OWS using children/toddlers as human shields.

Yeah, NO ONE in the left wing wants to acknowledge this. Why? Well, those women were OBVIOUSLY right wing tea party plants!!!

Using their children as human shields. You just know what they wanted. They desperately wanted the police or a right winger to do something near the child so they can get a video of their children being endangered by cops or right wingers.

They are yelling about their kids being in danger, but they are the ones who brought them there.

Absolutely disgusting.

In danger we would put our children behind us and these clowns put their kids in front of them...

What a bunch of unfit parents and pieces of shit in general...

These are the type of people who sell their kids....

Unfit parents and pieces of shit in general...

Sir do you think before you type that drivil into the keyboard??? How many of you idiots in this thread use any critical thinking skills at all???

I find it entirely appropriate that they use there children, and I think more of them should do it! Why?? Well it is there future that we are destroying. Its is our young that we are eating. We are taxing them, and taking life from them because we cant live within our means.

You idiots in this thread base your opinions on the premise that those children are safe and that everything is ok for them if they were somewhere else, but that is NOT true. They are not safe, we are inflating there money at an unprecidented rate. We have eroded all the good jobs out of the country so the retail sector can enjoy broad profit margins. We have established an attitude and mentality that we need to dedicate our military personell around the globe fighting and dying so multinational corporations can plunder natural resources. We generate great hatred for this, and because of it we are less safe. Upward mobility is gone in this country, so if you are born a serf forever you will be a serf.

No I think its entirely appropriate that they are using there children as shields. None of you have a problem with slowly killing a child by the above mentioned reasons and more, but you have a supposed problem with the possability of a child being directly injured.

These positions, like so many other positions, taken by the same self serving idiots who have so quickly populated this thread make no sense because the policy behind them make no sense. The anger and contempt you have for the OWS crowd, or any crowd that doesnt blindly march to the failed ideals of the neocon (corporate liberal) movement should be redirected to the policy's that are causing it. Not to the people who are most effected by it.

What you dummies are doing is you have drilled a round hole, and now you are trying to insert a square peg. It just wont work, but anytime someone suggests rounding down the corners the same dipshits have nothing but complaints.
I heard they also teach them that god loves them when we all know that god hates poor people.
The OWS should all bring their children maybe some will get hurt. That would not entirely be a bad thing. After all we have a national revulsion against those middle eastern parents who celebrate their children being suicide bombers. A national revulsion against OWS can only be a good thing

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