PA House Introduces a Resolution: The Election Process Shall Be Declared Improper.

You have zero links to back this up.

Meanwhile the official sources say 270 are needed.

The link you posted is inapplicable because as was already stated, PA is participating in the election.
In 1860 the president needed 152 EC votes to win (from 303 total EC electors appointed)

In 1864 the president needed 126 EC votes to win (from 233 total EC electors appointed)

Read a history book
The legislature can make a finding that fraud occurred, and pass a resolution in favor of redressing the fraud that did occur.
They can invalidate their election.

Which mean they don't send any electors. That isn't a path to victory for Trump. Since Biden can lose PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA, and still win.
:auiqs.jpg:I knew this was going to be a fun election and it certainly has been! I told Shocked Canadian, night before the elections to stick around this is gonna be fun and it has been. Just watching the trumpers and trump, the impeached "has been" president. So, now the Pennsylvania House is considering a resolution to disenfranchise every voter in the state, and the sponsors plan to get it done by Monday before all the representative terms and half the state senate terms end on Monday the 30th? And then, the Democrat Governor can ignore it? Boy, I don't know if I can stand the suspense. :auiqs.jpg: Somebody tell me, if miracles came to pass, and Pennsylvania has 20 electors that would not be cast, would that reduce the number of electors Biden has to have by 10? :p Every stupid twist and turn the desperate trumpers come up with and fail with, just makes it better and better. Cool! :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump LOST the election. You and your kind can protest but it will ultimately be in vain. It is difficult for me to believe that you actually believe what you spout here. Massive fraud, what a fugging joke, and you actually are stupid enough to swallow that? Get over it, Trump lost by 6 million votes. You have allowed him to take over your ability for objective independent thought if it was ever there. Trump is an abberation in American politics. He is a con artist that conned his base. They should not be blamed. Those in the Republican party, Cruz, Rubio, Graham etc. however deserve to be castigated for their obsequious obedience to a grifter that THEY allowed to take over a great party. At best he is and has been a festering pimple on the ass of the world. Trump is done, good riddance. It is hard to believe that people can be so stupid as to believe that this narcissist of a grifter ever had anything in mind but to fuck the middle class and ingratiate himself with the rich. He fucked up the US and did his best to fuck up the world. He was the most unqualified person ever nominated and ultimately it showed. It is only the pathetic and mindless that still believe there was voter fraud. The difference is you believe it. Trump knows fucking well there was no fraud and he lost a legitimate election. He just can't help perpetuating the con on you and the rest of the gullible.
The legislature can make a finding that fraud occurred, and pass a resolution in favor of redressing the fraud that did occur.
They can invalidate their election.

Which mean they don't send any electors. That isn't a path to victory for Trump. Since Biden can lose PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA, and still win.
:auiqs.jpg:I knew this was going to be a fun election and it certainly has been! I told Shocked Canadian, night before the elections to stick around this is gonna be fun and it has been. Just watching the trumpers and trump, the impeached "has been" president. So, now the Pennsylvania House is considering a resolution to disenfranchise every voter in the state, and the sponsors plan to get it done by Monday before all the representative terms and half the state senate terms end on Monday the 30th? And then, the Democrat Governor can ignore it? Boy, I don't know if I can stand the suspense. :auiqs.jpg: Somebody tell me, if miracles came to pass, and Pennsylvania has 20 electors that would not be cast, would that reduce the number of electors Biden has to have by 10? :p Every stupid twist and turn the desperate trumpers come up with and fail with, just makes it better and better. Cool! :abgg2q.jpg:

Yeah.....get your laughing in now because you'll be crying later.
:auiqs.jpg:I knew this was going to be a fun election and it certainly has been! I told Shocked Canadian, night before the elections to stick around this is gonna be fun and it has been. Just watching the trumpers and trump, the impeached "has been" president. So, now the Pennsylvania House is considering a resolution to disenfranchise every voter in the state, and the sponsors plan to get it done by Monday before all the representative terms and half the state senate terms end on Monday the 30th? And then, the Democrat Governor can ignore it? Boy, I don't know if I can stand the suspense. :auiqs.jpg: Somebody tell me, if miracles came to pass, and Pennsylvania has 20 electors that would not be cast, would that reduce the number of electors Biden has to have by 10? :p Every stupid twist and turn the desperate trumpers come up with and fail with, just makes it better and better. Cool! :abgg2q.jpg:

I was wondering about that part. Their resolution said:
4. Declares that the selection of presidential electors and other statewide electoral contest results in this Commonwealth is in dispute; and

5. Urges the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Governor to withdraw or vacate the certification of presidential electors and to delay certification of results in other statewide electoral contests voted on at the 2020 General Election; and

If they delay the certification of statewide election, they won't have an Attorney General, State Treasurer, or Auditor General.
With zero evidence presented in court.


Newsmax/OAN/Epoch Times/Natural News aren't a branch of the American government, no matter how much you really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want them to be!

Clue: Associated Press DOES NOT get to declare who won American elections.

I'm waiting for the Electoral College. If that fails, the House.
Clue: Associated Press DOES NOT get to declare who won American elections.

I'm waiting for the Electoral College. If that fails, the House.


the pa governor certified the vote trumptard, and that was upheld by the 3rd district court

wait all you want

you will still be whining after biden is president
You have zero links to back this up.

Meanwhile the official sources say 270 are needed.

The link you posted is inapplicable because as was already stated, PA is participating in the election.
In 1860 the president needed 152 EC votes to win (from 303 total EC electors appointed)

In 1864 the president needed 126 EC votes to win (from 233 total EC electors appointed)

Read a history book

It takes more than a history book! Constitutional law, maybe. There is some question about what happens if the House declares a state's electoral votes invalid (and yeah, that could happen, they can do that for two slates in dispute) -- okay, that state's votes don't count. many electoral votes are needed NOW? Still 270, or fewer?
the pa governor certified the vote trumptard, and that was upheld by the 3rd district court
wait all you want
you will still be whining after biden is president
What a nasty thing to say. You aren't worth gully dust, I see.
PA house steps in on the fraudulent election process.

In the immediate future, we will be introducing the following resolution:


THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the Pennsylvania House of Representatives—

1. Recognizes substantial irregularities and improprieties associated with mail-in balloting, pre-canvassing, and canvassing during the November 3, 2020 election; and

2. Disapproves of the infringement on the General Assembly’s authority pursuant to the United States Constitution to regulate elections; and

3. Disapproves of and disagrees with the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s premature certification of the results of the November 3, 2020 election regarding presidential electors; and

4. Declares that the selection of presidential electors and other statewide electoral contest results in this Commonwealth is in dispute; and

5. Urges the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Governor to withdraw or vacate the certification of presidential electors and to delay certification of results in other statewide electoral contests voted on at the 2020 General Election; and

6. Urges the United States Congress to declare the selection of presidential electors in this Commonwealth to be in dispute.

Do you know what a Resolution is? It's not a law or even a bill. It's a declaration, nothing more. For what they are wanting, it would take the Governor to agree to and I don't see that happening. So instead of a Bill, they do a resolution. At least they get it on record.
The Trump appointed judge, you mean? Along with two Bush-appointed judges.

You're really off the rails, loser. Now you're declaring that even most Republicans are conspiring against your fascist loser cult.

It could be they are dismissing these cases to fast track it to the Supreme Court thus helping the President. If they want to try and get this overturned, they don't have very much time to do it. The Supreme Court is the final decider.

No they are not. The Appeals Court blasted Trump's legal arguments. They are not fast tracking this to the Supreme Court. Clearly you are delusional. The Supreme Court is not the final decider. Voters are.
There would have been evidence presented in court - however, the no doubt leftist judge threw it out because "voters are supposed to decide elections" e.g. they are not supposed to even hear the evidence.

the Courts did allow them to present the Evidence. But when the Judges asked for Evidence, all they got was hearsay, innuendo, and conspiracy. About the only thing that's been proven so far is that there was a lot of mismanagement but no Fraud. And the Plaintiffs were there to prove Fraud. Oh, I agree that there was a great deal of mismanagment but it originated by that very same Legislators that put out this stupid Resolution. They didn't allow any votes to be counted until AFTER the polls closed and then said that the in house votes had to be counted first and then the mail-in votes were to be counted. Small wonder things turned out like they did.
The Trump appointed judge, you mean? Along with two Bush-appointed judges.

You're really off the rails, loser. Now you're declaring that even most Republicans are conspiring against your fascist loser cult.

It could be they are dismissing these cases to fast track it to the Supreme Court thus helping the President. If they want to try and get this overturned, they don't have very much time to do it. The Supreme Court is the final decider.

Sorry, but the Supreme Court only gets into the picture if the State Courts rule against the Constitution as it's written. So far, they haven't done that. Okay, they have by the copy you have with all the Sharpe changes to your copy but to the US Constitution of America, they have all put it right back to the voters choice. There is nothing there for the Supreme Court to rule on.
It could be they are dismissing these cases to fast track it to the Supreme Court thus helping the President. If they want to try and get this overturned, they don't have very much time to do it. The Supreme Court is the final decider.

Or it could be because they are dismissing the cases because they are full of shit.
State election laws were broken at the behest of election officials in several battleground states, against the wishes of the legislation. That is cause enough to get to the Supreme Court. Add the interference with observers and folks are probably in some trouble.
Look at the anti-American Trump cultists

Trying to overturn the sovereign will of the people and steal an election
You are a DemNazi, and a Liar, and will see the wrath of God in your lifetime should you continue to shake your fist at heaven and at God.

Do not think that God is disinterested in elections, especially cheating, lying and stealing in an election. These are massive sins.

When you sin like that against 75 Million People, God is not pleased, and there will be justice done either in this life or at Judgment Day.

Pray that justice comes in this life, so that you repent for on Judgment Day, your fate, and your trip to Hell is sealed.

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