Palestine was always Israel

I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Last edited:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse.

This is not a proof of a person's pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join
or keep preaching none sense on the streets.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

" Are you not like the people of Ethiopia to me, o children of Israel says the lord "
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.


Actually if you read that word literally "shahar" it means 'blackened',
'upon me' specifically means another state prior to that.

"Hebrew Israelite's" who can't read a verse in Hebrew....

Yeah, kinda like the Arabs who can't pronounce P-alestine

I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible",
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?

How about instead of trolling this thread, open one on the subject,
and try to prove there's even a single verse proving your point.
Last edited:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.


Actually if you read that word literally "shahar" it means 'blackened',
'upon me' specifically means another state prior to that.

"Hebrew Israelite's" who can't read a verse in Hebrew....

Yeah, kinda like the Arabs who can't pronounce P-alestine

Yeah so who are the only people on the planet that get Black skin from famine?
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more. i noticed you still havent shown even one where it says the Hebrews were white people.
Last edited:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one? Do try.

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible to mention as well?

I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
So now youre going to pretend you didnt see the quotes. Thanks for admitting defeat. I will consider this your concession and accept it in the morning.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
So now youre going to pretend you didnt see the quotes. Thanks for admitting defeat. I will consider this your concession and accept it in the morning.

Ow...I hoped you could do it.
In the meantime all you've proven is that you can't read Hebrew.

Next tell your friends to read the Song of Songs.

And get back when you've got something new,

Last edited:
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
So now youre going to pretend you didnt see the quotes. Thanks for admitting defeat. I will consider this your concession and accept it in the morning.

Ow...I hoped you could do it.
In the meantime all you proved is that you can't read Hebrew.

Next tell your friends to read the Song of Songs.

And get back when you've got something new,

No need to get back to you. You already lost the debate but thanks for playing.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
So now youre going to pretend you didnt see the quotes. Thanks for admitting defeat. I will consider this your concession and accept it in the morning.

Ow...I hoped you could do it.
In the meantime all you proved is that you can't read Hebrew.

Next tell your friends to read the Song of Songs.

And get back when you've got something new,

No need to get back to you. You already lost the debate but thanks for playing.

I don't think anyone debated you inability to backup a single claim.
Do try to find that, I would really like to hear.

But don't run and spare us your wisdom...
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
So now youre going to pretend you didnt see the quotes. Thanks for admitting defeat. I will consider this your concession and accept it in the morning.

Ow...I hoped you could do it.
In the meantime all you've proven is that you can't read Hebrew.

Next tell your friends to read the Song of Songs.

And get back when you've got something new,

I just saw that you mentioned the Song of Songs. Thanks for bolstering my case. In that song she specifically says she is as dark as the tents of Kedar. Guess what color those tents were? Yep you guessed it. Pitch Black.
I'll simplify it as Leftists are dumb.

  1. The land was called Judea, 12 tribes of Israel. Jerusalem was the capital. This was the case long before Islam was even a thought.
  2. Jews won the land by conquest. First by David and then by Joshua.
  3. Jews primary opponents were the Philistines.
  4. Romans came in and conquered Judea. They renamed the land Palestine as an insult because the Jews biggest historical rival were the Philistines. Are you keeping up? Judea was renamed Palestine. This was 500+ years before Islam. Still keeping up?
  5. After multiple conquests of the land from Romans to the Ottoman Empire to the British the Jews retook the land post WW2. Ever see the movie Exodus? It became apparent to the British that it was no longer economically feasible to hold the land. If you didn't see Exodus, you likely saw Avatar. Jews were the blue natives. So Israel is formed in 1947 and Jews and Arabs invited to live there in peace.
  6. Arab nations attack Israel in 1948 and get their asses kicked so Israel assumes more land. Still no "Palestine" or "Palestinians"
  7. Yassir Arafat, an Egyptian and Jew hater forms the the PLO and starts calling people "Palestinians" this is 1964.
  8. You leftist idiots still keeping up? Good. Another war takes place in 1967 and Arabs lose again.
  9. Many Jews now live in Israel. Their ancient homeland. Judaism is a religion and a culture. Even those who don't believe in God may be Jews based on blood lines and culture. Yes. The reason we break the glass when we get married is because of the shattering of our homeland and our promise to return, which we did.
  10. Israel is the former Judea. NOT PALESTINE. That was an insult given by the conquering Romans. So stop with this bullshit that it was someone else's land. It wasn't. It was always Judea. It was always the Jews homeland. If you want it back then take it by force and see how that works out for you. Oh and the US doesn't give $$ to Israel it gives Israel CREDIT for producing weaponry for Israel that Israel buys from US companies.
Leftists are stupid.
Bullshit. The land belonged to the Canaanites long before the Hebrews were there. I like how you glossed over the the fact that they gained it by conquest. :lol:

Besides you Ashkenazis are not the rightful heirs anyway. The original Hebrews were Black African looking people.

Canaanites were African invaders themselves, you know...
Yet somehow all towns and geographical locations still bore their Hebrew names.

The original Hebrews were light skinned, king Solomon specifically mentions,
so was Avraham Avinu A"H and Sarah Imenu A"H,
read the book, don't listen to street crazy's.

Reading comprehension 101.
Canaanites are descended from Canaan who is the brother of Cush so I know the Hebrews were Black African in appearance as well. Thats in the bible. Theres a reason Canaanites, Egyptians, and Hebrews were all mistaken for each other throughout the bible. Hell some of the Hebrews didnt even recognize their brother when he was dressed in Egyptian garb.

No, you have problems with Basic Reading Comprehension 101.

Canaan is son of Ham, who was the progenitor of the Africans.

Not of Hebrews.
Obviously youre the one wih reading comprehension problems.

I didnt say Canaan was the son of Ham. I said he was the brother of Cush another Black African who is also the son of Ham.

No dude... stop joking
you can't be THAT dumb...

you must do it on purpose...gatcha :hhello:

great number:clap:
Read your Torah son. Noah was Black.

He was?
Go on go me your verse.
Show me where he was a white dude. After that explain to me how he had Black sons.

How did Noah have not Black sons?
'Cause you know Yefet (of beauty),
and others were specifically not associated with being dark.

Can you actually prove anything from the text or only resort to logical fallacies?
Who told you that Black people couldnt have light skinned children?

Can also be otherwise.

Is that the proof of your theory?
I asked for a specific verse in the text.
No it cant also be otherwise. There is no white person in the history of this planet that has had a Black skinned child. Science says its impossible. If youre looking for a specific verse then you can refer to any of them where god turns someone white as punishment or to prove a miracle. You dont do either to a white person if youre trying to punish or show a miracle.

Depending on what you refer as "Black skinned".
Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation.

The "white" Africans, are neither really healthy white, it is an anomaly,
but for a Jew who comes from the European diaspora, to have much darker kids in Israel,
is more of a norm than unusual. If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described,
that would seem no less a curse. This is not a proof of a person's skin pigmentation.

Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization.

You're not the first ones who want to be Hebrews, and claimed Israel have no idea.
We survived Pharaoh, we will survive you and another 10,006th attempt at this idiocy.

The prophecies are fulfilling in us,
that's what important, you can either join or keep preaching none sense on the streets.

"Because simple things as climate, and hemisphere can do that in a generation."

Lets see some proof even though I know you wont be able to find any. If that were the case Black people living in Alaska or Norway would all be light skinned by now. You see. Light skin only came about around 8-10k years ago due to a mutation. Had nothing to do with environment as it appeared in an area just as hot as Africa right around India. It was a recessive mutation and as you know in nature you cant have a recessive mutation unless it occurs in a dominant population.

"If a non African person got the snow-white hand as described, that would seem no less a curse."

Bullshit. You would barely be able to see it on a white person. That combined with the fact that god turned Moses hand white as the greater of 2 miracles proves that the contrast was what would make it look more a miracle. At 30 feet away it would be barely noticeable.

"Dude I really don't see your problem here, if the so called "Hebrew Israelites" weren't a bunch of street preachers for the church, and actually knew how to read a word in Hebrew, I would love them to join us in Israel and contribute collectively to the revival of the Hebrew civilization."

I dont have a problem nor am I a Hebrew street preacher. Just pointing out the facts that the Hebrews were originally Black people as evidenced by the bible. I dont want to be a Hebrew though I probably have some of the DNA of the original Hebrews in me. I consider myself African so that would be another strike in your search to find some way of pretending the word in the Torah doesnt tell you the Hebrews were Black people.

"Evident by the bible"
as in you couldn't bring a single verse describing Hebrews as Black?
I already directed you to several quotes just with the white skin thing alone. How many do you want? I know a few more.

Your claim wasn't about white skin.
Give me the verses that indicate Hebrews were Black.

Give me one.

How much will you keep ducking?

Go on.
Yeah it was. I said God turned Moses hand white. Not Black because he was already Black. Now your turn. Show me where the Hebrews were white people.

You claimed Hebrews were Black.
Mosheh Rabbenu's A"H hand turning "snow white" doesn't indicate he was Black.

You're really grasping at straws here,
where is that verse that indicates anything about Hebrews' blackness?

Isn't there one?

I thought that was important to you,
wasn't it for the bible as well?


I already posted several in reference to their Black skin. Now your turn. Show me at least one before I give you more. That is if you can.

Several? Where?
I didn't see.

Could you be so kind as to concentrate them all in one post?

Maybe even a whole thread, if you had such a worthwhile finding.
So now youre going to pretend you didnt see the quotes. Thanks for admitting defeat. I will consider this your concession and accept it in the morning.

Ow...I hoped you could do it.
In the meantime all you've proven is that you can't read Hebrew.

Next tell your friends to read the Song of Songs.

And get back when you've got something new,

I just saw that you mentioned the Song of Songs. Thanks for bolstering my case. In that song she specifically says she is as dark as the tents of Kedar. Guess what color those tents were? Yep you guessed it. Pitch Black.

And why did she apologize for it?
What was the cause of her darkness?

And no the tents of Kedar are not black, they're middle eastern.
One of the grandsons of Avraham Avinu A"H.

Read those verses again, do I have to explain?
What person explains his darkness by mentioning having a tan?

An African having a tan?

Why is that even important to you Asclepias ?

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