Our Young People Are Awesome!!


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
There are lots of threads of late about how stupid and lazy and entitled our young people are. I find that POV to be completely off base.

Millennials are "can do" people who don't expect something for nothing. They are creative, energetic, extremely civic minded and less likely to accept unacceptable things just because "that's the way it is". They volunteer their time at a pace that has never before been seen in this country. They even drop coin for charity at a very high rate.

This nation is in good hands. There is much reason to be optimistic.

Here are some statistics to review.

Exposing The Myth Of The Millennial Generation In 20 Statistics Ryan Jenkins Next Generation Catalyst
Hardly. There have been many threads on this board concerning how the young people are lazy and worthless. Same bullshit I have heard for over 70 years from disgruntled failures about every generation in that period. Same as was said about the generation that fought WW2, before they became the Greatest Generation.

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