Palestine before and WITHOUT Zionism ...

Who the hell needs to read; just look at the headlines.
The more the world knows, well...Israel...Winning!

reading has done quite a bit for me---but actually---now that I think about it----
she is right----about me not reading anything OBJECTIVE about islam-----I do not
think anyone writes objectively about islam------muslims certainly do not.
It seems to me that everyone who writes about islam-----writes based on their
experiences or beliefs or based on what they want to believe. There have been a
few FRENCH writers-----who were living in muslim countries that the French
controlled that wrote----I think they were the MOST objective. ----when I think of
the names of those authors---I will post them. The headlines are certainly intriguing---
the most intriguing manifestation of islam today is THE CALIPHATE-----so many people
have no idea what it means -----how IMPORTANT it is to muslims

irosie, most anything you could read about Islam would be so much better than anything you have read about Islam. Just start anywhere, just make sure it isn't a hate book.

aenmity-----you have no idea what I have read about islam----or anything else
unless I tell you-----chances are I know a lot more about islam than do you,
already. Tell me about these HATE books I have read lots of hate
literature as I have already stated. Lots of it was written by muslims---
generally converts to islam------but I had no idea that they were
converts to islam when I read their stuff. Anyway mostly not books---
just pamphlet level propaganda and articles here and there.
You make lots of assumptions
I am curious-----name a "hate book" for me or that which you consider a
"hate book"
In reference to the OP the term PALESTINE was coined by the greek historian
HERODOTUS----- circa 600 BC----during the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY----remember?
-----it was called THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY----because jews were forcibly removed
from------where???? uhm ---get ready!!!! ****ZION****

and now for the ancient anthem of Zionism
la la la la by the rivers of Babylon ----where we sat down----etc etc
well its a psalm----I cant remember what number it was
given----but it is the ORIGINAL ANTHEM OF ZIONISM

authored----sometime around the time that "PALESTINE" word was invented
Technically great, morally bankrupt.
Palestinians and specifically their leadership are the most morally bankrupt people on this planet.





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More phony made up Israeli photos, huh, Roudy?

how come I've never met even one such Palestinian?
More phony made up Israeli photos, huh, Roudy?

how come I've never met even one such Palestinian?
You only say that because you know they're 100% true and that's all you got.

Are your Hamas handlers hiding behind women and children?


Child Suicide bombers

Child suicide bombers in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict refers to the exploitation of children to carry out suicide bombings by Palestinian militant groups. Minors have been recruited to attack Israeli targets, both military and civilian, especially during the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005. This deliberate involvement of children in armed conflict has been condemned by International human rights organizations.

According to Amnesty International, "Palestinian armed groups have repeatedly shown total disregard for the most fundamental human rights, notably the right to life, by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and by using Palestinian children in armed attacks. Children are susceptible to recruitment by manipulation or may be driven to join armed groups for a variety of reasons, including a desire to avenge relatives or friends killed by the Israeli army."

According to the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, in the al-Aqsa Intifada, children were used as "messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians" durimng the al-Aqsa Intifada. Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine have all been implicated in involving children in this way. The issue was brought to world attention after a widely televised incident in which a mentally handicapped Palestinian teenager, Hussam Abdo, was disarmed at an Israeli checkpoint.

On 29 March 2002, Ayat al-Akhras, an 18-year-old girl from the Deheishe Refugee Camp near Bethlehem, detonated explosives strapped around her waist in a supermarket in Jerusalem, killing herself, a 17 year-old Israeli girl named Rachel Levy, and a 55 year-old security guard named Haim Smadar.

On March 24, 2004, one week after capturing a bomb in the bag of 12-year-old Abdullah Quran, Hussam Abdo, a 16-year-old Palestinian (who initially claimed he was 14), was captured in a checkpoint near Nablus wearing an explosive belt. The young boy was paid by the Tanzim militia to detonate himself at the checkpoint. IDF soldiers manning the checkpoint were suspicious of him and told him to stay away from people. Later, an EOD team arrived and by using a police-sapper robot, removed the explosive belt from him. Hussam explained that he was offered 100 NIS and sex with virgins if he would perform the task. He said his friends mocked him in class.

On May 29, 2004, The New York Times reported Israeli allegations that the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades were using children to recruit classmates as suicide bombers.

One child, Nasser Awartani, 15, of Nablus allegedly recruited four of his classmates, one of whom was claimed by the Shabak report on Awartani to be Hussam Abdo.

On June 16, 2004, two girls - aged 14 and 15 were arrested by the IDF for allegedly plotting a suicide bombing. According to an IDF statement, the two children were recruited by activists from Tanzim (Fatah's armed wing), guided by Hezbollah.

On July 3, the Israeli Security Forces thwarted a suicide bombing which it claimed was to have been carried out by 16-year-old Muataz Takhsin Karini. Karini and two of his operators were arrested, while a 12 kg explosive belt was detonated safely by an Israeli EOD crew. On June 5, IDF forces detonated two explosive belts concealed in schoolbags. On July 14, the Shin Bet arrested in Kfar Maskha a suicide bomber. The bomber was identified as 17-year-old Ahmed Bushkar from Nablus.

On September 23, 2004, a day before Yom Kippur, the Shin Bet and the Israel Police announced their capture of a 15-year-old suicide bomber and a 7 kg explosive belt in the village of Dir-Hana in the Western Galilee. The 15-year-old was part of joint terrorist cell of Tanzim and Palestinian Islamic Jihad from Yamon village near Jenin. The four were Palestinians who worked illegally in Israel. The 15-year-old was allegedly paid 1000 shekels in order to blow himself up in Afula.

According to a Shabak report published on September 26, 2004, about 292 Palestinian children have been involved in terrorism.

On September 27, 2004, a 15-year-old suspected suicide bomber was arrested in Nablus. On October 28, Ayub Maaruf, a 16-year-old Fatah suicide bomber, was arrested near Nablus along with his operator.

On November 1, 16-year-old Aamer Alfar blew himself up in Tel Aviv's Carmel Market, killing 3 Israelis in a suicide bombing that was claimed by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Alfar's mother and father condemned what they saw as the exploitation of their son.

On February 3, Mahmoud Tabouq, a 15- or 16-year-old Palestinian, was arrested at the Huwara checkpoint near Nablus carrying a bag containing an explosive belt, an improvised gun, and 20 bullets. The belt was detonated safely by a Magav bomb squad.

On April 12, a 15-year-old Palestinian boy identified as Hassan Hashash was caught at Huwara checkpoint hiding five pipe bombs under his coat. He tried to ignite them with a match when the soldiers apprehended him. Later he was disarmed, and sappers detonated the bombs safely. Family members of Hashash suggested that he deliberately carried bombs into an IDF checkpoint in order to be arrested and study for the "Bagrut" final exams in the Israeli jail.[22] A week later, another Palestinian youth (aged 17) was caught carrying explosives in Beit Furik checkpoint.

On April 27, two teenagers, aged 15 (though other sources cite their ages as 12 and 13), were arrested at a checkpoint near Jenin after 11 explosive charges were found on them. One teenager was recruited by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other by the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. The two told interrogators that they had been acting as couriers for terrorists, but security forces suspect they planned to get close to the soldiers and then detonate the charges.

On May 22, Iad Ladi, a 14- or 15-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber was arrested at a Huwara checkpoint near Nablus. This was the 14th time during April and May that a Palestinian child was arrested as a bomber or a courier. Two days later, another 15-year-old Palestinian teen carrying two pipe bombs, was caught at the same checkpoint. On June 15, The Israeli press reported that the Shabak arrested a Palestinian militant cell in Nablus during the previous month. The cell included eight members, four of whom were child suicide bombers. The cell was on the verge of committing another suicide bombing attack using the four children. According to the Shin Bet, the cell was directed and funded by the Fatah's Tanzim branch and the Lebanese group Hezbollah.

On October 11, a 14-year-old Palestinian boy was arrested by IDF forces. He told the soldiers he was forced to agree to commit a suicide bombing when two terrorists from Fatah's Tanzim faction threatened to murder him by spreading a leaflet accusing him of collaboration unless he agreed. They took pictures of him with a gun and the Qur'an and forced him to write his own will.

On August 27, a 15 year-old Palestinian boy carrying two explosive devices on his body was arrested in the northern Gaza Strip after he attempted to carry out an attack against soldiers operating in the area against Palestinians launching Qassam rockets on Israeli civilians across the border inside Israel.
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More phony made up Israeli photos, huh, Roudy?

how come I've never met even one such Palestinian?

I support Israel, and hope their current ground offensive takes ALL the land of Israel.

Why should we care about the opinion of someone who celebrates the murder of children?
... and this happened exactly when?

To me the only reason justifying support for Israel is ignorance, and truthfully that usually turns out to be at the bottom of it.
... and this happened exactly when?

To me the only reason justifying support for Israel is ignorance, and truthfully that usually turns out to be at the bottom of it.

Your opinion has been noted, and ignored. I support Israel, and will support their eventually claim to the entire land of Israel, included the west bank, and Gaza strip.
I support Israel, and hope their ground of offensive allows them to claim all of the land rightfully Israels.

And do what, exactly, with all the Monkeys currently squeezed on to Gaza?

Floating them out in the Mediterranean and feeding them is impractical, and simple disposal is extremely messy in the internet age...

:dunno: Quite the conundrum.​
How does "stop shooting rockets and Israel will stop its offensive" benefit Israel only, moron? One would think that If Hamas cared for its people, it would agree, and stop shooting rockets at Israelis.

Or maybe they want another last ditch attempt at garnering world sympathy towards them, which has basically been non existent this time, except from some Islamist terrorists like themselves.

Israel stopping its offenses is not part of the so called ceasefire.
Bullshit, Israel agreed to a ceasefire, while Hamas decided to keep it going.

Hamas of course cares nothing about the people. They are a terrorist organization with a mission.

First generation to stop shooting back and figure out how to free everyone from the blockades gets to watch their grandchildren reach for the Stars.
True Story! :thup:


I can't imagine the pain and hopelessness that could result in this picture.
This is the definition of utter despair.​

I see that photo more as an example of the hopelessness and retrogression that defines Islamism.

I wish the unilateral withdrawal of Israel from southern Lebanon and Gaza had been successful in demonstrating how Palestinians could create successful peaceful enclaves contiguous to Israel. This demonstration would have proved the goal of a peaceful Palestinian State along side Israel is attainable. Instead, the reality is they have become armed hostile camps to rain rockets and terror on the Israeli populace. Thus, it would be suicide, a knife to the chest, to permit the West Bank to become such an armed camp abutting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the heart of Israel. It is because of the failure of the Palestinians to demonstrate they truly desire peace with Israel--in Gaza and in southern Lebanon and, prior the security barrier, the West Bank--that the Israeli majority voted for greater security from the threat of islamic terrorism.

The “Palestinians” in their unilateral effort to provoke war with Israel and their accomodation of Hamas which has become the de-facto islamic terrorist government of the “Palestinians” will goose-step along their Hitler’esque ways maintaining their charter seeking the (eventual) destruction of Israel and their right to violent agression against Israel. The “Palestinians” are now finding that they have made matters worse and made the chance for a final negotiated peace far less likely.
BBC News - Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum

Yet another example of the evil deeds of the Jews. Look at these mean terrible Jews driving out Christians from Iraq. How terrible.

Interestingly-----a "FACT" firmly entrenched in the islamo Nazi propaganda is
"da jooos marched the muslims out of "arab villages" at GUN POINT. I have
an advantage----I live with an eyewitness-----but as a challenge I have requested of
some of the board islamo Nazis ------"can you cite such an event"?------no one
so far came up with a single snap shot or report or even personal account----nor so much
as a letter to relatives ----recounting anything about these putative DEATH MARCHES and
certainly no edict ----from the ZIONISTS
For discussion>>>>
Does a demand for JIZYA constitute "expulsion"?
Aenmity dear----how do you know who the people in the pictures are and
what is your point in showing a bunch of clay pots? How do you
know to whom those houses belonged? In the 1800s Palestine
was part of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE The Zionist project that led
to the establishment of present day Israel started in the EARLY
1800s The clay pots you have pictured were standards
for everyone over there----in fact, in the shariah cesspit
in which my hubby was born it was the jews who made them.

Long ago---when I read islamo Nazi propaganda-----there were
lots of PICTURES-----I was very young----One that I remembered
was of a bunch of tattered people in a BARBED WIRE enclosure---
the picture was done in the 1950s The place looked like a concentration
camp------it was GAZA " ISRAEL KEEPs US HERE" -----I was about nine or 10---
I said "Ma---they have concentration camps in Israel" she looked
at the picture and said "gaza is in Egypt" -----now try to focus---that
was before 1967 Gaza is not a hopeless place----in history it
was a THRIVING CENTER of cotton production ----life was good----
the economy was good-----agriculture was good----uhm---btw
GAUZE is named for gaza------but you know that -----anyone who hears
Hebrew spoken knows that---you heard it for YEARS

Egypt controlled Gaza in the 1950's not Israel. From 1948 and October 1956 and again from March 1957 to June 1967.

The English word “gauze” comes from French “gaze”, which in turn probably comes from Arabic qazz “raw silk”. It has nothing to do with the town of Gazza . Wkiipedia has it wrong.

qazz is from Persian kazh (or kaj), with k. The city of Gaza has ghayn in Arabic, 'ayin in the Old Testament, gamma in Greek. It is absurd to derive the former from the latter. Moreover, there is actually no evidence for an early textile industry in Gaza. The connection of "gauze" with Gaza is at best a folk etymology, linking a product with oriental roots with a well-known place name in the East.
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