Palestinian Leaders Don't Want an Independent State


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I think most of us realize that the Palestinians don't really want to state. They want to govern even Israel proper.

Palestinian Leaders Don't Want an Independent State
by Efraim Karsh
Middle East Quarterly
Summer 2014

The Palestinian leadership's serial rejection of the numerous opportunities for statehood since the Peel Commission report of 1937 casts a serious doubt on its interest in the creation of an independent state. Instead of engaging in the daunting tasks of nation-building and state creation, all Palestinian leaders without any exception—from the Jerusalem mufti Hajj Amin Husseini, who led the Palestinian Arabs from the early 1920s to the late 1940s; to Yasser Arafat, who dominated Palestinian politics from the mid-1960s to his death in November 2004; to Mahmoud Abbas—have preferred to immerse their hapless constituents in disastrous conflicts that culminated in their collective undoing and continued statelessness. At the same time, of course, these leaders have lined their pockets from the proceeds of this ongoing tragedy.

It can be shown that the main sources of this self-destructive conduct are pan-Arab delusions, Islamist ideals, and the vast financial and political gains attending the perpetuation of Palestinian misery.

Pan-Arab Delusions

Jerusalem mufti Hajj Amin Husseini (left), in one of his letters to Hitler (right), did not speak of Palestinian aspirations, but rather, pan-Arab goals: "[T]he Arab people … confidently expects that the result of your final victory will be their independence and complete liberation, as well as the creation of their unity, when they will be linked to your country by a treaty of friendship and cooperation."

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Palestinian Leaders Don't Want an Independent State :: Middle East Quarterly
If Israel wanted an effective moderate government in a separate Palestinian state, then Israel shouldn't have supported Hamas. You reap what you sow.
Why would ANYONE getting checks from the US and the UN stop those checks by actually building a nation?
Where the heck would Mrs. Arafat be residing now if Yassar accepted a Peace Plan?
If Israel wanted an effective moderate government in a separate Palestinian state, then Israel shouldn't have supported Hamas. You reap what you sow.

You Muslims are certainly reaping what you have sown in the Middle East with all those dead bodies piling up.
If Israel wanted an effective moderate government in a separate Palestinian state, then Israel shouldn't have supported Hamas. You reap what you sow.

You Muslims are certainly reaping what you have sown in the Middle East with all those dead bodies piling up.

Keep it down; they may figure out what they're doing and stop.
Why would ANYONE getting checks from the US and the UN stop those checks by actually building a nation?
Where the heck would Mrs. Arafat be residing now if Yassar accepted a Peace Plan?

Mrs. Arafat would certainly not be with a new boyfriend in Paris.
If Israel wanted an effective moderate government in a separate Palestinian state, then Israel shouldn't have supported Hamas. You reap what you sow.

If the P.A. really wanted to rule the people they would have sat down and talked peace and agreed mutual borders. But while they are able to get handouts and charity from the US, UM, UK and EU they will not give up their underdog status
amity1844, et al,

I don't quite understand.

If Israel wanted an effective moderate government in a separate Palestinian state, then Israel shouldn't have supported Hamas. You reap what you sow.

HAMAS is an Islamic Resistance Movement that furthers its individual agenda through Jihadist activities that are achieved by means of terrorist actions. Israel is actively defending against HAMAS activities.

How does Israel support HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
Palestinian leaders want no Israel. This is the peace they wish. Peace in Islamic terms is submission and for the Palestinians to be at peace (not a hudna - rearm and re-attack when the time is propitious regardless of the duration of the hudna) with Israel means that Israel must submit to Allah.

Sorry, it ain't happening.

Lesser educated Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic.

But the truth is different.

An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.

Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

Why do Muslims try to mislead the word with their stories of "islam means peace"?
Is it a deliberate lie on their part or they do not know the true meaning of the word - definition of their own religion?

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