Palestinian Authority Abuse Of Christians

Israel Firsters are not pro America. They are looking for ways to extract money and resources to enrichen Israel. People like MJB and his friends are traitors, they put Israel's interests over America's

"There has also been considerable collateral damage derived from the relationship with Israel, including the Arab Oil embargo and possibly even some blame for the ruinous cost of Iraq, which many believe to have been fought in part for Israel. But even without that war, the U.S.-Israeli bilateral relationship has been an expensive proposition for Americans. Whether Israel is a strategic liability or not, or whether its complicated geostrategic situation merits virtually unquestioning support from the United States, the reality is that it has a lopsided relationship with Washington. This has long been and continues to be largely paid for by the United States taxpayer, who is not as well off as he once was.

The U.S.-Israel relationship is yet another instance where the perceived needs of an American “ally” take precedence over genuine national interests. Tens of billions of dollars need not necessarily be spent to placate a wealthy foreign country and its powerful domestic lobby. Indeed, other options to employ the money closer to home—in the form of schools, highways, and hospitals—may become increasingly attractive to American voters.

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

The True Cost of Israel
Israel Firsters are not pro America. They are looking for ways to extract money and resources to enrichen Israel. People like MJB and his friends are traitors, they put Israel's interests over America's

"There has also been considerable collateral damage derived from the relationship with Israel, including the Arab Oil embargo and possibly even some blame for the ruinous cost of Iraq, which many believe to have been fought in part for Israel. But even without that war, the U.S.-Israeli bilateral relationship has been an expensive proposition for Americans. Whether Israel is a strategic liability or not, or whether its complicated geostrategic situation merits virtually unquestioning support from the United States, the reality is that it has a lopsided relationship with Washington. This has long been and continues to be largely paid for by the United States taxpayer, who is not as well off as he once was.

The U.S.-Israel relationship is yet another instance where the perceived needs of an American “ally” take precedence over genuine national interests. Tens of billions of dollars need not necessarily be spent to placate a wealthy foreign country and its powerful domestic lobby. Indeed, other options to employ the money closer to home—in the form of schools, highways, and hospitals—may become increasingly attractive to American voters.

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

The True Cost of Israel

Hey I have an idea. Lets cut off all aid to Israel & give it to the noble life loving, peace loving, pro America lovers like Monte & his Palestinians. Right Monte? Heh Heh!
If the U.S. were even handed and stopped financing and facilitating the oppression of the Palestinians by the Jews, the Palestinians would be America's closest allies. Israeli Firsters think of Israel first, and don't give a damn about the U.S.
Muslims and Christians Palestinians celebrate Saint George's Day together in a Christian church, who would have thought that the bad Muslims that the Zionist claim are oppressing their Christian countrymen go to Church?

St. George, a Palestinian, has been the patron saint of Palestine since the end of the 4th century.

Why St George is a Palestine hero - BBC News
Muslims and Christians Palestinians celebrate Saint George's Day together in a Christian church, who would have thought that the bad Muslims that the Zionist claim are oppressing their Christian countrymen go to Church?

St. George, a Palestinian, has been the patron saint of Palestine since the end of the 4th century.

Why St George is a Palestine hero - BBC News

Same copy paste on multiple threads won't change the facts that Palestinian Nationalism sees Christians as dhimmis under Sharia law.

But Montelatici is ok with this kind of life for his fellow Christians. Just look at the Disneyland they enjoy throughout the ME.
Muslims and Christians Palestinians celebrate Saint George's Day together in a Christian church, who would have thought that the bad Muslims that the Zionist claim are oppressing their Christian countrymen go to Church?

St. George, a Palestinian, has been the patron saint of Palestine since the end of the 4th century.

Why St George is a Palestine hero - BBC News

Same copy paste on multiple threads won't change the facts that Palestinian Nationalism sees Christians as dhimmis under Sharia law.

But Montelatici is ok with this kind of life for his fellow Christians. Just look at the Disneyland they enjoy throughout the ME.

monte is living with delusions. He's hoping for a restoration of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (which was a colonial project, BTW). He's learned nothing from the very recent Arab Spring. A Palestine in place of Israel, G-d forbid, would be another Iran.
Muslims and Christians Palestinians celebrate Saint George's Day together in a Christian church, who would have thought that the bad Muslims that the Zionist claim are oppressing their Christian countrymen go to Church?

St. George, a Palestinian, has been the patron saint of Palestine since the end of the 4th century.

Why St George is a Palestine hero - BBC News

Everyone is a Palestinian to Monte.

Saint George (Greek: Γεώργιος, Geṓrgios; Latin: Georgius; between 275–281 AD to 23 April 303), according to legend, was a Romansoldier of Greek origin and officer in the Guard of Roman emperorDiocletian, who was sentenced to death for failing to recant his Christian faith. As a Christian martyr, he later became one of the most veneratedsaints in Christianity and in particular the Crusades.

(Patron Saint of Palestine? Really Monte ! )
Muslims and Christians Palestinians celebrate Saint George's Day together in a Christian church, who would have thought that the bad Muslims that the Zionist claim are oppressing their Christian countrymen go to Church?

St. George, a Palestinian, has been the patron saint of Palestine since the end of the 4th century.

Why St George is a Palestine hero - BBC News

Same copy paste on multiple threads won't change the facts that Palestinian Nationalism sees Christians as dhimmis under Sharia law.

But Montelatici is ok with this kind of life for his fellow Christians. Just look at the Disneyland they enjoy throughout the ME.

monte is living with delusions. He's hoping for a restoration of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (which was a colonial project, BTW). He's learned nothing from the very recent Arab Spring. A Palestine in place of Israel, G-d forbid, would be another Iran.

That I believe is true.
Muslims and Christians Palestinians celebrate Saint George's Day together in a Christian church, who would have thought that the bad Muslims that the Zionist claim are oppressing their Christian countrymen go to Church?

St. George, a Palestinian, has been the patron saint of Palestine since the end of the 4th century.

Why St George is a Palestine hero - BBC News

Same copy paste on multiple threads won't change the facts that Palestinian Nationalism sees Christians as dhimmis under Sharia law.

But Montelatici is ok with this kind of life for his fellow Christians. Just look at the Disneyland they enjoy throughout the ME.

Funny how Monte tries so hard to convince us that Christians & Muslims are united against Israel.
unitedwithisrael. org is the only source for this fake story

The truth hurts; Deal with it
The truth is "Although it was not mentioned specifically, in previous years these PA religious restrictions against public eating were enforced against Christians as well." Ah ha,it was not mentioned specifically
unitedwithisrael. org is the only source for this fake story

The truth hurts; Deal with it
The truth is "Although it was not mentioned specifically, in previous years these PA religious restrictions against public eating were enforced against Christians as well." Ah ha,it was not mentioned specifically

Oh now I get it. Just more Jewish Zionist propaganda. Christians & Muslims get along just fine in Israel.

The Near Genocide of Christians in the Middle East
unitedwithisrael. org is the only source for this fake story

The truth hurts; Deal with it
The truth is "Although it was not mentioned specifically, in previous years these PA religious restrictions against public eating were enforced against Christians as well." Ah ha,it was not mentioned specifically

Oh now I get it. Just more Jewish Zionist propaganda. Christians & Muslims get along just fine in Israel.

The Near Genocide of Christians in the Middle East
Randy White seems to think so, thats why he hosts tours to israel, or is it just for the money?
LMAO! You are a gem. Bless you for mentioning the good pastor Randy White for everyone to know about.

Randy White, Former Without Walls Pastor, Arrested on DUI Charge
You posted a link to his shite...The Near Genocide of Christians in the Middle East https:// randywhiteministries. org/articles/ near-genocide-christians-middle-east/
No idea what you're talking about. I clicked on it and this is what I got. Maybe you should close all those shitty IslamoNazi sites?

Randy White, Former Without Walls Pastor, Arrested on DUI Charge
Randy White, Former Without Walls Pastor, Arrested on DUI Charge
Screw the pork gobbling cross groveling crusader goyim,

As long as you people continue to kill non Muslim infidels all over the world, another Crusades is inevitable. Shall I reserve you a seat?

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