Outrage erupts after video shows 2-year old girl being paraded at nude Drag Queen event

They're not going to "shut it down" - do you even know how the law or police work?

If fortune has it, they'll arrest the adults and parents involved in the event.
And when they don't? These types of events have been going on for a while now, I get you're all righteous because you just found out about them but no one is going to be arrested to taking their children to Drag Brunch. Not going to happen, Snowflake.
My morals are simply reality, and that's what the law reflects.

The law reflects the instances in which the majority are okay with the use of force, it isn't evidence that your morality is real. What happens when laws change? Does that mean your morals change? Do you allow the consensus of the majority to dictate your morals? How much of a Simp are you? 😄
It cares about my morals, not yours (or the lack thereof). There have been plenty of documented instances where these "people" have indeed been arrested, tried and convicted - and I'm sure there will be more.
Provide one.
And when they don't? These types of events have been going on for a while now, I get you're all righteous because you just found out about them but no one is going to be arrested to taking their children to Drag Brunch. Not going to happen, Snowflake.
Eventually I predict that the events will be formally banned on state - and possibly federal levels.

Until then - sure, you can't arrest someone simply for "being at an event", but they can review specific cases to see if potential criminal charges are on the table - especially since the internet has made it easier for armchair detectives to identify the names and addresses of the adults, parents, and children involved.

The law reflects the instances in which the majority are okay with the use of force, it isn't evidence that your morality is real.
The law doesn't give to fucks about the "majority" - it's not open to referendum. Just like Supreme Court didn't when it struck down Roe vs. Wade.

The US and Western systems of government are set up so that an elite, and hopefully moral minority of representatives, executives, and justices can decide the morality of the majority - and as far as that goes, the squabbling of the rabble in question doesn't matter.

What happens when laws change? Does that mean your morals change? Do you allow the consensus of the majority to dictate your morals? How much of a Simp are you? 😄
You don't even know what the difference between moral philosophy and "laws" are? Just because a little law changes here and there doesn't mean that the moral philosophy changes.

Just like we can further remove any "majority consensus" from the equation by changing the laws if we want to.

You'll either conform to the morality of the law, or it will be forced on you by gunpoint whether you like it or not - just as has been done with abortion (and that's only the beginning) - pretty simple.

Provide one.

Pennsylvania Drag Queen Who Performed For Children Charged With 25 Counts Of Child Pornography​

Eventually I predict that the events will be formally banned on state - and possibly federal levels.
Until then I guess it's perfectly moral according to you. 😄
Until then - sure, you can't arrest someone simply for "being at an event", but they can review specific cases to see if potential criminal charges are on the table - especially since the internet has made it easier for armchair detectives to identify the names and addresses of the adults, parents, and children involved.
You get back to me when you can even find one case of that happening, Short Bus.
The law doesn't give to fucks about the "majority" - it's not open to referendum. Just like Supreme Court didn't when it struck down Roe vs. Wade.
Who the fuck taught you civics? The law is written by law makers who are voted into office by winning elections, typically done by gathering the plurality of votes (similar to a majority but equates to the most votes out of a field of more than two candidates) except in the case of President where you need a plurality of electoral college votes. Once in office a referendum on what laws should be passed or repealed are voted on through legislation that must win by a majority. Even the Supreme Court, who decides on the ultimate Constitutionality of laws are nominated and confirmed by Congress and the President, who are again, elected by a plurality. And even if the Supreme Court does rule a particular law unconstitutional that can be over ridden by a super majority of electors or States amending the Constitution.

If the law wasn't open to referendum how would it change? Do you think it's decreed from on high through stone tablets sent from God? 😄
The US and Western systems of government are set up so that an elite, and hopefully moral minority of representatives, executives, and justices can decide the morality of the majority - and as far as that goes, the squabbling of the rabble in question doesn't matter.
That's almost entirely wrong. 😄
You don't even know what the difference between moral philosophy and "laws" are? Just because a little law changes here and there doesn't mean that the moral philosophy changes.
You are the one trying to link morality and law you incredible dipshit. Did you forget your own damn argument? 😂
Just like we can further remove any "majority consensus" from the equation by changing the laws if we want to.
I thought they weren't open to referendum? 😄
You'll either conform to the morality of the law, or it will be forced on you by gunpoint whether you like it or not - just as has been done with abortion (and that's only the beginning) - pretty simple.
Laws don't force people to believe in certain moral convictions you moron, it punishes people for violating law. Do you think homosexuality is moral because the law allows it? How about in the states where abortion is legal? Is abortion moral there but not moral in places its outlawed?

Pennsylvania Drag Queen Who Performed For Children Charged With 25 Counts Of Child Pornography​

What a FAIL! 😂 That person wasn't arrested for performing drag for children, they were arrested for downloading child porn.
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They definitely need to identify who the "parents" and event organizers are so they can see about the possibility of filing criminal charges and having CPS remove the children from the homes in question.

Maybe someone who's more skilled with extracting metadata from photos can identify the names and addresses of the individuals involved:

Internet users have condemned a clip showing a tiny child being led by the hand by a drag queen with huge exposed boobs during an event at a Miami bar.

The 16 second video sees the young girl, who appears to be aged between two and four, dressed in a tiara as she parades with a woman in skimpy clothing.

That performer - who appears to be a transgender woman - proudly displays gigantic boobs, with her nipples covered with pasties while wearing lingerie stuffed with dollar bills.

She parades around the R House Wynwood in a TikTok video shared by a user called nononoie, who wrote: 'Children belong at drag shows!!!! Children deserve to see fun & expression & freedom.'


Link to video

'Time to prove your worth Ron DeSantis. Make sure this person gets arrested and the venue is shuttered,' tweeted Aaron R.

'This is just wrong, Mr Governor DeSantis I know is not your fault but you need to do something about this!' wrote Gabriel Garcia.

'Pedophilia is illegal, gross, creepy and depraved... This does not fit under any free speech laws.... These people deserve jail and eventually hell,' wrote another upset Twitter follower.

Similar instances have been recorded in the past including in September 2021 when a young girl was filmed tipping a drag queen baring a huge set of synthetic breasts during a 'family-friendly' event at a Michigan gay venue.


Fake breast outrage.
I've seen more skin at the beach.
Skin doesn't matter - you clearly don't know how obscenity's and indecency are legally defined, do you?

A work of art such as "David" by Michaelango shows full-frontal nudity - but is not obscene or indecent.

This event shows "less nudity" than that - but is obscene and indecent.

Learn to read the law sometime.
In this case by whether or not it hurts your little fee fees. Parents can raise their children to not be as big a pussy over nudity as you are. Go cry about it.
We will see the real pussies when government outlays are reduced by half or more.
Skin doesn't matter - you clearly don't know how obscenity's and indecency are legally defined, do you?

A work of art such as "David" by Michaelango shows full-frontal nudity - but is not obscene or indecent.

This event shows "less nudity" than that - but is obscene and indecent.

Learn to read the law sometime.
I have learned to read, when will you stop being a prude?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but aren't people supposed to be arrested when a cop catches them out in public without anything on?

God bless you always!!!

Wait until you find out the Germanic and Scandinavians go naked, whole family, to the sauna....

Are people handing out money to see the family naked visiting the sauna?
This is why democrats are being labeled groomers, you all defend examples of the gays sexualization of children.
Why the outrage? Why the surprise? Have you not seen the commercials on HGTV and Discovery Channel?
The perverts/democrats/American Pravda have been mainstreaming this crap for quite a while already.
It's not being a prude, it's just being normal.

Stop being a prude about people being a prude.
I like the way outrage forces people to display pictures that outrage them.

The outrage isn't at the actual picture, it's the content in the picture.

It needs to be shown so that more people see what's going.

People should be outraged at it. Anyone who isn't needs to be shot or sent to another country as they are not someone who needs to be a part of American society. If you're ok with parading adult trannies Infront of small children you're a sick fuck I would put down with no more of a thought than I would put down a sick animal.
Correct, but the goal is to make the world as a whole less-sexualized.

I fail to see the point you're making here.

The point is that a lot of people have emotional arguments that are contradictory. They compartmentalize their points so they can argue one thing one minute, then the exact opposite the next.

People claim to want stop the sexualization of kids. But in order to do so you need to do more than stop kids going to drag events. You need to protect kids a lot more.

The right are essentially saying that parents can bring their kids up how they like. If they want them to have religion, it's up to the parents, not the state etc etc. Isn't it the same with sexualization?
Are people handing out money to see the family naked visiting the sauna?
This is why democrats are being labeled groomers, you all defend examples of the gays sexualization of children.

Democrats are "labeled groomers" because some people's politics involves lots of personal attacks and insults. A "I'll do whatever to get what I want" approach to politics.

Does it matter if people are "handing out money"... I really don't see what money has to do with anything here.

What about kids whose parents haven't been brought up properly, and then end up fucking at home in plain sight of one of the parents fucking someone else? Could even be for money......

Kids are sexualized at a very young age. China, right, bans low cut tops from TV, it bans certain fashions, and people follow this kind of fashion they see on TV, so less sexualization. No doubt the right wingers would then call this an infringement of freedom, they'd demand their first amendment right to do this.

Instead of being outraged, try showing me a unified policy of how you'd tackle sexualization of kids in the US that is not only comprehensive, but also consistent with all other arguments for other policies.
Democrats are "labeled groomers" because some people's politics involves lots of personal attacks and insults. A "I'll do whatever to get what I want" approach to politics.

Does it matter if people are "handing out money"... I really don't see what money has to do with anything here.

What about kids whose parents haven't been brought up properly, and then end up fucking at home in plain sight of one of the parents fucking someone else? Could even be for money......

Kids are sexualized at a very young age. China, right, bans low cut tops from TV, it bans certain fashions, and people follow this kind of fashion they see on TV, so less sexualization. No doubt the right wingers would then call this an infringement of freedom, they'd demand their first amendment right to do this.

Instead of being outraged, try showing me a unified policy of how you'd tackle sexualization of kids in the US that is not only comprehensive, but also consistent with all other arguments for other policies.

WTF, I shouldn't have to come up with a "unified policy to tackle sexualization of kids in the US that's comprehensive and consistent with all other policies" for you to acknowledge children have no place in trans/drag/stripper entertainment.

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