OZ to massacre sharks! Finally some good news.

Australia needs to focus on the box jellyfish. THEY do more harm to swimmers than sharks do.
When you make pronouncements like that, it would be considerate if you would post some sort of link or something so the rest of us can check it out.

Just saying.
Thank I god I don't live there. Too many things that bite and leave you a corpse but it is very ecologically sensitive.

No bears and big cats though.

We only have spiders, snakes, and other normal things that other countries have...like poisonous sea creatures and ones that bite.

No massive African etc pythons like in Florida.
i completely agree that the foul creatures should be eaten. They'll make more.

I got bumped by 1 once in the gulf, and ever since then my name is swiminus minimus when it comes to water where i can't see meh legs. Next month in the bahamas should be an interesting experience for me because as it stands i'd kill every damn 1 of them.

i was wade fishing off surfside in chest deep water and had a nice stringer of trout on my belt and a shark decided he wanted em. Bastard dragged me about twenty feet before he bit through the stringer.
Scared the liven shit out of me!! I'm guessing it was a big bull shark.

I still dont get the whole "they're going extinct" shit. Every time i go offshore i see a shitload of em.

holy shit alert ^^^^

A very bad idea ...doing that made you one of those 'sitting ducks'.
You're very lucky to still be alive.

Better off to buy some trout at the fish shop. ;)

Those Bull Sharks are not to be trifled with;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7uSvQUJTZE]Shark Mauls Navy Diver - YouTube[/ame]
Screw that. If I'm there, it's my domain.

And the sharks feel the same.

Sadly, they don't have the wherewithal to eliminate my species, so my species will win this one.

They haven't always hung out there and eaten humans. They are doing it because they have found a food source. They can return to wherever they hung out before we started hanging there. WE were there first.

Are you suggesting that sharks have not always "hung out" in the water? If so, where did sharks "hung out"?
Probably best not to go swimming in Kakadu National Park, there are Bull Sharks there.

But there are also monster crocodiles!

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A five-metre crocodile eats a bull shark at Yellow Waters in Kakadu National Park. Picture: Andrew Henderson Source: Herald Sun

THIS monster crocodile has just proven who's the king of the swamp.
The 5m saltwater crocodile made mince meat of a bull shark at Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.

A bunch of tourists looked on in shock when they saw the croc chomping on the shark at the upper flood plains of the south Alligator River on Saturday morning.


A salt-water crocodile leaps out of a river in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia. Tourists on organised boat cruises watch in amazement as saltwater crocs rocket out of the water at mind-boggling speed. The animals' powerful tails allow them to wriggle and push their huge bodies - sometimes weighing over 2,500 lbs and up to six metres long - upwards and out of the water.

Pictures of the day
Sharks are necessary sea creatures. People aren't. People go into the shark homes and wonder why they aren't treated like guests.
The Aussies should be more worried about me.

We don't just tap your legs:

We hit you at the darkest hour, the time you least expect.

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