Owen Shroyer educates liberals on childrens cages


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer saw a couple of protesters and attempted to explain the truth behind leftist media propaganda blaming Trump for children being separated from their parents at the southern border.

When the truth gets put out the sheep can't stand it their instincts instantly teach them lie and deny.. Your all so pathetic.
Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer saw a couple of protesters and attempted to explain the truth behind leftist media propaganda blaming Trump for children being separated from their parents at the southern border.

When the truth gets put out the sheep can't stand it their instincts instantly teach them lie and deny.. Your all so pathetic.

My my.
  1. Proving once again that women are from Venus and Men from Mars. Women want to nest and men want to hunt. Nesters, stay home with your OWN kids. We don't need you fugging up public policy with your bleeding hearts.
  2. Leftards always look at everything one move ahead rather than 5 or 10 and never see the big picture or long-term effects of anything they do.
  3. Liberals live in mental cages, that is why they see them everywhere else they look.
  4. Given the choice, Leftists will sooner follow fantasy than adjust their mental model to reality.
  5. There is no such thing as "educating" liberals. That is why they are liberals.
Obviously you can’t educate people without any reasonable conversation. Let me ask you this if we build a gym or a big room where the kids can run around and play is that ok? No of course not because you are going to make a scene because ice are doing the job as the best they can. You know democrats can put a bill that would make these people comfortable but they would like to cry and use the fake waterworks because their future democrats are in cases

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