn'r for the Native Americans that saw this, anf said WTF, and showed them how to not starve to death. That wouldn't have changed. White Christians aren't that bright.

Your stupidity is actually a technological defect that needs to be studied. No doubt that defective gene will be discovered, and fixed by a person of color.
Black inventions are a tiny fraction of American inventions.
View attachment 953913

I've told you this before. Natives in Africa would bath in cow urine and roll round in the dirt for bug protection. Blacks are a pretty stupid race. Don't take my word for it. Go to YT and search for police videos. Blacks abound.

Dem whites suffer from this mental dis-ease. They idolize the indigenous thinking they are gods. Here is a video on it. See if you you filthy dems relate...maybe you can recover from your mental illness commies.

Many cultures are known to use cow urine for many things. And in tropical Africa, the biting insects are both numerous and dangerous. The Tsetse fly has killed more people than all the lions, tigers and bears combined.

If there is no Deep Woods Off, and cow urine combined with dirt stops them, hand me a cup and some dirt.
I just did ask it. Whats the matter, does the answer destroy your pitiful position? :laugh:
You asked if it was white men who made this country great? Then you asked if white men made a greater contribution to this country.

Fuck your racist comments and fuck you! Fuck your pigmentation and go to hell, white boy!

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