Palestinians celebrating murder of innocent children

Well lookie here, Israeli's celebrate the deaths of children to.

Israeli soldiers celebrate killing of Palestinian youth as “revenge”

Israeli soldiers and other users in a popular Facebook group are celebrating the killing of a Palestinian youth in Jenin refugee camp last night and are urging more “revenge” for the deaths of three Israeli youths whose bodies were found in the occupied West Bank on Monday.
It's a small world after all.

Ya know, I did a search for images of Palestinians allegedly "celebrating" and came up with nothing except for images posted on some of the most brainless of the Zionist hate sites.

Have we been hoaxed? AGAIN?

I am going to try to find out.
Oh yeah, like it's some big secret that Palestinians celebrate Jewish deaths.

Well, I can imagine there might be some glee at a successful operation. I mean there is so much Palestinian death relatively.

So I am not ready to cry "b.s." but I do want to see some genuine evidence. Can you find some?

Israel puts out so much fabricated disinformation, I don't know what to think sometimes.

it is clear that you do not know how to think but you know how to lie.

I will tell you what I know about 9-11-01 which people like you DENIED vehemently
I just happen to have been in Brooklyn, NY that day----very near a large arab
enclave on ATLANTIC AVENUE. The people on atlantic avenue could see what
I saw------first I saw a huge plume of white smoke rising from one of the twin towers--
world trade center. ----it was fascinating----then a sudden huge flash from the second
tower------the second plane had struck---Atlantic Avenue exploded too----in GLEE---
even as the people in the buildings fell and spattered to the ground.---next day---arabs
around the city were still laughing. Because I was so close to the event---I got
lots of telephone calls from concerned friends and relatives
-----as a child I lived near Paterson NJ----which had become
another arab enclave----BIG CELEBRATIONS I got a call from Israel ---
big celebrations in Ramallah-----also Jersey city, New Jersey. I don't have friends in
every city of the world-----I got information from reliable sources----same and next day---
and by my own sight. Over the next day the words from the mouths of
muslims young and old ---also in New York city ----THE JOOOOOS DID IT and
on the net ever since 'the Zionists pretend that muslims celebrated' The
phenomenon I found MOST intriguing was how quickly the blood libel developed---
"the jews did it-----the jews who worked in the world trade center did not go to
work that day" and "no jews died in the world trade center-------you islamo Nazis,
CLEARLY, know how to get the word around quickly amongst yourselves and even
get your children to parrot the crap
Maybe if they stopped firing rockets into Israel and electing terrorists to represent them Israel would be nicer.
No. The occupation is the cause of all the violence. That's what needs to end.
Arab Muslim racism and intolerance is the cause of all the problems.

That has been more than clear over the last few decades.
Ya know, I did a search for images of Palestinians allegedly "celebrating" and came up with nothing except for images posted on some of the most brainless of the Zionist hate sites.

Have we been hoaxed? AGAIN?

I am going to try to find out.
Ya know, your searches, opinions, and comments are worth less than what's in my garbage can.
Arab Muslim racism and intolerance is the cause of all the problems.

That has been more than clear over the last few decades.
That's the big lie you keep telling, but it's not true.

It's the occupation and always has been the occupation.
It's never been about land and always been about Muslim supremacist ideology and Islamism, which is basically Arab imperialism and colonialism. Israel is just one of the front lines with this ideology of intolerance and violence.
Arab Muslim racism and intolerance is the cause of all the problems.

That has been more than clear over the last few decades.
That's the big lie you keep telling, but it's not true.

It's the occupation and always has been the occupation.
It's never been about land and always been about Muslim supremacist ideology and Islamism, which is basically Arab imperialism and colonialism. Israel is just one of the front lines with this ideology of intolerance and violence.

Roudy ---are you actually suggesting that some of the bloody interactions---
in the Middle east---and in southeast asia and sub-Saharan Africa and---
in the Iberian peninsula etc etc------over the past 1400 years that involved
muslims were not CAUSED BY JEWS???? What is wrong with you?
There is no occupation, Palestinians were invented. Israel isn't going to pack up and leave.
What a dumbass statement!

The occupation is not a debatable issue. It's been going on for over 47 years and you sure as hell aren't going to re-define it now. It doesn't matter what name you call the indigenous population of non-Jews, they have inalienable rights that you and your sick ilk, cannot take away. And yes, Israel is going to leave. That is the only option they have. It is illegal to hold onto land seized in war. You don't allow bank robbers to keep the loot and the world will certainly not allow Israel to keep theirs.
It's never been about land and always been about Muslim supremacist ideology and Islamism, which is basically Arab imperialism and colonialism. Israel is just one of the front lines with this ideology of intolerance and violence.
It's the occupation. But you're too fucking irresponsible to accept it.

Their religion doesn't create the hatred your treatment of them does.

Here's one Israeli, who sees things for what they are...

we condemn the ongoing incarceration by Israeli occupation forces of hundreds of Palestinian children who are so numerous, their names are virtually unknown by those outside of their families and communities. We hope for the immediate and safe return of these children to the loving embrace of their families.
You don't think that pisses people off?

He goes on to say...
No child or civilian should ever be used as a pawn. We hope that all our actions support the life and well-being of children, regardless of their religious or national origin. Sadly, this is not the case.

[we]...condemn the collective punishment being imposed on Palestinians as a response to the kidnapping of the three Israeli West Bank teenagers. There has always been unequal value placed upon Israeli lives over Palestinian lives in the context of Occupation. The military response to the kidnappings in the form of a massive round-up of Palestinian men and the killing of at least two people as well as closures is disrupting daily life. Collective punishment is illegal under international law.
You don't think that pisses people off?

Want more proof? You got it...

Israel's repressive policies of land appropriation, dispossession, mass incarceration and siege cause wide spread harm to ordinary Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza and impede the possibility of normal, friendly relationships among Palestinians and Israelis. In addition, Israel's refusal to halt its settlement process and respond to Palestinian calls for an end to occupation has caused a small minority of Palestinians to communicate in the language that Israelis employ on a daily basis: the language of violent resistance.
How about that? You don't think that pisses people off more than the way some people worship?

This sums everything up. It is the "nail on the head"...

Without an end to the systemic violence generated by Israeli's military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, tragedies like the kidnapping of three Israeli children living in West Bank settlements, and the incarceration and killing of hundreds of Palestinian children will continue to unfold. That is why people of good will seek the end of Occupation through the use of nonviolent means. Militarism will never transform conflict, protect children from harm or create lasting peace.
"Without an end to the systemic violence generated by Israeli's military occupation..."

That's it! It is and always has been the occupation. After 47 years of that shit, how dare you comment on their reactions. You and the Israeli's have done far worse.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, the person making those statements...

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb
June 20, 2014
There is no occupation, Palestinians were invented. Israel isn't going to pack up and leave.
What a dumbass statement!

The occupation is not a debatable issue. It's been going on for over 47 years and you sure as hell aren't going to re-define it now. It doesn't matter what name you call the indigenous population of non-Jews, they have inalienable rights that you and your sick ilk, cannot take away. And yes, Israel is going to leave. That is the only option they have. It is illegal to hold onto land seized in war. You don't allow bank robbers to keep the loot and the world will certainly not allow Israel to keep theirs.
Okay, hot shot. Let me know when the Jews start packing. :lol:
Mmm, nice looking chocolate gateau, nice cherries, and considerate of the baker to put the word "Hebron" on the top in English, not Arabic. I wonder where the cake was baked?

Just curious as chocholate has been a banned substance in Gaza since 2010, so it couldn't have been there.

Chocolate has only recently made in-roads into the middle eastern markets as a luxury item.

Also curious is the fact that neither Palestinians nor the region's arab populations do not bake gateaux for celebratory purposes, never have to my knowledge, and of course we all know baking soda can be used to manufacture explosives, so...

Hasbara? Of course not.

Chocolate is a banned substance in Gaza? You're kidding right?...

“The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.”--- Dov Weisglass, adviser to Ehud Olmert.
Mmm, nice looking chocolate gateau, nice cherries, and considerate of the baker to put the word "Hebron" on the top in English, not Arabic. I wonder where the cake was baked?

Just curious as chocholate has been a banned substance in Gaza since 2010, so it couldn't have been there.

Chocolate has only recently made in-roads into the middle eastern markets as a luxury item.

Also curious is the fact that neither Palestinians nor the region's arab populations do not bake gateaux for celebratory purposes, never have to my knowledge, and of course we all know baking soda can be used to manufacture explosives, so...

Hasbara? Of course not.

Chocolate is a banned substance in Gaza? You're kidding right?...

“The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.”--- Dov Weisglass, adviser to Ehud Olmert.

when you send missiles into the homes of innocent people, losing chocolate is a pretty mild response.

maybe if they stopped blowing up people they'd get to have chocolate ganache.
Ya know, I did a search for images of Palestinians allegedly "celebrating" and came up with nothing except for images posted on some of the most brainless of the Zionist hate sites.

Have we been hoaxed? AGAIN?

I am going to try to find out.
Ya know, your searches, opinions, and comments are worth less than what's in my garbage can.

You live in your garbage can :lol:
Arab Muslim racism and intolerance is the cause of all the problems.

That has been more than clear over the last few decades.
That's the big lie you keep telling, but it's not true.

It's the occupation and always has been the occupation.

It's never been about land and always been about Muslim supremacist ideology and Islamism, which is basically Arab imperialism and colonialism. Israel is just one of the front lines with this ideology of intolerance and violence.

Zionism is an ideology of racism, colonialism, intolerance and violence.
That's the big lie you keep telling, but it's not true.

It's the occupation and always has been the occupation.

It's never been about land and always been about Muslim supremacist ideology and Islamism, which is basically Arab imperialism and colonialism. Israel is just one of the front lines with this ideology of intolerance and violence.

Zionism is an ideology of racism, colonialism, intolerance and violence.

Thanks for once again proving to is that pro Palestinian retards like yourself have no isea what Zionism is :lol: :lol:

Posting here for the ladt few years has shown me just how deluded pro Palestinians are ...

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