Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19

It would be great if they can spread it in Gaza :yes_text12:

I couldn't find much information online about the number of cases of COVID-19 in Gaza, exept for one article dated April 3, that claimed a couple dozen cases in Gaza and the West Bank. If the Palis do experience an outbreak, they probably got it associating with Iranians, since that's where they get their rockets from. Iran has a population of 81.8 million, 76,389 cases of COVID-19, and 4,777 deaths. That's a 0,09% infection rate and a 6.25% mortality rate.

Israel on the other hand has a population of 8.88 million, 12,200 cases of COVID-19, and 126 deaths. That's an infection rate of 0.13% but the mortality rate is only 1%.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the Zionists were spreading the virus into Palestinian areas in order to further their genocidal agenda. ... :cool:
You're talking out of blind prejudice,
if only you had the brains to think for yourself,
could realize how this contradicts the most basic logic.

But that of course, they don't allow in mosques.
Oh noes! They're ON to us!

:eusa_doh:...some idiots are just beyond help....

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It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the Zionists were spreading the virus into Palestinian areas in order to further their genocidal agenda. ... :cool:

Decent Jews and decent Muslims agree on one thing.

Anyone who vilifies a religion or its practitioners for political reasons is an A-hole and G-d/Allah hates them.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the Zionists were spreading the virus into Palestinian areas in order to further their genocidal agenda. ... :cool:

Decent Jews and decent Muslims agree on one thing.

Anyone who vilifies a religion or its practitioners for political reasons is an A-hole and G-d/Allah hates them.

You do realize that for sunni to say "Zionists" is just an easy way to refer to Jews,
to try and project that "decent" facade, do You?

And yet if that wasn't already clear enough, he and his Pali heroes,
make no distinctions when talking about a "solution to the "Jewish problem".

But hey, I'm sure it's more convenient to remain in that rosy PC bubble.
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RE: Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: There is no question that included within 21st Freedoms, the "Freedom of Religion and Religious Practices" is almost a given universal understanding. However, "extremism" and the use of Religion as a tool for "radicalization"

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the Zionists were spreading the virus into Palestinian areas in order to further their genocidal agenda. ... :cool:

Decent Jews and decent Muslims agree on one thing.

Anyone who vilifies a religion or its practitioners for political reasons is an A-hole and G-d/Allah hates them.

You do realize that for sunni to say "Zionists" is just an easy way to refer to Jews,
to try and project that "decent" facade, do You?

And yet if that wasn't already clear enough, he and his Pali heroes,
make no distinctions when talking about a "solution to the "Jewish problem".

But hey, I'm sure it's more convenient to remain in that rosy PC bubble.

The Christians, the Jewish, and the Muslims, all have had a brush in history where they were either the victims of intolerance, as well as, having been persecuted others for their beliefs. Each of these religions has examples of fanaticism, zealotry, and extremism.

Having said that, in terms of the contemporary struggle, I've noticed that more and more factions are using the terms "Jew and Zionist" almost interchangeably; as if they mean the same thing. Similarly, I have observed that many people today have forgotten what the "Jewish Problem" refers to in the discussion.

I use to interpret the "Jewish Problem" to be the question of how to implement the Jewish right to self-determination and the proper application in the civil, political and religious status relative to the treatment of Jews. Whereas, I see Zionism, as more of an aggressive liberation movement for the Jewish people within Palestine. Anymore, these days, when someone makes statements about the "solution to the Jewish Problem," I have to hold my tongue until they explain what the "Jewish Problem" is in their eyes. An answer to an unknown question is confusing.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

BLUF: This would be singularly unhelpful.

It would be great if they can spread it in Gaza

The goal of Israeli actions and policy "should" be:

◈ Based on the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation in peace and in crisis.​
◈ Focused on reducing the Institutionalization of anti-Israel and anti-semitic notions, regionally and then on an international scale.​

This means that in these uncertain times, Israel must be seen in a positive light and (if possible) being instrumental control and eradication of the Coronavirus. But definitely NOT seen in the exploitation of the virus.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: There is no question that included within 21st Freedoms, the "Freedom of Religion and Religious Practices" is almost a given universal understanding. However, "extremism" and the use of Religion as a tool for "radicalization"

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the Zionists were spreading the virus into Palestinian areas in order to further their genocidal agenda. ... :cool:

Decent Jews and decent Muslims agree on one thing.

Anyone who vilifies a religion or its practitioners for political reasons is an A-hole and G-d/Allah hates them.

You do realize that for sunni to say "Zionists" is just an easy way to refer to Jews,
to try and project that "decent" facade, do You?

And yet if that wasn't already clear enough, he and his Pali heroes,
make no distinctions when talking about a "solution to the "Jewish problem".

But hey, I'm sure it's more convenient to remain in that rosy PC bubble.

The Christians, the Jewish, and the Muslims, all have had a brush in history where they were either the victims of intolerance, as well as, having been persecuted others for their beliefs. Each of these religions has examples of fanaticism, zealotry, and extremism.

Having said that, in terms of the contemporary struggle, I've noticed that more and more factions are using the terms "Jew and Zionist" almost interchangeably; as if they mean the same thing. Similarly, I have observed that many people today have forgotten what the "Jewish Problem" refers to in the discussion.

I use to interpret the "Jewish Problem" to be the question of how to implement the Jewish right to self-determination and the proper application in the civil, political and religious status relative to the treatment of Jews. Whereas, I see Zionism, as more of an aggressive liberation movement for the Jewish people within Palestine. Anymore, these days, when someone makes statements about the "solution to the Jewish Problem," I have to hold my tongue until they explain what the "Jewish Problem" is in their eyes. An answer to an unknown question is confusing.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,

That touches a wide spectrum of topics, that is not exactly the matter of this thread.

But more specifically, I was referring to a poster that uses the two terms in a cynical way,
as You've mentioned interchangeably, as a manner to put the facade of decency when talking about anything to do with the state of Israel. But at the same time makes no distinctions when suggesting to put Jews on a distant island in the middle of an ocean, in order to quarantine all of them as a "solution".

This is a widely used PC trick to deceive while normalizing bigotry in the open,
however often when letting their guard off, such people reveal the true motivation
behind their blind obsession with anything Israel.

I see this widely used, but not limited to, among the pro-Palestinian camp.

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