Palestine before and WITHOUT Zionism ...

Hamas was not involved in the negotiations of this so called ceasefire.

Everything in it benefited Israel.
How does "stop shooting rockets and Israel will stop its offensive" benefit Israel only, moron? One would think that If Hamas cared for its people, it would agree, and stop shooting rockets at Israelis.

Or maybe they want another last ditch attempt at garnering world sympathy towards them, which has basically been non existent this time, except from some Islamist terrorists like themselves.

Israel stopping its offenses is not part of the so called ceasefire.

You must really think all of us are just too stupid to fact check what you say. You think you can come on here, and just blow farts in our face, and think we'll just take your word for it?

Yeah, Egypt backed a ceasefire, that allowed Israel to not.... cease.... firing.... Yeah... that's the ticket. A ceasefire agreement in which one side doesn't ceasefire.

Egypt Proposes Cease-Fire Between Israel and Hamas - WSJ

The Egyptian proposal calls for a de-escalation of the fighting starting at 9 a.m. local time in Gaza, with the aim of total calm 12 hours later. Israel would halt air and naval bombardments of Gaza and refrain from launching a threatened ground offensive in exchange for Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza holding their rocket fire.

The Egyptian proposal included a complete end to hostility from Israel, including naval, air, and ground attacks.

That wouldn't benefit the people of Gaza at all. [/sarcasm]

What moron says stuff like that, and thinks we won't check? You just completely discredited yourself on this entire discussion. I don't think I'll believe anything else you post on this specific topic.
Hamas was not involved in the negotiations of this so called ceasefire.

Everything in it benefited Israel.

So, Israel no longer firing into Gaza in retaliation to being attacked.... does not benefit the people of Gaza. What kind of absolute stupidity is that? What is wrong with you old man? Are you going senile?

Tinmore: Bob is shooting at me!

We just signed a ceasefire. Bob won't shoot at you anymore, if you don't shoot at him.

Tinmore: Bob is the only one who benefits from that!

Forest Gump: Mama always told me, a ceasefire benefits both sides, stupid.

Do you know what was in the ceasefire?

I would like to know.

If you had said this at the start, that would have been better. Saying "I don't know" is better than saying "It only benefit Israel, but I have no idea what's in it..... do you know?"

That's terrible dude. You need to say you don't know first. Then you don't look like you are making up crap, pulled out of your butt, and spewed onto the forum. Now I'll be questioning every single thing you say from here on out, because I know you just barf up stuff on here when you have no idea what's going on.
So, Israel no longer firing into Gaza in retaliation to being attacked.... does not benefit the people of Gaza. What kind of absolute stupidity is that? What is wrong with you old man? Are you going senile?

Tinmore: Bob is shooting at me!

We just signed a ceasefire. Bob won't shoot at you anymore, if you don't shoot at him.

Tinmore: Bob is the only one who benefits from that!

Forest Gump: Mama always told me, a ceasefire benefits both sides, stupid.

Do you know what was in the ceasefire?

I would like to know.

If you had said this at the start, that would have been better. Saying "I don't know" is better than saying "It only benefit Israel, but I have no idea what's in it..... do you know?"

That's terrible dude. You need to say you don't know first. Then you don't look like you are making up crap, pulled out of your butt, and spewed onto the forum. Now I'll be questioning every single thing you say from here on out, because I know you just barf up stuff on here when you have no idea what's going on.

Nice rant, but what did it say?
Hamas was not involved in the negotiations of this so called ceasefire.

Everything in it benefited Israel.
How does "stop shooting rockets and Israel will stop its offensive" benefit Israel only, moron? One would think that If Hamas cared for its people, it would agree, and stop shooting rockets at Israelis.

Or maybe they want another last ditch attempt at garnering world sympathy towards them, which has basically been non existent this time, except from some Islamist terrorists like themselves.

Israel stopping its offenses is not part of the so called ceasefire.
Bullshit, Israel agreed to a ceasefire, while Hamas decided to keep it going.

Hamas of course cares nothing about the people. They are a terrorist organization with a mission.
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How does "stop shooting rockets and Israel will stop its offensive" benefit Israel only, moron? One would think that If Hamas cared for its people, it would agree, and stop shooting rockets at Israelis.

Or maybe they want another last ditch attempt at garnering world sympathy towards them, which has basically been non existent this time, except from some Islamist terrorists like themselves.

Israel stopping its offenses is not part of the so called ceasefire.
Bullshit, Israel agreed to a ceasefire, while Hamas decided to keep it going.

Hamas of course cares nothing about the people. They are a terrorist organization with a mission.

Roudy----I will explain the 'ceasefire' benefits da joooos---because it means
a cessation of violence. the 'ceasefire' DOES NOT benefit da mooooolums
because it prevents them from killing jooooooooos
Do you know what was in the ceasefire?

I would like to know.

If you had said this at the start, that would have been better. Saying "I don't know" is better than saying "It only benefit Israel, but I have no idea what's in it..... do you know?"

That's terrible dude. You need to say you don't know first. Then you don't look like you are making up crap, pulled out of your butt, and spewed onto the forum. Now I'll be questioning every single thing you say from here on out, because I know you just barf up stuff on here when you have no idea what's going on.

Nice rant, but what did it say?

I just posted that. How about you read the post just up the page a little.
Thank you, that was informative. I guess I never heard of it because they do not have it in Palestine.

By the way do you know that the mayor of Ramallah is a Christian woman. Ramallah is majority Muslim.

Let me know when a Christian or Muslim is elected mayor in a major Israeli city, then we can discuss Israeli tolerance.

Israel accepted a ceasefire proposal and hamas rejected it. Tell us about tolerance.

Hamas was not involved in the negotiations of this so called ceasefire.

Everything in it benefited Israel.

Hamas should be eradicated. God Bless Israel.
If you had said this at the start, that would have been better. Saying "I don't know" is better than saying "It only benefit Israel, but I have no idea what's in it..... do you know?"

That's terrible dude. You need to say you don't know first. Then you don't look like you are making up crap, pulled out of your butt, and spewed onto the forum. Now I'll be questioning every single thing you say from here on out, because I know you just barf up stuff on here when you have no idea what's going on.

Nice rant, but what did it say?

I just posted that. How about you read the post just up the page a little.

Yeah, it says:

Egypt made the first serious diplomatic move to halt the weeklong air war between Israel and Hamas, offering a detailed cease-fire proposal that would take effect Tuesday and inviting both sides and the U.S. to Cairo for talks.

A top Israeli official said the country's security cabinet would meet early Tuesday morning to discuss the Egyptian...

That doesn't say much.
ROFLMAO yeah right------a caliphate man like you---
the very first muslim I knew well was from New Dehli---a surgeon----
the first "INFORMATION" I got from him was "ISLAM HAS THE MOST
TOLERATION" ---I was very young---it was a long time ago----but I
did know how FULL OF SH^t that statement is I was not taught the
facts----I knew from the writings of garbage like you----you are a PACT OF OMAR "person"

I don't know who that is.

Pact of Omar, was an agreement with non-Muslims to grant them 'safety' in Muslim lands. Without agreeing to the pact, a Muslim could kill a non-muslim, without fear of justice under Islamic law.

The pact of Omar, was so that, primarily Christians and Jews, could agree to the pact, follow the restrictions and regulations held against them, and thus gain 'safety', of both their lives and their property.

There are of course many different version of the pact, in different Islamic countries, but generally the pact says that they can not have any weapons of any kind, they must wear identifying clothing, they can't learn Arabic, or teach the Qur'an, or work on, or build any Islamic religious site.

Of course some pacts have far more restrictions, and some less, but ultimately, it is a very distinct divison of the people between Muslims, and non-Muslims.

Again, as has been pointed out many times, Israel has Muslims with Israeli citizenship. In fact, when Israel formed, they openly offered citizenship to all the people in Israels land. Some stayed, and were granted full citizenship, with full property rights. But many left, believing that the Islamic armies around Israel would wipe them out. And in fact, they were told if they did not support Israel, and supported the Islamic armies, that they would loot the property of the Jews, which encouraged them to leave.

The point is, Israel is very tollarent. There are even non-Jews in public office in Israel. That would NEVER happen under the Pact of Omar.
That is not quite the story I am getting from Wikipedia:
Pact of Umar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still, this is another one of those purported features of the so-called "Islamic mentality" that Zionists seem to be much more aware of than any Palestinians could ever be!

All the Palestinians was is self-determination, and it is not subject to a great deal of psychoanalysis.
From aenmity>>>

That is not quite the story I am getting from Wikipedia:
Pact of Umar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I am fascinated aenmity-----what is the story you got
from wiki? I have often made the offer that the muslims
in Israel be afforded the ADVANTAGE of living under the details
of the PACT OF OMAR------yet when I make such a statement --
so many times MUSLIMS have reacted negatively-----very negatively.

I mentioned the dhimmi orphan law-----which would have
brought my mother-in-law to "the beauty of islam" had she not
been rescued----the dhimmi orphan law is a detail which explains
much of the genetic intertwining of jews and muslims in the middle east.
What do you think of my suggestion-----am I not BENEVOLENT?
I frequently wonder what part of the supposedly Islamic world you are from.

Obviously not from Palestine.....

Your little idee fixes are weird, irosie.
I frequently wonder what part of the supposedly Islamic world you are from.

Obviously not from Palestine.....

Your little idee fixes are weird, irosie.

Keep wondering-----sweetie-----I was born in the USA---
It is my husband who was born in a shariah cesspit. I am fascinated--
to what '"idee fixes" do you refer? try to come up with a sane answer.

I do not wonder about you or from what cesspit you emerged

oh PALESTINE---yes---my husband grew up in Palestine---
then, fortunately, it became Israel. He has an excellent memory---
feel free to ask questions----he will be home very soon. He is a font of information---
his father had an excellent memory too-----as did his mother------and I even got to
talk to a lady ----his aunt----who is in her 90s---- about her experiences in the
shariah cesspit before she escaped to what was then "Palestine"
You can't find any other way to understand the situation in the middle other than resort to religion and condemnation of Islam. That is bizarre. I don't recall you ever making a single post in which you do not refer to "Shariah cesspit" when it is obvious you have never read a single thing written from an objective perspective about Islam. Is is just a pathological hate. You don't even care that AT LEAST 10% of Palestinians are Christian.
You can't find any other way to understand the situation in the middle other than resort to religion and condemnation of Islam. That is bizarre. I don't recall you ever making a single post in which you do not refer to "Shariah cesspit" when it is obvious you have never read a single thing written from an objective perspective about Islam. Is is just a pathological hate. You don't even care that AT LEAST 10% of Palestinians are Christian.

LOL Aenmity claims that the words "shariah cesspit" appear in every post I write
For the record----the very first book I read about islam was the Koran. She is right in the
fact that it is far from an OBJECTIVE book Beyond that-----I learned about islam from
muslims in the united states----generally ---persons born in south east asia , Iran and
North Africa ----I learned about islam by going to a mosque at age 20. Right now---
for the past several centuries the big issue in the middle east IS ISLAM ---it is certainly
not Hinduism What does "you do not even care that at least 10% of "palestinians"
are Christians" mean? Aenmity ----you issue sweeping baseless assertions---
you make a fool of yourself by DECIDING what other people think, read, and
experienced ---about that which people you do not even know, CARE

I learned about you by reading the Nazi literature thrown around my town ---
in the 50s and 60s long before I understood it and long before I came to know
that most of it was authored by Nazi war criminals. I had no idea. To me it was
just a bunch of really silly stuff that was supposed to be about jews which no one with
a brain could possibly believe
it is obvious you have never read a single thing written from an objective perspective about Islam.

Who the hell needs to read; just look at the headlines.
The more the world knows, well...Israel...Winning!

reading has done quite a bit for me---but actually---now that I think about it----
she is right----about me not reading anything OBJECTIVE about islam-----I do not
think anyone writes objectively about islam------muslims certainly do not.
It seems to me that everyone who writes about islam-----writes based on their
experiences or beliefs or based on what they want to believe. There have been a
few FRENCH writers-----who were living in muslim countries that the French
controlled that wrote----I think they were the MOST objective. ----when I think of
the names of those authors---I will post them. The headlines are certainly intriguing---
the most intriguing manifestation of islam today is THE CALIPHATE-----so many people
have no idea what it means -----how IMPORTANT it is to muslims
it is obvious you have never read a single thing written from an objective perspective about Islam.

Who the hell needs to read; just look at the headlines.
The more the world knows, well...Israel...Winning!

reading has done quite a bit for me---but actually---now that I think about it----
she is right----about me not reading anything OBJECTIVE about islam-----I do not
think anyone writes objectively about islam------muslims certainly do not.
It seems to me that everyone who writes about islam-----writes based on their
experiences or beliefs or based on what they want to believe. There have been a
few FRENCH writers-----who were living in muslim countries that the French
controlled that wrote----I think they were the MOST objective. ----when I think of
the names of those authors---I will post them. The headlines are certainly intriguing---
the most intriguing manifestation of islam today is THE CALIPHATE-----so many people
have no idea what it means -----how IMPORTANT it is to muslims

irosie, most anything you could read about Islam would be so much better than anything you have read about Islam. Just start anywhere, just make sure it isn't a hate book.

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