Oversight is needed at FBI and protection for those against tyranny


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Robyn Gritz gave an interview for Jason Goodman that is well worth listening to. She is a national treasure and McCabe trashed her for not bending to his corruption. I am glade he is gone and hope that the new director has the integrity to put investigations of corruption in the FBI or anywhere else off of the political radar. No one lives in a free society where corruption is allowed to go unchecked.

Robyn describes what she has been through in this interview. If people want to have responsible government then we need protection for whistle blowers not protection from whistle blowers when they are reporting corruption at any level of government. Agencies should not be investigating themselves. Oversight has to be demanded and legislated at the congressional level to prevent the loss of good people like Robyn in our government agencies.


Trump is the one that sided with russia against the United states. All you bastards are going down!!! It will be so sweet when the alt right dies.
Robyn's story sounds all to familiar with the false claims against her whilst they attempt to cover up their own crimes. Why aren't more senators standing behind her and looking into this? I heard all of these same type claims made against Robyn when the bank was attempting to cover up their fraud and the manufacturers sabotage of my equipment. Blackballed? I've been there more than once. The guilty will also accuse the innocent when they know beyond a doubt that they are caught in their illegal conduct. It is almost like a typical routine they seem to have.

Another modus operandi of thugs and crooks is that they will attempt to get you embroiled in their corrupt ways so they have something over you. If you fail to take their bait you will also most likely become a target or someone on their list that they desire to get rid of. We had a local contract back in the late nineties here and they tried to over pay us by twenty-five hundred dollars. When I made sure the accounting was corrected on their part the gal tried to convince me to keep money we had not earned. She repeatedly kept telling me "It's free money. Why don't you keep it?" I repeatedly told her back "because we didn't earn it". Folks there is no such thing as "free money" when you are a working with any government agencies. You are either earning it or someone is setting you up for a future failure that can come back to haunt you. Money from thugs always comes with some kind of strings attached. Our government agencies of any kind from the smallest to the largest are not personal bank accounts or agencies for favoritism or dirty partisan politics.

The face of FBI politics: Bureau boss McCabe under Hatch Act investigation

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