Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.

Well, here's the thing.

As a white male (Cisgendered and heterosexual), I realize that I am privileged in this society. That I will be treated better by the police, by employers, by shop keepers, merely by virtue of my race and gender.

If you are that ignorant, go to any Burger King south of I-20 and come back to us on that. Compare how negros that walk in and order food are treated compared to you. The further south you go, the worse it is. In deep red south MS and LA, its REALLY BAD. My parents don't even go to BK anymore, they're tired of being treated like shit by the blacks that work there. They just go to McDonalds when on road trips. Nice white employees who treat them nicely. And my parents PREFER the whopper over the big mac, but aren't willing to be treated like crap to get one.
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What a crock of shit. There is city and there is fly over country. You guys tell us about the inferiority of fly over country with cities having most of the wealth. You have inferiors in charge in those areas.
I commented on neither what you call "fly over country" or "cities." The nation's cities producing most of the nation's wealth is irrelevant to white males kvetching that they are victims of discrimination.

As I correctly noted, despite some of them whining, white men wield most political and corporate power in America, and control most private wealth by far.

Women earn less than men, about 82 cents per dollar in the U.S. Equal Pay Day this year was March 24, meaning it would take women (full-time, year-round workers) about three additional months to earn what men earn in a year, on average.
Did you know, however, that women also own much less than men? In fact, the gender wealth gap is considerably larger than the gender wage gap. Families headed by women have just 55 cents in median wealth for every dollar of wealth owned by families headed by men...
Gender wealth gaps are even starker and vary more when viewed by race/ethnicity and marital status. One commonality is that across all groups, women possess less wealth than men.
... In 2023, the share of women in the U.S. Congress increased to 27.9 percent - the highest share ever recorded, but some experts say that at the current rate, it will take more than 80 years to reach gender parity in the country’s legislative body.

... a woman has never held the title of President of the United States

Women make up slightly more than half of the U.S. inhabitants, and just over a quarter of Congress in 2023. In the Senate, 25 of the 100 members were women in 2023, which has been the case since 2019. Of the women in the 2023 Senate, 15 belong to the Democratic Party, and nine to the Republican, with one Independent.

In the same year, women occupied 28.5 percent of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives. This is a sharp increase from 2017 when the share of women in the House was 19.1 percent. Of the 124 women in the 2023 sitting of the House, 91 belong to the Democratic Party and 33 to the Republican Party.
Women earn less than men, about 82 cents per dollar in the U.S. Equal Pay Day this year was March 24, meaning it would take women (full-time, year-round workers) about three additional months to earn what men earn in a year, on average.

Did you know that has less to do with gender and more to do with ability? I can give a direct example that happened to me.

I worked with a lady about 10 years ago. We had pretty much identical jobs, job descriptions, and experience. Even the same education, both a bachelors degree. We even worked side by side in the same room. But I made more than her. Why? Because, as a man, when the side company that rented out tents, tables and chairs needed help in the warehouse for loading one of the trucks for a job, they wouldn't page her, they'd page me. I could do BOTH jobs. She could only do one. But on paper, our jobs were identical. But in reality, they were not. After a month, I told the boss unless my pay goes up quite a bit, I'm not getting out of my chair just like that woman never does. I got a raise after a month and a half of almost 25%. That is but one example I can think of.

Women also spend more money than men do. Men tend to be more frugal. Look at the population of shoppers at a mall in the middle of the day. 90% are women. OF COURSE they're going to have less saved up, they spend like drunken sailors. Look at the audience on TV game shows like The price is right. 90% women. They aren't at a job making money, they're on a game show. So of course their husbands will earn more and save more money than they will. Men also tend to work more hours at the same job than women do because women have to leave for kids, appointments, etc. The woman I worked with ALWAYS had somewhere else she needed to be. I was ALWAYS on time, every time and always arrived early and left late. She left for an hour every day for lunch, not one time in 2.5 years I worked there, did I ever leave the property for lunch. I ALWAYS brought my lunch so our customers were taken care of. I ate lunch at my desk sometimes, just so I could help customers who were paying my paycheck. The woman I worked with didn't give a damn about our customers. When that fat woman wanted lunch, not rain or shine nor sleet nor hail was going to stop her from leaving. (and 90% of the time she came back 10-20 minutes late from lunch.)

Men have better work ethics, period. I NEVER, in 30 years of being in the workforce, worked somewhere where a WOMAN stayed late to close. Oh no, EVERY WOMAN left RIGHT AT their off time. Men would stay late, often uncompensated, to finish up and take care of things for the next day. That went from the retail place I worked, to the airport, to dispatching, now to truck driving. It's always the same thing. There are also tons of jobs that women could do if they wanted, but don't want to get their nails dirty. So obviously men would make more than them in these areas.

Women also want paid leave when they have a baby. Men don't have babies, so men stay and work full time. While she'll be paid maternity leave, she will inevitably have to take sick days off to take care of her sick child. That's going to deplete her earnings for that position that a man won't have taken from his. It's the women that take the kids to the doctor, having to take off of work. Almost never the man. My dad NEVER took me to the doctor when I was a child, EVER, LIKE EVER EVER. It was ALWAYS my mom. My dad had to work. He couldn't do it.

It has nothing to do with sex pay discrimination, it has to do with men and women being VASTLY different creatures. Look what happens when a woman busts her ass and applies herself and works hard. Her name is Oprah, worth well into the billions. How many of the worlds richest people are women? How many of those woman started businesses and how many just inherited their wealth?
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Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

Wow, what a racist thing to say.
Did you know that has less to do with gender and more to do with ability? I can give a direct example that happened to me.

I worked with a lady about 10 years ago. We had pretty much identical jobs, job descriptions, and experience. Even the same education, both a bachelors degree. We even worked side by side in the same room. But I made more than her. Why? Because, as a man, when the side company that rented out tents, tables and chairs needed help in the warehouse for loading one of the trucks for a job, they wouldn't page her, they'd page me. I could do BOTH jobs. She could only do one. But on paper, our jobs were identical. But in reality, they were not. After a month, I told the boss unless my pay goes up quite a bit, I'm not getting out of my chair just like that woman never does. I got a raise after a month and a half of almost 25%. That is but one example I can think of.

Women also spend more money than men do. Men tend to be more frugal. Look at the population of shoppers at a mall in the middle of the day. 90% are women. OF COURSE they're going to have less saved up, they spend like drunken sailors. Look at the audience on TV game shows like The price is right. 90% women. They aren't at a job making money, they're on a game show. So of course their husbands will earn more and save more money than they will. Men also tend to work more hours at the same job than women do because women have to leave for kids, appointments, etc. The woman I worked with ALWAYS had somewhere else she needed to be. I was ALWAYS on time, every time and always arrived early and left late. She left for an hour every day for lunch, not one time in 2.5 years I worked there, did I ever leave the property for lunch. I ALWAYS brought my lunch so our customers were taken care of. I ate lunch at my desk sometimes, just so I could help customers who were paying my paycheck. The woman I worked with didn't give a damn about our customers. When that fat woman wanted lunch, not rain or shine nor sleet nor hail was going to stop her from leaving. (and 90% of the time she came back 10-20 minutes late from lunch.)

Men have better work ethics, period. I NEVER, in 30 years of being in the workforce, worked somewhere where a WOMAN stayed late to close. Oh no, EVERY WOMAN left RIGHT AT their off time. Men would stay late, often uncompensated, to finish up and take care of things for the next day. That went from the retail place I worked, to the airport, to dispatching, now to truck driving. It's always the same thing. There are also tons of jobs that women could do if they wanted, but don't want to get their nails dirty. So obviously men would make more than them in these areas.

Women also want paid leave when they have a baby. Men don't have babies, so men stay and work full time. While she'll be paid maternity leave, she will inevitably have to take sick days off to take care of her sick child. That's going to deplete her earnings for that position that a man won't have taken from his. It's the women that take the kids to the doctor, having to take off of work. Almost never the man. My dad NEVER took me to the doctor when I was a child, EVER, LIKE EVER EVER. It was ALWAYS my mom. My dad had to work. He couldn't do it.

It has nothing to do with sex pay discrimination, it has to do with men and women being VASTLY different creatures. Look what happens when a woman busts her ass and applies herself and works hard. Her name is Oprah, worth well into the billions. How many of the worlds richest people are women? How many of those woman started businesses and how many just inherited their wealth?
I've heard plenty ot anecdotes that sustain preconceived prejudices.

The reason that I can't buy the one encapsulated in the thread's title -

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level.

is that men persist in controlling an enormous percentage of the nation's corporate and private wealth and political power.

A vast pool of talent that has the potential of serving the nation is still being squandered because of historical imposed barriers - gender, race, class, ethnicity, gender orientation, etc.

Fortunately, they are being increasingly transcended to the benefit of the nation.
I commented on neither what you call "fly over country" or "cities." The nation's cities producing most of the nation's wealth is irrelevant to white males kvetching that they are victims of discrimination.

As I correctly noted, despite some of them whining, white men wield most political and corporate power in America, and control most private wealth by far.

Women earn less than men, about 82 cents per dollar in the U.S. Equal Pay Day this year was March 24, meaning it would take women (full-time, year-round workers) about three additional months to earn what men earn in a year, on average.
Did you know, however, that women also own much less than men? In fact, the gender wealth gap is considerably larger than the gender wage gap. Families headed by women have just 55 cents in median wealth for every dollar of wealth owned by families headed by men...
Gender wealth gaps are even starker and vary more when viewed by race/ethnicity and marital status. One commonality is that across all groups, women possess less wealth than men.
... In 2023, the share of women in the U.S. Congress increased to 27.9 percent - the highest share ever recorded, but some experts say that at the current rate, it will take more than 80 years to reach gender parity in the country’s legislative body.
... a woman has never held the title of President of the United States
Women make up slightly more than half of the U.S. inhabitants, and just over a quarter of Congress in 2023. In the Senate, 25 of the 100 members were women in 2023, which has been the case since 2019. Of the women in the 2023 Senate, 15 belong to the Democratic Party, and nine to the Republican, with one Independent.
In the same year, women occupied 28.5 percent of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives. This is a sharp increase from 2017 when the share of women in the House was 19.1 percent. Of the 124 women in the 2023 sitting of the House, 91 belong to the Democratic Party and 33 to the Republican Party.
More and more men are now undereducated or even uneducated. The gangs are growing, and the impoverishment and violence is increasing with males now getting lower paying work with many turned into criminals from a corrupted law enforcement system struggle to survive. All of this is concurrent with women getting upper-level employment, especially Prog women and the competition for comforts in life developed is more and more invented and produced overseas. Mexico just condemned itself for even a longer period of time with the election of their new President. Gangapalooza will expand to every corner of the western hemisphere as this continues. One of the real inconvenient truths. Those stats of yours are vague and generalized. And any lady that does work outstanding and is underpaid deserves to be paid also.
More and more men are now undereducated or even uneducated. The gangs are growing, and the impoverishment and violence is increasing with males now getting lower paying work with many turned into criminals from a corrupted law enforcement system struggle to survive. All of this is concurrent with women getting upper-level employment, especially Prog women and the competition for comforts in life developed is more and more invented and produced overseas. Mexico just condemned itself for even a longer period of time with the election of their new President. Gangapalooza will expand to every corner of the western hemisphere as this continues. One of the real inconvenient truths. Those stats of yours are vague and generalized. And any lady that does work outstanding and is underpaid deserves to be paid also.
I accept that neither gender, nor race, nor ethnicity, nor inherited social status are limiting factors in human potential.

Are there white males who make self-serving presumptions because of the historical happenstances that led to white males controlling most of the corporate and private wealth as well as political power? Of course.

The closer society gets to equal opportunity, the better for society. Despite the retrogressions of reactionaries, progress is happening, albeit slowly.
Fact is, just about every invention that has made modern life possible was invented by white men.
Fact is, if any other demographic had inherited privileged dominion over all others based upon inequality under law, that demographic would have thrived, instead. Historic circumstance is the determinant.

Our democracy is better for having finally passed the 19th Amendment in 1920, when half the population that had been denied their right to vote by white males was finally recognized as equal.

In 1868, the 14th Amendment had extended citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the United States," securing all citizens "equal protection under law."

The struggle to attain de facto equality persisted, of course.

Some white men still attempt to extend their dominion over all other Americans, as they continue to dominate politics, the media, corporate power, as they control most wealth. Revoking reproductive freedom is a repugnant manifestation of white male domination.

Increasingly, however, the nation is drawing upon an extended talent pool, and that progress benefits all.

Fact is, if any other demographic had inherited privileged dominion over all others based upon inequality under law, that demographic would have thrived, instead. Historic circumstance is the determinant.
Problem is, you're basing how blacks were treated in America as to why white men invented almost everything. Which is basically true here in the US.

But you are neglecting the Fact that white men in European countries such as England, France, Italy, and several others. Invented, or laid the scientific foundation, for the invention of the vast majority things that made modern life possible.
While during the same time period. Black people in Africa, both before and after colonization, basically invented very few things.
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Problem is, you're basing how blacks were treated in America as to why white men invented almost everything. Which is basically true here in the US.

But you are neglecting the Fact that white men in European countries such as England, France, Italy, and several others. Invented, or laid the scientific foundation, for the invention of the vast majority things that made modern life possible.
While during the same time period. Black people in Africa, both before and after colonization, basically invented very few things.
You only support my thesis that a demographic's societal domination is historically derived and deliberately perpetuated.

The alternative, self-justifying rationale of genetic superiority is inherently racist and sexist.

Inevitably, some who benefit from historical privilege like to think their person gender/race/ethnicity/class/ reed must be superior.
The alternative, self-justifying rationale of genetic superiority is inherently racist and sexist.
Not racist nor sexist to point out Facts.
For thousands of years.
White people dominated Europe.
Black people dominated Africa.
There was very little interaction between them.
So when you compare the civilizations built by Blacks vs Whites.
The difference is like day and night.
Not racist nor sexist to point out Facts.
For thousands of years.
White people dominated Europe.
Black people dominated Africa.
There was very little interaction between them.
So when you compare the civilizations built by Blacks vs Whites.
The difference is like day and night.
Circumstances differ enormously.

I don't find your self-justifying theory of a superior race either credible or desirable.
I'm a 56 year old white man.

Ain't nobody "weeded me out" of anything.
because you never tried to do anything in life. I am white and got openly discriminated against a job with IRS in Detroit in 1984. The black women said u not gittin in. Ditto for grad school programs where white women rejected all white men. Same with Med school, they said that " I lacked Diversity".
Those of us with brains already know this. But it is good to remind everyone.

If you hate the West and white men, just stop using the technology we developed. Bye.

Men - particularly white men - are being weeded out at every level. The demographic that built the modern world is being hobbled.
Consider that universities, when they were small outfits reserved for the elite, could find the West Virginia math genius John Nash, cultivate him at Carnegie-Melon and Princeton, then send him to MIT to do research resulting in a Nobel Prize. Now an eccentric boy like him is probably drugged by some angry woman in elementary school. If he makes it through that experience, he’s trashed for his whiteness for years, and then rejected probably at all top schools. Then his credentials don’t get him the interviews he would need at top corporations, banks, law firms, consulting firms, etc. And if does manage the interview, he might not get hired anyway because of diversity quotas. And if he even gets through that, he will be subjected to diversity training, and possibly hobbled in promotion. The only white guys who get through all this are connected, wealthy. The John Nash type - very unlikely he’s even recognized.
This is what American society is doing to itself in real time.

If the following claim is true, will that change your opinion of white men?

Britain’s century long Opium trafficking and China’s ‘Century of Humiliation’ (1839-1949) | MR Online

"In 1500, India and China were the world’s most advanced civilizations.

"Then came the Europeans.

"They eventually looted and wreaked havoc on both, just as they were to on the Americas and Africa.

"For India and China, Britain was the chief culprit, relying on state-sponsored drug-running backed by industrialized military power.

"The British Empire was the world’s largest producer and exporter of Opium—the main product of global trade after the gradual decline of the slave trade from Africa.

"Their 'civilization' brought the Century of Humiliation to China, which only ended with the popular revolution led by Mao Zedong."
because you never tried to do anything in life. I am white and got openly discriminated against a job with IRS in Detroit in 1984. The black women said u not gittin in. Ditto for grad school programs where white women rejected all white men. Same with Med school, they said that " I lacked Diversity".
Dude, I worked my ass off for decades and recently sold my business and retired.

At 56.

How about you?
If one is a white man a high school degree is not enough, like it was in the past. To be prosperous one probably needs a genius level IQ and a degree from an elite university. White men without these benefits would rather blame anti white discrimination than their own congenital limitations.

The future is being built in high tech corporations that are still dominated by white men. They will continue to be dominated by white men and Oriental men.

Cold climates select genetically for light skin and intelligence. Men tend to have more mathematical aptitude than women. Men are more motivated to succeed than women because women prefer successful men. Men do not prefer successful women. We prefer young women.

Darwinian evolution favors intrinsic superiority. White men without it are attracted to white nationalism. Some die deaths of despair.
I commented on neither what you call "fly over country" or "cities." The nation's cities producing most of the nation's wealth is irrelevant to white males kvetching that they are victims of discrimination.

As I correctly noted, despite some of them whining, white men wield most political and corporate power in America, and control most private wealth by far.

Women earn less than men, about 82 cents per dollar in the U.S. Equal Pay Day this year was March 24, meaning it would take women (full-time, year-round workers) about three additional months to earn what men earn in a year, on average.
Did you know, however, that women also own much less than men? In fact, the gender wealth gap is considerably larger than the gender wage gap. Families headed by women have just 55 cents in median wealth for every dollar of wealth owned by families headed by men...
Gender wealth gaps are even starker and vary more when viewed by race/ethnicity and marital status. One commonality is that across all groups, women possess less wealth than men.
... In 2023, the share of women in the U.S. Congress increased to 27.9 percent - the highest share ever recorded, but some experts say that at the current rate, it will take more than 80 years to reach gender parity in the country’s legislative body.
... a woman has never held the title of President of the United States
Women make up slightly more than half of the U.S. inhabitants, and just over a quarter of Congress in 2023. In the Senate, 25 of the 100 members were women in 2023, which has been the case since 2019. Of the women in the 2023 Senate, 15 belong to the Democratic Party, and nine to the Republican, with one Independent.
In the same year, women occupied 28.5 percent of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives. This is a sharp increase from 2017 when the share of women in the House was 19.1 percent. Of the 124 women in the 2023 sitting of the House, 91 belong to the Democratic Party and 33 to the Republican Party.
The West is dying. You are not getting it through your head. We are not renewing ourselves and we live off of foreign slaves building products for our comforts. That does not last that long as those countries build real infrastructure and are rising nations. China is worrisome.

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