Palestinians don't want you to see this video:

et al,

Myself, I love all this archeological stuff.

As for the legendary "David," well --- I've seen credible documentaries on both sides of the issue. I don't know what to believe.

Most Respectfully,

Where is the archaelogical evidence at?

where did you learn english? "AT" ???

There is no real evidence of the existence of Jesus of nazareth.
other than the New Testament which was written some 300
years after the legendary character was supposed to have lived.

even the few lines ----tucked into the book of Josephus Flavius---is
a fraudulent insertion----and simply says----there was a person of that
name But I do believe that the young pharisee Yehoshua ben yosef
did exist----despite the fact that no trace of him has ever been found ----
there have been lots of people in the world who existed without leaving
a trace The legendary character is given a lineage back to King David--
thru is father Joseph ----making him a person of the house of
JUDAH---Judah is the fourth son of Jacob----the one upon whom Jacob
conferred inherited rule over his first, second and third born sons.

gee sherri-------how did you stay so clueless. I simply read the bible and
know this stuff------I never even attended "hebrew school"

the deathbed speech of Jacob is fascinating

do you know the story of RUTH? it is important in what
you seem to imagine is your religion

you say you like reading the bible, and you read scripture and you're always telling "others" to go and read their qu'ran (or whatever religious text book)....but it bothers you MORE that people believe in it. 'clueless' - we imagine things - Jesus, Jacob, Moses..characters...

you don't believe in God...that's how you feel. in your head and in your gut. God is non-existent. So, we, who are believers...."LOL...clueless." ok...i just feel you're more annoyed at us that actually believe in God, and like calling us "clueless."

yah. your posts are interesting too......irose.
I did not describe my own personal beliefs at all, Member----I
responded to the allegations of a person who seems to claim that
some arabic speaking person named ISA existed in palestine
some 2000 years ago-----but she KNOWS that King David never
existed. It is true that I do not believe that some guy named
isa who was a palestinian----lived in what the romans called
PALESTINE sometimes and JUDEA at other times------you made no point---
you can believe that there was a 'god' named isa living in a
country called "palestine" 2000 years ago-----fine with me. My
understanding of the time-----was that a person named JESUS----who
was clearly a pharisee----activist type-----did live there ----and he spoke
aramaic My sense of King David---is that he also existed.
Moby Dick ---is fictional
I did not describe my own personal beliefs at all, Member----I
responded to the allegations of a person who seems to claim that
some arabic speaking person named ISA existed in palestine
some 2000 years ago-----but she KNOWS that King David never
existed. It is true that I do not believe that some guy named
isa who was a palestinian----lived in what the romans called
PALESTINE sometimes and JUDEA at other times------you made no point---
you can believe that there was a 'god' named isa living in a
country called "palestine" 2000 years ago-----fine with me. My
understanding of the time-----was that a person named JESUS----who
was clearly a pharisee----activist type-----did live there ----and he spoke
aramaic My sense of King David---is that he also existed.
Moby Dick ---is fictional

i don't look upon you at all as jewish, even though you claim to be. Judaism is a Religion + you don't even believe in God ?
i can convert to Judaism tomorrow if i wanted to. why are you jewish ? sorry, not-with-it- to understand that.

i wonder what your 'ethnicity' is ? are you black ? LOL.. hispanic. asian ? are you from Italian decent...german decent, french, australian...russian, polish ... ? just wondering.
I did not describe my own personal beliefs at all, Member----I
responded to the allegations of a person who seems to claim that
some arabic speaking person named ISA existed in palestine
some 2000 years ago-----but she KNOWS that King David never
existed. It is true that I do not believe that some guy named
isa who was a palestinian----lived in what the romans called
PALESTINE sometimes and JUDEA at other times------you made no point---
you can believe that there was a 'god' named isa living in a
country called "palestine" 2000 years ago-----fine with me. My
understanding of the time-----was that a person named JESUS----who
was clearly a pharisee----activist type-----did live there ----and he spoke
aramaic My sense of King David---is that he also existed.
Moby Dick ---is fictional

i don't look upon you at all as jewish, even though you claim to be. Judaism is a Religion + you don't even believe in God ?
i can convert to Judaism tomorrow if i wanted to. why are you jewish ? sorry, not-with-it- to understand that.

i wonder what your 'ethnicity' is ? are you black ? LOL.. hispanic. asian ? are you from Italian decent...german decent, french, australian...russian, polish ... ? just wondering.

Do you smoke pot before you post here?
I did not describe my own personal beliefs at all, Member----I
responded to the allegations of a person who seems to claim that
some arabic speaking person named ISA existed in palestine
some 2000 years ago-----but she KNOWS that King David never
existed. It is true that I do not believe that some guy named
isa who was a palestinian----lived in what the romans called
PALESTINE sometimes and JUDEA at other times------you made no point---
you can believe that there was a 'god' named isa living in a
country called "palestine" 2000 years ago-----fine with me. My
understanding of the time-----was that a person named JESUS----who
was clearly a pharisee----activist type-----did live there ----and he spoke
aramaic My sense of King David---is that he also existed.
Moby Dick ---is fictional

i don't look upon you at all as jewish, even though you claim to be. Judaism is a Religion + you don't even believe in God ?
i can convert to Judaism tomorrow if i wanted to. why are you jewish ? sorry, not-with-it- to understand that.

i wonder what your 'ethnicity' is ? are you black ? LOL.. hispanic. asian ? are you from Italian decent...german decent, french, australian...russian, polish ... ? just wondering.

"Do you smoke pot before you post here?"

Toastman: i can tell you're annoyed i'm dissing your fake jew friend, irose.

what was wrong with what i asked irose about her ethnicity ? absolutely nothing. i guess it's a personal question.

+ i don't look upon her as jewish...even though she says she is. what's wrong with that ? remember, to her i'm clueless....and she pokes fun at God.

i asked her straight up, what's her ethnicity....? oh, because i asked her if she was

my thoughts on her jewishness is legitimate. what's the problem with asking someone their ethnicity ?
i don't look upon you at all as jewish, even though you claim to be. Judaism is a Religion + you don't even believe in God ?
i can convert to Judaism tomorrow if i wanted to. why are you jewish ? sorry, not-with-it- to understand that.

i wonder what your 'ethnicity' is ? are you black ? LOL.. hispanic. asian ? are you from Italian decent...german decent, french, australian...russian, polish ... ? just wondering.

"Do you smoke pot before you post here?"

Toastman: i can tell you're annoyed i'm dissing your fake jew friend, irose.

what was wrong with what i asked irose about her ethnicity ? absolutely nothing. i guess it's a personal question.

+ i don't look upon her as jewish...even though she says she is. what's wrong with that ? remember, to her i'm clueless....and she pokes fun at God.

i asked her straight up, what's her ethnicity....? oh, because i asked her if she was

my thoughts on her jewishness is legitimate. what's the problem with asking someone their ethnicity ?

Relax it was a joke.

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