Outrage alert!! Errbody mad at SNL now for poking fun at heroine addicts

I thought SNL was very clever in their spoof of medicine commercials, but too many of us have had first hand experience with heroin addiction in our families or amongst our friends to find a skit on heroin funny. Too many OD's, deaths, prison sentences, and just the usual getting robbed by a brother, lied to endlessly... Heroin addiction is too personal to too many to be 'funny.'
I wasn't outraged, but the spoof could have been funnier with a different substance.

I would say most families are touched by addiction in some way so that really doesn't fly with me. Would the gag be funnier if they were lampooning alcoholics or huffers?
Probably. Like I said, I didn't come close to outraged, but yesterday I was comforting a coworker when she learned her sister had just OD'd on heroin. Maybe it's just too close right now for some people.

I get where you're coming from. I am not unsympathetic as three of my five cousins are heroine addicts.
Bucs: With all respect, here's your Word of the Day. Heroine is a female hero, like Ripley in Aliens.
Interesting, people outraged that SNL poked fun at female hero addicts. Perhaps you mean "heroin" addicts.

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