Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

"One world USA, coming to a border close to you!"
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this
The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.
rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

The old way of doing Assylum was for those of the Central America to go twenty miles inside of Mexico and file at the US Embassy for assylum. About 15% were given assylum and the rest just went home. Rump shut that program down. That meant that the only way to apply for assylum was to go feet dry and the only feet dry people are from Cuba. In order to stop this nonsense, reopen the ability of ANY person filing for assylum to be able to do it in ANY friendly nation. Rump broke it.
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this
The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.
rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.

Do you think that Biden will stop those 7k from crossing the border when they get here?

What about the next 7k? or hte 7k after that?
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this
The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.
rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.

I won't do direct quotes or cites on this one because I just don't have time. But as to how and where asylum can be requested and by whom is the direct responsibility of the Executive Branch. The problem is, Rump changed that by just a wave of his hand. It didn't even require an EO, just a memo or something as simple as a verbal directive. All of a sudden, the US Embassies in Mexico, Central and South America could no longer accept asylum requests and get rulings on them. Rump broke it. What Biden needs to do is to reinstate the US Embassies to be able to accept and process Asylum requests in ALL Friendly Nations with US Embassies.
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this
The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.
rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.

Might want to tell biden that, as he's been flapping his gob about ending remain in mexico on day 1.
Well. I suppose anyone with the sense of a grapefruit knew this was coming...


Hondurans taking part in a new caravan of migrants set to head to the United States, walk along a road in El Florido, Guatemala January 16, 2021. © REUTERS/Luis Echeverria

Caravans with thousands of Central American migrants reportedly are trekking toward the Mexican border on their way to the US, where they expect to find friendlier policies after President-elect Joe Biden takes office next week.

About 7,000 to 8,000 migrants have entered Guatemala from Honduras in just the past day, Reuters reported, citing Guatemala's immigration authority. Video footage shows thousands of people forcing their way through a police cordon as they cross the border into Guatemala.

"It's coming," Morgan said. "It's already started, just as we promised and anticipated it would with this
The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.
rhetoric from the new administration on the border."

Trump predicted during a border visit on Tuesday that the policy changes would lead to "a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before."

He added, "They're coming because they think that it's a gravy train at the end."

Immigration activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which has organized immigrant caravans to the US and has funding ties to billionaire George Soros, called on the incoming Biden administration to "honor its commitments."

Continued - Over 7,000-strong migrant caravan inches closer to US border as Biden vows to end Trump's asylum policies

The thread premise is a lie and baseless demagoguery.

The Biden immigration proposal requires Congressional approval, likely months away – if at all – in no manner changing current immigration law.

I won't do direct quotes or cites on this one because I just don't have time. But as to how and where asylum can be requested and by whom is the direct responsibility of the Executive Branch. The problem is, Rump changed that by just a wave of his hand. It didn't even require an EO, just a memo or something as simple as a verbal directive. All of a sudden, the US Embassies in Mexico, Central and South America could no longer accept asylum requests and get rulings on them. Rump broke it. What Biden needs to do is to reinstate the US Embassies to be able to accept and process Asylum requests in ALL Friendly Nations with US Embassies.

Why "correct" something that has been working fine? America has avoided these caravans or surges at the border for a couple of years, at least partly due to Trump policies.

What negativity here in America do you see from this policy that it needed changing?
The Democrats are hell bent on "transforming" America into a 3rd or 4th world nation.

What better way to accomplish this than to import them all here?

America The beautiful is TOAST. Can someone please remove the last Old Glory on the way out?

The only silver lining is that for all the coming poverty and strife for you and me....

America will continue to have the world's greatest number of Globalist Ultra Wealthy Democrats living large in their highly secured luxury enclaves.
A few hundred enjoying TRILLIONS in personal wealth. YAY.
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The US govt. is still holding children separated from family.

Biden will release them into the US unvetted.

And when the "parents" dump the children in the streets, teh media will bury it.
Biden said he would find their families to return them to.
The US govt. is still holding children separated from family.

Biden will release them into the US unvetted.

And when the "parents" dump the children in the streets, teh media will bury it.
Biden said he would find their families to return them to.

I'm sure Biden said a lot of shit.

I told you what I think will happen.

What do you actually believe will happen?

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