Palestinians don't want you to see this video:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
[ame=]"palestinians" don't want you to see this video :) - YouTube[/ame]
really ? whats his name ?
Since he spoke very fast in either Aramaic or Hebrew, I didn't catch his name. Perhaps you will have better luck if you ask Sherri his name. She seems to be on a first-name basis with him.
it's quite obvious as to why the palestinians are protesting this video. It tells the truth.

Indeed this muslim outcry over this youtube video has been

LOL...i think i the palestinians are actually telling people not to watch this video it is not so much as a protest but more of a public service announcement. what a waste.
You think? Wow, that's a revelation. When was the last time you did that?

Palestinians don't want you to watch this video because (drum roll please).....IT TELLS THE TRUTH!
A video is worth a thousand and one words. The Muslims -- if they're honest with themselves -- have to pick up their mats & go worship at Mecca.
A video is worth a thousand and one words. The Muslims -- if they're honest with themselves -- have to pick up their mats & go worship at Mecca.

what an incredibly stupid thing to say..."a video is worth a thousand and one words". that one of your little "aphorisms".

let me clue you in. a propaganda video ain't worth shite.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE HAS YET TO PROVE KING DAVID EXISTS. That is the first substantive propaganda lie, the claim about King Davids Kingdom 3000 years ago. AND that is where I stop watching. Shlomo Sand writes the real history about Palestine.
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I doubt that any muslims care about some idiotic video that contains nothing but obvious lies and deceptive half-truths. .. :cuckoo:

I doubt any muslims care about anything other than
getting into postion to do a jihad thing and get to
the jannah cat-house in the sky. could you tell us
just what in the video is an "obvious lie" ------or
"half truth" ??
et al,

Myself, I love all this archeological stuff.

As for the legendary "David," well --- I've seen credible documentaries on both sides of the issue. I don't know what to believe.

Most Respectfully,
Well of course Sherri also professes to be a "Christian" we all know that can't be possible while at the same time denying the existence of David king of Israel whom Jesus is supposed to be a relative of, according to the New Testament.

So basically we are dealing with an Islamoterrorist worshiping imposter, who professes to be a Christian as a ploy.

David was not merely king and ruler, he was also a prophet. "The spirit of the Lord hath spoken by me and his word by my tongue" (2 Samuel 23:2) is a direct statement of prophetic inspiration in the poem there recorded. St. Peter tells us that he was a prophet (Acts 2:30). His prophecies are embodied in the Psalms he composed that are literally Messianic and in "David's last words" (2 Samuel 23). The literal character of these Messianic Psalms is indicated in the New Testament. They refer to the suffering, the persecution, and the triumphant deliverance of Christ, or to the prerogatives conferred on Him by the Father. In addition to these his direct prophecies, David himself has always been regarded as a type of the Messias. In this the Church has but followed the teaching of the Old Testament Prophets. The Messias was to be the great theocratic king; David, the ancestor of the Messias, was a king according to God's own heart. His qualities and his very name are attributed to the Messias. Incidents in the life of David are regarded by the Fathers as foreshadowing the life of Christ; Bethlehem is the birthplace of both; the shepherd life of David points out Christ, the Good Shepherd; the five stones chosen to slay Goliath are typical of the five wounds. The betrayal by his trusted counsellor, Achitophel, and the passage over the Cedron remind us of Christ's Sacred Passion. Many of the Davidic Psalms, as we learn from the New Testament, are clearly typical of the future Messias.

The concept of the Messiah is important in Christianity. Originally an earthly king ruling by divine appointment ("the anointed one", as the title Messiah had it), the "son of David" became in the last two pre-Christian centuries the apocalyptic and heavenly one who would deliver Israel and usher in a new kingdom. This was the background to the concept of Messiahship in early Christianity, which interpreted the career of Jesus "by means of the titles and functions assigned to David in the mysticism of the Zion cult, in which he served as priest-king and in which he was the mediator between God and man."[42] The early Church believed that "the life of David [foreshadowed] the life of Christ; Bethlehem is the birthplace of both; the shepherd life of David points out Christ, the Good Shepherd; the five stones chosen to slay Goliath are typical of the five wounds; the betrayal by his trusted counsellor, Achitophel, and the passage over the Cedron remind us of Christ's Sacred Passion. Many of the Davidic Psalms, as we learn from the New Testament, are clearly typical of the future Messiah."[43] In the Middle Ages, "Charlemagne thought of himself, and was viewed by his court scholars, as a 'new David'. [This was] not in itself a new idea, but [one whose] content and significance were greatly enlarged by him."[44] The linking of David to earthly kingship was reflected in later Medieval cathedral windows all over Europe through the device of the Tree of Jesse, its branches demonstrating how divine kingship descended from Jesse, through his son David, to Jesus.
Western Rite churches (Roman Catholic, Lutheran) celebrate his feast day on 29 December, Eastern-rite on 19 December.[45] The Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches celebrate the feast day of the "Holy Righteous Prophet and King David" on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers (two Sundays before the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Lord), when he is commemorated together with other ancestors of Jesus. He is also commemorated on the Sunday after the Nativity, together with Joseph and James, the Brother of the Lord.
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et al,

Myself, I love all this archeological stuff.

As for the legendary "David," well --- I've seen credible documentaries on both sides of the issue. I don't know what to believe.

Most Respectfully,

I tend to believe that the great epic stories-----the bible, the ramayana,
the Odyssey----etc etc are based in real happenings There are all kinds
of etymological clues-----specifically in the bible-----names and words
appear-----in the stories----which are native to the places in which the
stories take place---TUCKED INTO THE WRITING in a manner suggesting
that the stuff was written in the place in which the action is said to have
occured. I have no idea how the language of the Ramayana pans
out-----but I do believe that the central character is based on someone.
There are references all over genesis---which indicate a repudiation
of MESOPOTAMIAN culture, social norms and law---too much
to be the machinations of some author thousands of years ago---
the book really does suggest a DISSIDENT ABRAHAM---a
NEW THINK --person

Long ago when I was young-----I did german 101-----and never
forgot "HEINRICH, DU BIST EIN NARR" (spelling?)
it is heinrich schliemann being mocked for believing that
there really is a TROY ----under the sand
et al,

Myself, I love all this archeological stuff.

As for the legendary "David," well --- I've seen credible documentaries on both sides of the issue. I don't know what to believe.

Most Respectfully,
Two archaeological finds, the Tel Dan Stele and the Mesha Stele, have direct bearing on the question of the existence of a historical David. The first of these is an Aramean victory stele (inscribed stone) discovered in 1993 at Tel Dan and dated c.850–835 BCE: it contains the phrase ביתדוד (bytdwd), and the reading "House of David" for this "is now widely accepted". [17] The Mesha Stele from Moab, dating from approximately the same period, may also contain the name David in line 12, where the interpretation is uncertain, and in line 31, where one destroyed letter must be supplied.[18]
The evidence from surface surveys indicates that Judah at the time of David was a small tribal kingdom.[19] The Bronze and Iron Age remains of the City of David, the original urban core of Jerusalem identified with the reigns of David and Solomon, were investigated extensively in the 1970s and 1980s under the direction of Yigal Shiloh of the Hebrew University, but failed to discover significant evidence of occupation during the 10th century BCE,[20] In 2005 Eilat Mazar reported the discovery of a Large Stone Structure which she claimed was David's palace,[21] but the site is contaminated and cannot be accurately dated.[22]

King David's Palace Is Found, Archaeologist

"This is a very significant discovery, given that Jerusalem as the capital of the united kingdom is very much unknown," said Gabriel Barkay, an archaeologist from Bar-Ilan University. "This is one of the first greetings we have from the Jerusalem of David and Solomon, a period which has played a kind of hide-and-seek with archaeologists for the last century."
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ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE HAS YET TO PROVE KING DAVID EXISTS. That is the first substantive propaganda lie, the claim about King Davids Kingdom 3000 years ago. AND that is where I stop watching. Shlomo Sand writes the real history about Palestine.

Oh!!! ok ----so the whole bethlehem birth thing is a crock too.
AWAAAAAAY IN THE MAAAANGERRRR---<<<< sorry kids-----
sherri says bethlehem is a silly lie. She so reminds me of that
IMAM----who lectured on GOOD FRIDAY -----"THE PERVERSE

he actually said "perverse lie"-----he had a very heavy
arabic accent----but a fair vocabulary. Imagine---there
I was looking forward to the yearly chocolate bunnies----
and some jerk from egypt was knocking the whole thing

well sherri-----you are an expert on the bible-----is there
any significance to the fact that the birth of Jesus
(that's Jesus---not isa) is said to have taken place in
Bethelehem? do you think Bethlehem has any
significance for christians (not isa-respecters----
christians) try asking isa

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