"Palestine" govt. Civilians death is GOOD for us (Gaza health ministry).


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
This is not GOP talking. It's straight from the horse Islamofascosm government (Gaza health ministry) mouth:


Exclusive: Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas.

Yahya Sinwar’s correspondence with compatriots and mediators shows he is confident that Hamas can outlast Israel

By Summer Said and Rory Jones.
June 10, 2024.

For months, Yahya Sinwar has resisted pressure to cut a ceasefire-and-hostages deal with Israel. Behind his decision, messages the Hamas military leader in Gaza has sent to mediators show, is a calculation that more fighting—and more Palestinian civilian deaths—work to his advantage.

“We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Sinwar said in a recent message to Hamas officials seeking to broker an agreement with Qatari and Egyptian officials.
Yep. The more dead babies they can video out to their base the more sexually aroused and excited Democrats get. They love dead babies; they advocate murdering 10's of millions of them here.
Yep. The more dead babies they can video out to their base the more sexually aroused and excited Democrats get. They love dead babies; they advocate murdering 10's of millions of them here.
Why is this about US politics? But it's always a strange dance between the two tribes that the more civilians or hamas fighters that Israel kills, the more solid support hamas has from the Pales. Israel last tried peace 25 years ago, only to be turned down. So, Likud helped create hamas and has been expanding Israel's borders, in violation of intl law, ever since.

Personally I'd have the US keep the money and let these folks usher in the Rapture.
Why is this about US politics? But it's always a strange dance between the two tribes that the more civilians or hamas fighters that Israel kills, the more solid support hamas has from the Pales. Israel last tried peace 25 years ago, only to be turned down. So, Likud helped create hamas and has been expanding Israel's borders, in violation of intl law, ever since.

Personally I'd have the US keep the money and let these folks usher in the Rapture.

It's been shown for our entire history that when we ignore the rest of the world they come after you anyway, so supporting allies overseas helps keep them off your shores. Even Jefferson learned that lesson, and we've had to learn it over and over and over again since.

Personally your simple-minded isolationism will just cost a lot more and get a lot more Americans killed in the long run. Hamas wouldn't get such support if terrorists weren't getting so much aid from outside; they would be killing Hamas thugs themselves, but the UN and other Arab countries make it very lucrative for them to commit terrorism against Jews and Euros now, while useful idiots here snivel and moan over Israelis defending themselves.
It's been shown for our entire history that when we ignore the rest of the world they come after you anyway, so supporting allies overseas helps keep them off your shores. Even Jefferson learned that lesson, and we've had to learn it over and over and over again since.

Personally your simple-minded isolationism will just cost a lot more and get a lot more Americans killed in the long run. Hamas wouldn't get such support if terrorists weren't getting so much aid from outside; they would be killing Hamas thugs themselves, but the UN and other Arab countries make it very lucrative for them to commit terrorism against Jews and Euros now, while useful idiots here snivel and moan over Israelis defending themselves.
back to your PE2K insults. Fuck you, dudley.
Why is this about US politics? But it's always a strange dance between the two tribes that the more civilians or hamas fighters that Israel kills, the more solid support hamas has from the Pales. Israel last tried peace 25 years ago, only to be turned down. So, Likud helped create hamas and has been expanding Israel's borders, in violation of intl law, ever since.

Personally I'd have the US keep the money and let these folks usher in the Rapture.
An opinion grounded firmly in ignorance and bigotry. After the Palestinians launched the second intifada Sharon withdrew Israel from Gaza and closed outlying Israeli settlements in the West Bank and allowed 13,000 PA troops to travel across Israel to Gaza to take control of Gaza, in an effort to restart negotiations, but the PA troops were quickly destroyed by Hamas, which had only an estimated 3,000 armed fighters, making it clear that the PA was in no position to negotiate for a Palestinian state that included Gaza.

In 2008, the US pushed Israel to open negotiations with the PA, despite the fact that the PA clearly was not competent to provide peace to Israel; nonetheless Israel, PM Olmert, offered the PA and expanded version of the 2000 peace treaty that included joint jurisdiction over Jerusalem and an overpass between Gaza and the West Bank under PA control, and again, the PA rejected it.

Nevertheless, in 2009, PM Netanyahu made a speech at Bar Ilan University in which he stated he would support a Palestinian state if it met certain conditions related to Israel's security needs.

"Netanyahu expressed his willingness to accept a Palestinian state alongside Israel, under the following conditions: recognition of Israel as a Jewish state; a solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees outside Israel; demilitarization of the future Palestinian state; defensible borders for Israel; and Jerusalem remaining the united capital of Israel."

In 2010, in an effort to distinguish himself as the stupidest man to ever sit in the Oval Office, Obama demanded that Israel and the PA agree to an Israeli withdrawal to pre 1967 lines while refusing to discuss any of Israel's security concerns until after a Palestinian state had been created. Obama's attempt to strong arm Israel into scrapping its security to give him a political win not only failed but offended both the PA and Israel so deeply that no further negotiations have been possible since. Even the Biden administration acknowledged that no further negotiations with the PA were realistic at this time before it began flip flopping to try to win some Muslim votes in Michigan.

So Israelis on both the left and the right have been trying for decades to reach some compromise with the Palestinians to bring peace to the region and the Palestinians have consistently refused all efforts.

Your statement " Israel last tried peace 25 years ago, only to be turned down. So, Likud helped create hamas" shows just how vast and profound your ignorance is. Hamas was created in 1987, during the first intifada, and its charter that calls for the destruction of Israel was published in 1988 and there is no record of Israel providing any help to Hamas until it allowed Qatar to provide money, allegedly for humanitarian aid to Gaza, in an ill advised nda failed effort to buy peace with Hamas
It can be noted these faux 'palestinians' broke every agreement they've ever made, and will continue to do so; they're just gangsters and their words mean less than nothing.

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