OWS-Rome turns violent; Is US next?

if these people get violent and the local police cant handle it, ill enlist my weapon and body to the police if they would have me.
if these people get violent and the local police cant handle it, ill enlist my weapon and body to the police if they would have me.

Two points:

1-The cops can handle it. Don't forget, they're left wingers. They may be prone to violence, but remember they're also cowards and prone to be pu**ies. They are hard-core til they get punched in the nose, then they run and cry to the nearest lawyer.

2- These moron thug wannabes are already walking around NYC, SanFran, etc, wearing the bandana face masks trying to look like Eastern Euro anarchist rejects. They'll become violent. Just a matter of time.
Rome protest against corporate greed turns violent | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

OWS-Rome turned very violent. WHen will the US hippies and punks do the same? Like a bunch of whining children to toss shit around the house when they don't get their way.

probably right after greece, et al, default....it's gonna hurt the u.s. as well...

"austerity" is not something that people like.....but it is the inevitable result of overspending...

but if protestors think capitalism causes austerity.....wait until they try socialism....:eusa_whistle:
yeah im just saying, worst case scenario, ill fight these commie hippies if the police can't. Im sure they can though.
yeah im just saying, worst case scenario, ill fight these commie hippies if the police can't. Im sure they can though.

Oh I gotcha, same here. If the left turns Euro-violent, which I think they will, the cops will handle the major ones, but some trickle over hippie/lazy-college-grad hordes may spill over into suburb areas or malls, etc. They'll likely try to provoke a few bystanders and innocent people.

You're on the right track. Be armed and vigilent. Always call the police first and act only in self defense. And, if you see some cops struggling a bit, nothing prevents us from trying to help them (unarmed) to get someone under control through citizen's arrest. And if we see a loser attacking a cop and the cop is losing the fight...we can absolutely help out.

It'll be fun to watch the outrage and shocked expressions on the faces of these losers when they act violently towards cops and are met in return by violence from the cops. they'll have the "YOU CANT DO THAT:eek:" look on their face after they toss a maltov cocktail and catch hell in return.
im all for nonviolent protests, discussion, debate, etc. but this is the absolute wrong way to go about it for them, even if they are right ideologically (not saying they are, just generalizing). For example, if a few million americans want to peacefully protest the government for a redress of grievances concerning the federal reserve, thats all good. And as much as i HATE the federal reserve, I do not support a mob busting in and burning it down. you know? i draw that line pretty clearly.
im all for nonviolent protests, discussion, debate, etc. but this is the absolute wrong way to go about it for them, even if they are right ideologically (not saying they are, just generalizing). For example, if a few million americans want to peacefully protest the government for a redress of grievances concerning the federal reserve, thats all good. And as much as i HATE the federal reserve, I do not support a mob busting in and burning it down. you know? i draw that line pretty clearly.

100% right! That peace we enjoy is why our country is so great. We can harbor every race, ethnicity, religion, political view, etc, etc, etc, and do so in peace. Our elections are met with verbal outrage, but never violence. Its why we aren't an African or Asian nation that often has violence, or a South American nation where militaries overthrow presidents.

We are different. Our cops and military hold that peace.

The Tea Party never got violent, and they cleaned up after themselves.
The anti-war protests recently were not violent.
Pro-immigration rallies never got violent.

Why do anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, anti-responsibility crowds worldwide always end violently?
Libs blaming violence in their movement on someone else. How ironic. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault, right?
Don't get your hopes up lefties. The sissies and dopes who are pissing in the streets of NY don't have the heart for a confrontation like their coward fathers did when they faced the draft. You have 3% of comunity activists trying to motivate about 97% of truly stupid kids who literally don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
I wonder why my thread was moved to the Europe forum but this one was allowed to stay on Politics? Oh well...
True, these lefties are total pu**ies at heart. But...a small % will become violent. Just watch and enjoy haha!!
I wonder why my thread was moved to the Europe forum but this one was allowed to stay on Politics? Oh well...

Because mine is asking a question regarding our OWS movement here.

And your's sucked.

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