Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19

RE: Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

BLUF: This would be singularly unhelpful.

It would be great if they can spread it in Gaza

The goal of Israeli actions and policy "should" be:

◈ Based on the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation in peace and in crisis.​
◈ Focused on reducing the Institutionalization of anti-Israel and anti-semitic notions, regionally and then on an international scale.​

This means that in these uncertain times, Israel must be seen in a positive light and (if possible) being instrumental control and eradication of the Coronavirus. But definitely NOT seen in the exploitation of the virus.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,

Yes of course,
and in spite of mere cold rational perspective, which another point in simply logically speaking, that intentional spread of the virus means eventually turning to threaten Israelis themselves, should not overlook the moral aspect, upholding to which opened the possibility for many former enemies to become real life time friends:

The psychopath Zionists who rule the terrorist state of Israel are what's know as cultural Jews.
They use the Jewish religion as a veneer to hide their racist secular agenda to enslave the goyim and create a Greater Israel. .... :cool:
The psychopath Zionists who rule the terrorist state of Israel are what's know as cultural Jews.
They use the Jewish religion as a veneer to hide their racist secular agenda to enslave the goyim and create a Greater Israel. .... :cool:
His post is actually funny. Leave it to an uneducated Moronic Muslim

But frankly, we should thank the fella.
While some still wonder how come the Arab world is in such degradation,
comes sunni and eagerly demonstrates exactly why.
RE: Palestinians spread Libel that the Jews are intentionally spreading covid-19
⁜→ Sunni Man, et al,

BLUF: How so very unimaginative:

◈ Psychopath Zionists
◈ Terrorist State of Israel
◈ Racist Secular Agenda

As far as Psychotic Disorders go, the equivalent of psychopathic traits such as lack of remorse or guilt, or callousness fits the pattern of behaviors demonstrated by the Hostile Arab Palestinians.

When Palestinian Activist Yaser Mazhar Called on Palestinians to carry out Suicide Bombings in Israel and said: "We Long for Bus Bombings." It becomes clinically, psychopathic pathology. Similarly, when a HAMAS in Gaza was caught on camera telling Palestinians to “attack every Jew on planet earth.” This is an example of psychopathic behaviors. And again, Palestinian Authority (PA) Official Threatens to Obliterate all of Israel, that is yet another example of psychopathic behaviors. And, of course, my personal favorite was when:

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation." Accordingly for Fatah, as long as Israel exists Palestinians will have the right to kill Israeli children, as part of its "legitimate" struggle to destroy Israel.

As far as being a "Terrorist State"- that being “any government which acts as a sponsor of terrorism.” In 1938, the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism defined a set of important characteristics:


This is the very description that HAMAS and Fatah express themselves. Targeting children is a very clear example of a crime under Rule 10 of the Customary and IHL Database.

And the last address is "Racist Secular Agenda." Just what is that agenda? Israel is many times more culturally diverse than the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Israel has no policy that separates rights and freedoms by denoting attitudes and activities, limitations or restrictions by either a religious or spiritual basis. HOWEVER, Palestinian Authority officials in 2014 asserted that Islamic law forbids Jews from praying at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, both adding that the wall was an integral part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Secular Agendas are very difficult to explorer. But I know of no campaign, political roadblock or freedom that is based on the status of belief system.


Most Respectfully,
His post is actually funny. Leave it to an uneducated Moronic Muslim

But frankly, we should thank the fella.
While some still wonder how come the Arab world is in such degradation,
comes sunni and eagerly demonstrates exactly why.
The poster poser Sunni Man is a convert, safely ensconced in the Great Satan™️ where he is protected from the very ideology he converted to.
The psychopath Zionists who rule the terrorist state of Israel are what's know as cultural Jews.
They use the Jewish religion as a veneer to hide their racist secular agenda to enslave the goyim and create a Greater Israel. .... :cool:

Thanks for doing the irony.

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